Virgil- Masquerade
((Warnings: Terrible writing. I'm tired. You get this. I hope you like it. Happy Halloween btw. Small fluff? I guess. Hope this is okay. Enjoy.))
(Y/n's POV:
Here I was. Amongst the crowd of what seems like hundreds of masked people.
I myself had a mask on, which was starting to make my face sweat.
Why was I even here? I don't even like parties!
Especially on Halloween. all I wanted to do, was curl up in a ball on my couch, eat ice cream and candy while watching some scary movies.
But I can't do that. Because I'm here. At a Masquerade Halloween Party.
All because of my childhood friend Patton.
He wanted to see me after all these years, due to us only being in touch through technology. But I don't think he thought this whole 'Being masked while trying to find your friend who is also masked so you most likely won't recognize them' thing through.
So here I was. Standing in the corner while everyone else was dancing, laughing and talking their hearts away.
I was currently in a Halloween costume, obviously. I mean why wouldn't I be since this is a Halloween party after all.
I was dressed up as the grim reaper, my long grey hood hovering over my face, covering my masquerade mask.
It wasn't really fancy, it was just the closest thing I could find, that was on sale, considering how expensive Halloween costumes can be nowadays.
I sighed as my eyes scanned over the crowd. People dressed up in many different costumes, of many different colors. The aroma of the room being filled with the smell of alcohol and candy. Something that I personally think, should not be mixed.
My wandering eyes stopped on one particular costume that I admired.
A person, who with the body posture and the broad shoulders, I think was a man. He had on a plague doctors costume, with an all black shirt and jacket. The plague mask covering his face to where he didn't even need a masquerade mask.
Though I couldn't see his eyes due to the big mask covering them, I could tell he was looking at me.
I turned my head quickly, avoiding eye contact as my heart pounded with anxiety and nervousness.
I tried to calm myself down as I didn't seem to notice the figure walking up to me.
"Not a fan of parties either, huh?" A voice asked me, I looked up to see the same man with the plague doctor's costume.
"Ah, Uh- yeah. I'm assuming you don't like them yourself?" I asked him, glancing at him as he stood next to me, leaning against the corners wall.
"Yeah. Crowds aren't really my thing. Too many people you don't know." He stated. Crossing his arms.
"Understandable." I replied, looking back at the crowd, tapping my fingers against my red cup.
What? It's a party. You think I'm not gonna have at least a small drink?
"So, who dragged you here, Grim?" The man asked me, turning his head to look at me.
"My childhood friend, Patton. I haven't seen him in a while so he wanted to meet up here." I sighed, taking a sip of my beverage.
"Did he-"
"No. He did not think this through." I answered, before he could finish his sentence.
"Yeah. I understand. My friend Roman dragged me here, to get me to 'Meet new people'." He said, making quotations with his hands.
"That sounds like something Patton would do." I said, laughing a bit.
"Heh. Well, what are friends for?" He said, I could sense he was smiling.
"True." I said, setting down my cup. "So, Plague guy. What's your name?"
"Why would I tell you? I mean we did just meet." He teased, tilting his head a bit, his beak like mask moving along with him.
"Well. Mystery Beak. Usually when people first meet they te each other their names." I responded, my lips curving into a smile of amusement.
"Very well. Then why don't you tell me your name?" He asked, a small, almost inaudible chuckle coming from him.
"Ah. Ah. Ah. I asked you first." I said, crossing my arms, just like him.
"Well I'm not going to tell you my name until you tell me yours." He replied, pointing at me before returning his hand to rest on his elbow.
"Well I'm not going to say my name until you say yours first." I stated, turning to face him. Leaning my shoulder against the wall.
"Then it seems we are in quite the predicament, aren't we, Reap?" He said, entertainment in his voice.
"It seems we are, Plague-y." I answered him, grinning a bit.
"What do you suggest we do, Grim?" He asked, tapping his foot on the ground in beat with the music that was playing in the background.
"Hm. How about we try to guess each other's names?" I suggested, glancing around the room. Even if this guy was interesting, I did come here to see Patton.
"That'll work." He said, after a minute of thought.
"Alright. I'll start." I said examining him, tapping my chin lightly in concentration.
"Not even close." He said, shaking his head.
