Roman- Cold.
(Warnings: like only one sentence with small language in it. This was requested by PeacefulLavender , I hope you like it!! Sorry if this sucks, I made it at 12am.))
Third POV:
(Y/n) walked down the sidewalk, Like usual. They always took the same route to their house, so they didn't even have to look up from the pavement to see where they were going.
They never really did anything other than work, eat, go home and sleep. In that order.
They didn't really have any friends due to them being the way they are.
Their personality was a bit... Cold, as some people would put it. Anyone that would try to make friends with them would always leave at some point. So, They stopped trying to make friends. Not that they cared in the first place.
(Y/n) being in deep thought, Didn't see the person infront of them.
The two strangers collided and stumbled backwards at the impact.
(Y/n) looked up to see a tall man with perfect hair, and hazel eyes.
"Oh, I'm sorry." The man said, Making sure They got their balance.
"Forget about it." They responded, quickly.
"I'm Roman." The man, Roman said, smiling warmly at them. He didn't want to tell them how cold they were physically, Despite it being warm outside.
"Didn't ask." (Y/n) replied, rolling their eyes and walking past him, avoiding conversation.
Roman watched them walk off. Though they didn't take big steps, So he could easily catch up with them if he wanted to.
He thought for a bit. A sudden twinge of interest and curiosity twisted within him. He couldn't seem to stop his feet from walking up to them, Even though They were going in the opposite direction than he was.
"So, You from around here?" He asked, Following beside them, smiling happily.
(Y/n) flinched slightly, Looking up at him, before continuing their normal walking pace.
"Nah, I'm from Mars." They replied, sarcastically, Sighing as they did so, they were always annoyed by people who intruded on their life. They just wanted to be left alone, in this cold and colorless environment.
"Hah. Well, Cold Martian, where are you headed?" Roman inquired, Curiously. He looked at (Y/n) as he talked, although he did take quick glances on the pavement, making sure he didn't trip on anything.
"You sure are nosy.. if you must know, I'm going home. And don't call me that." The replied Dully, Glancing up at him expressionless.
"Well, first of all, I'm not nosy, I'm just adventurous. There's a difference. Two, On a nice day like this? Why? Three, I don't know your name yet, so therefore, I'm going to call you, Cold Martian." Roman answered, Smiling proudly as he finished his sentence.
He sure was annoying, but for some reason, (Y/n) wasn't that bothered by it. Although they were bothered by the fact that he kept calling them that ridiculous Nick name.
"No, you're definitely nosy. There's no adventure to it. And yes I am. There's nothing else to do. And to get you to shut up. My name's (Y/n)."
"Whatever you say, Icy. You don't have any friends to hang out with? Or maybe a coffee shop to go to, to relax? Nice name, by the way." Roman said, Kicking a nearby rock off the sidewalk.
"Nope, don't have any friends, don't care about coffee unless I need it. and Thanks, Nosy." (Y/n) said, watching the rock skip on the road as they neared their house.
"Why don't you hang out with me, I was heading my way over to a coffee shop right now, wanna join? Nosy-?" Roman asked, confused at the new nickname (Y/n) had just given him.
(Y/n) stopped walking and raised an eyebrow at Roman.
"I barely know you, Nosy, And you already want me to just hang out with you? You could be a serial killer for all I know." They replied, crossing their arms and looking at Roman skeptically.
"Do you have any other plans, Icy? I promise you the only thing I kill is Just Dance, because I'm always on fire with that game." Roman reassured them, smiling.
They thought for a moment. I mean, what did they have to lose? Someone for once actually wanted to hang out with them. What were they supposed to do, say no?
"No." They rejected the offer, turning to start walking again.
"Oh c'mon, please?" Roman begged.
"Pretty please?"
"I said no."
"Please, please, please, please, please-!"
"You can't take rejection can you?"
"Oh c'mon! Pleeaaaaaaaaaaassseeeeeee-"
"Oh my gosh- fIne- as long as you shut the hell up!" They said, sighing a long exasperated sigh.
"Aha- Victory!" Roman said, Pumping his fists in the air.
(Y/n) couldn't help but snort at the childish reaction, which surprised them.
"Follow me, Icy!" Roman said, Grabbing ahold of their arm and dragging them along to a coffee shop.
"AcK- wAiT- slOw DoWn-"
. . . .
"This is what you dragged me for?" (Y/n) asked, looking at the coffee shop, Roman dragged them into.
"Yep. The decor may not be idealistic, but the coffee is amazing, trust me. What do you want?" He asked, as they both walked up to the counter.
"Just plain coffee."
