Patton-We are not skating again. (🎄Christmas Special🎁)
(Warnings: Spraining An ankle, Details of pain, Lazily written, Rushed. I hope you still enjoy though. Merry Christmas.))
(3rd) POV:
It was a cold day in December, the snow falling and sticking to the ground causing the grass to disappear underneath the white leveled snow.
Everything around was cold, frozen and; without a doubt, breathtakingly beautiful.
Of course; with the season freezing everything, Patton couldn't let this opportunity to go ice skating during this time, pass.
With that, here they were, Patton and his Partner, (Y/n), hand in hand, walking up to the ice skating rink.
All of which was Patton's idea, No doubt.
They both couldn't help but take in the Christmas lights as the snow lightly fell from the sky, the cold nipping at their skin. Well, what was exposed to the air at least.
They had both gotten their skates and were sitting down on a bench, putting them on and tying the strings.
(Y/n) couldn't help but smile to themself as Patton; who had already finished tying his laces, came over to help them tie theirs.
"Really, Pat, you don't have to. I can tie my own laces." They said, though, they weren't trying to object too much, they wouldn't deny, they enjoyed the gesture.
"I know! But still, let me help." Patton said, glancing up at them with a toothy grin as he finished tying their skates for them.
"Well," (Y/n) said, extending their foot to look at the tied strings as they lightly leaned back on the bench. "I must say, I couldn't have tied them better myself."
Patton laughed a bit, standing up on his skates, holding out a hand to help (Y/n) as he knew that they've never been skating before.
They looked at his hand, taking it as they gave him a grateful smile. They stood up slowly, balancing on the small blade at the bottom of their shoes.
They clutched onto Patton's shoulder as they tried to walk, loosing their footing at the first few steps.
Patton tried his best not to laugh a bit, knowing that it could most likely come off the wrong way as he wrapped an arm around their waist, trying to stabilize them as he led them to the ice rink.
"You ready?" He asked, watching as they grabbed onto the edges of the rink, laughing nervously, looking back up at him.
"Mhm-" They hummed, taking notice of Patton's hand on their bicep, as if there to comfort them.
"You can hold onto me, y'know." He said smiling at them reassuringly, as he stepped into the ice.
(Y/n) nodded, quickly shuffling their feet onto the ice. Where they almost slipped before they held onto Patton, accidentally yanking his scarf a bit, causing him to lean forward unintentionally.
They both smiled and laughed a bit at the way (Y/n) was holding onto Patton for dear life, afraid of falling onto the ice.
"You're alright, Cookie." Patton said, pecking their cheek as they loosened their grip at his words, gaining a bit of confidence in the balance.
"Alright, Alright- I've got this- no problem- Uh- What now-?" They asked, smiling awkwardly at Patton.
"Now you just follow me, do what I do." He said, chuckling a bit at their behavior. He skidded infront of them, skidding his hands down to theirs, taking ahold of them as he started moving backwards, leading them.
(Y/n) let out a small noise, between a squeal of concern and a sigh.
"See! You're doing great!" Patton reassured them, giving them a surge of confidence and excitement, as he taught them how to move their feet and how to stop.
"I am-!" They said, Letting out an exhale of amazement and relief of how they haven't fell yet. They hesitantly let go of Patton, starting to skate by themselves, as Patton watched gleefully.
"You're doing great!" He said, smiling widely at how happy (Y/n) looked, skating across the ice. He shivered a bit at how cold it was. "I'm going to get some hot chocolate real quick okay?"
"Alright." They responded, watching Patton step off the ice to get some hot chocolate. They kept skating, smiling happily.
They sped up a bit, being sure that they had gotten the hang of it as they slid across the ice.
But, they were wrong.
(Y/n's) smile fell as they fell onto the ice, rolling their ankle as they fell, the stinging pain causing them to wince. They bit their lip as they sat up, the warmth pooling on their ankle as they bit their lip, trying not to make a noise as they tried to get their mind off of the pain.
Their heart pounding a bit at the pain, they knew then and there that they wouldn't be able to walk for a while.
Patton was already heading back with the hot chocolates, but once he saw (Y/n) on the ground holding onto their ankle, he dropped the cups, not paying attention to the liquid that spilled all over the ground as he hurried his way over to (Y/n).
"Are you alright?!" He asked, sliding on his knees Infront of them, glancing between their eyes and their ankle that was already starting to swell.
"N-No not really- i- Uhm- I can't walk-" They mumbled, their eyebrows furrowed as they tried to forget the throbbing feeling in their ankle.
"C'mon, I got you." Patton said, before snaking his arms underneath their knees and their back, picking them up as he slowly stood, taking them off the ice.
They let out a small whine as the pain as they held onto Patton's shoulders, sighing a bit.
"I'm sorry." They said, sadly as he set them down on the bench.
"It's alright, It's not your fault." He said, as he gently tried to take off their skates, noticing them wincing a bit.
"....We are not going skating again-"
((SoOoO- I've been Gone- very sorry, I've been busy and such, I'm going to try to update more often, but I'm not promising anything. Also I'm not going to be taking requests yet, due to em wanting to get a few oneshots out of the way before I take on any requests. Hope you guys understand and enjoy this one, it was kinda rushed and lazily written. Have a Merry Christmas and stay safe!))
(Words in total: 1071))
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