"Hm- what about-" I was interupted, by the buzzing in my jeans pocket. I stopped, raising my cloak to fish my phone out of it.
"Hello?" I answered, glancing at the plague guy infront of me. As he stayed silent, patiently waiting for me to get off the phone.
"Hey, Uhm- where are you?" I heard Patton's voice ask.
"I'm in the building. At the masquerade party you told me to go to." I informed him.
"Oh, I couldn't find you.." Patton stated, over the phone.
"Because I have a mask on, Pat."
"....Right- Well I'm in the parking lot, without a mask. Can you meet me here?" He asked.
"Yeah, sure I'll be there in a sec." I said, hearing Patton's small 'okay' before the call ended.
The masked man looked at me questionably.
"I gotta get going. Plague-y." I told him, a little disappointedly.
"So soon?" He asked, before someone called for him.
"Virgil!" Said someone in the crowd waving at him.
"I guess I have to too." He sighed, looking back at me. "I hope to see you soon, Reap."
"I hope to see you too. Virgil." I said, smiling at the fact that I found out his name.
He groaned, rolling his head back. "I could kill Roman, right now."
I laughed a bit. "Well. Make sure to hide the body. I'll see ya soon, Beaky." I said, patting his shoulder as I heard the person in the crowd, Roman, call for Virgil again.
"Yeah. See ya." He responded, watching me leave before joining his friend in the crowd.
I walked outside to the parking lot, where Patton was there waiting for me.
• • • • • •
It's been a while since the Halloween party. And it was currently near Thanksgiving.
Patton sent me out to get some cooking supplies so he could make something for a Thanksgiving dinner. Which he was practically forcing me to attend.
I still haven't forgotten the man from the party. Virgil, if I remember correctly. He just seemed so intriguing.
I walked into the store, grabbing the things Patton told me to get, before stepping up to the counter.
"This everything?" The cashier asked, although his voice seemed familiar to me.
"Yeah. That's it." I stated, reaching in my pocket for my wallet.
He scanned the things, before telling me the price.
I was handing him the money, as I looked at his name tag.
I stopped immediately, staring at his name tag. Recalling how his voice sounded familiar.
He looked at me, confused. He looked down at his shirt questioning why I was staring.
"Uhm- You okay?" He asked, looking back up at me.
I removed my gaze from his name tag and back up to his face.
"...Plague-y?" I asked, kind of hoping it was him, and not some complete stranger. Otherwise this will have been awkward.
But to my surprise, his eyes widened in realization.
"Grim?!" He exclaimed.
"Oh my god- It actually is you!" I said, looking at his face, taking in the details. I was never able to see his face due to the plague mask he wore.
"WhA- Yeah it's me- I- Wow- You're attractive-" He blurted before realizing it. "I mEan- you're a very- Uh- normal- person?"
"I- Whoa- Okay- this escalated quickly-" I said, Noticing the faint heat on my cheeks.
"Oh god-" He groaned, bending over the counter, holding his head in his hands in embarrassment.
"Hey, it's okay. I thought it was nice." I said, trying to reassure him.
"Welp- this is awkward now.." he stated, his voice a little muffled considering his face was hidden in his arms.
"There's no reason for it to be." I said, placing my money down on the counter infront of him. "Can I- for my groceries now-?"
"Oh- Yeah- Sorry-" he said, raising up and putting the money in the cash register and handing me my receipt.
"Thanks." I said, picking up my bags.
"So- Uhm- I get off in about.. two hours. If- Uh- you" He said, hesitantly. Nervously rubbing the back of his neck.
"...Are you asking me out on a date?" I asked, smiling smugly and leaning against the counter.
He backed up a little, his eyes widening a bit as a small blush was noticable on his face.
"I- Oh- No- I- I wouldn't have the nerve to ask you out.." He mumbled, turning his head to look away from me.
"Then allow me to do it for you." I said, grinning as I walked towards the door.
"I-" He froze, turning his head to look at me in shock. "What-?"
"I'll pick see you in two hours, Plague-y." I told him, opening the door and walking out towards my car.
Leaving Virgil behind in the store, a heavy blush on his cheeks and a bit of excitement evident on his face.
Where the hell did that confidence come from-?
((Word count in total: 1711 )
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