"...Ew- no- that's like sacrilegious." Roman laughed, Looking at the menu. "Why don't you order something different, be adventurous."
"You're the adventurous one here." They responded, raising an eyebrow.
"...Y'know what I'll just order for you. Two Carmel iced coffee's, please." Roman said to the barista. The employee nodded and got to work.
(Y/n) shrugged. "So, addressing the elephant in the room. Why did you suddenly decide to just randomly start talking to me after we bumped into each other?"
"I thought you were interesting." Roman answered them, Smiling as he looked down at them.
"That's it?"
"Boring." They joked.
"That's honestly all, I bumped into you, you seemed chill; Pun not intended, so I started talking. I'm a very outgoing person." Roman said, glancing at the barista, who was almost done with the coffee's.
"Very cocky too." (Y/n) stated, Picking up the coffee that was now set on the counter.
"....I'll take that as a compliment." Roman laughed, paying for the drinks as (Y/n) found a seat on a nearby booth.
"You do you." They responded, Taking a sip of the iced coffee as Roman sat down in the seat infront of them.
"Good?" He asked, awaiting their answer.
"Eh, not as good as some nice peace and quiet, which I apparently have been sadly rejected of today." They stated, plainly.
"Y'know you remind me of Elsa, from frozen." Roman stated, out of the blue.
"How?" (Y/n) asked, Sipping on their coffee, that was making their hand even colder than it already was.
"You're so cold." Roman responded, smiling cockily. Obviously proud of the comparison.
"Y'know you remind me of Hans." They replied, Grinning a small grin.
"How so?"
"I don't like you. At all."
"Oh c'mon, thats not true, if you didn't like me at least a little bit, then you wouldn't still be here." Roman said, Defensively, waving his hand.
"Maybe I like what I don't like."
"That makes no sense." Roman stated, raising an eyebrow.
"You make no sense." They retorted, snorting.
"Oh now you're just saying words."
"We all say words, if we didn't, we wouldn't be saying anything." (Y/n) responded, Smiling slightly.
"Can you stop being sarcastic for two minutes?" Roman asked, sighing in defeat.
"Can you stop being annoying for two minutes?" They answered his question with a question.
Roman made a noise as if he was offend, though (Y/n) could tell it was fake.
They both looked at each other before busting out laughing.
"Nosy." (Y/n) said, as they calmed down their laughter.
"Icy." Roman responded, In-between laughs.
(Y/n) felt as if a little piece of their 'cold' personality, warmed up, just the slightest.
. . . . .
After they both finished their coffee, they started to walk back home on the sidewalk.
The sun already starting to set, due to it being late.
Roman and (Y/n) were still talking, as they walked, which seemed to be the most (Y/n) has talked in a while.
"So, Roommates? No roommates?" Roman asks, Kicking random rocks off the sidewalk.
"No roommates. You?" They said, glancing up at Roman.
"Yep, I have roommates. They can get annoying sometimes though." Roman said, snorting.
"More annoying than you?" They asked, Snickering as they did so.
"Haha-" Roman said, Sarcastically, Though he was smiling.
"Glad you find me humorous." They replied, Smiling back at him as they both neared (Y/n's) house.
Roman kicked another rock, only this time it hit a parked car next to the sidewalk, setting off the car alarm.
Roman and (Y/n) both jumped at the sound, Panicking slightly, as they didn't know what to do.
"Run-" Roman said, Grabbing their hand and booking it down the street, only stopping when they got to (Y/n's) house.
They both panted for air as they came to a stop. They didn't say anything, although the sound of laughter could be heard.
Roman looked up to see (Y/n) laughing, holding onto their sides as they did so. Which made Roman start to smile and chuckle along with them.
They both started laughing, as the distant sound of the car alarm was still going on in the distance. Which made them laugh even harder.
Eventually, they both calmed down, standing up straight and looking at each other.
(Y/n) held out their hand. "It was nice meeting you, Nosy."
"It was nice meeting you too, Icy." Roman said, Smiling and shaking their hand, which wasn't cold anymore.
"We should hang out more often." (Y/n) stated, grinning, as they both let go.
"Perhaps we could hang out this Saturday, 2pm?" Roman suggested.
"Sounds good."
"It's a date." Roman said, Smiling and turning away, Waving his hand as he did so. "See you this Saturday, Cold Martian."
"I'm counting on it, Annoying adventurer." (Y/n) responded, smiling at they turned to face their house.
Which seemed to be filled with more color than usual. As well as the world, seeming a lot less colder.
(Y/n) just couldn't wait for Saturday to come around.
(Word count in total: 1735 )
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