Logan- Excuse me?
(Warning: OLD Stupid idea for a Oneshot, bad writing, I got bored so, this exists. Punching, a little bit of language, but nothing too serious. Kinda fluffy?)
(Y/n's) POV:
Logan and I had been dating, I know what your thinking.
'Logan? Dating? He has feelings? Impossible.'
It was surprising for me too, to be honest. He caught me off guard.
When he confessed he said that his heart kept racing whenever I went near him, his cheeks and ears would flush, his palms would get sweaty, he would fidget and he couldn't look me in the eyes whenever I talked to him.
I didn't really know if I liked him like that yet, so I asked for some time. He agreed to give me time to think, after a few days I noticed that I liked him too, so that's how this whole relationship started.
But, Logan doesn't really want to tell the others yet. Y'know, Thomas, Patton, Roman and Virgil?
"What?" I asked, confused.
"Well, I don't exactly understand the need to tell others about our romantic relationship. Is there a reason to?" He told me, adjusting his glasses.
"I-I don't think so..?" I said.
I suppose there wasn't a real need to tell the others about our relationship, I mean no one tries to flirt or start a romantic relationship with either of us. So, I guess telling the others about our relationship isn't really necessary.
"Alright, then we will not tell the others." Logan answered, I didn't really take offense to what he was saying, even though it might sound like he is being rude I know he isn't trying to be.
"Hey, Kiddos! Where is everyone else?" Patton asked, popping up from the ground. That sounds weird to say...
"I think Virgil is in his room, Roman is most likely 'serenading himself in the mirror'" I said, Mocking Roman's weird dramatic pose and deepening my voice.
In the corner of my eye I could see Logan's lips tug into a small smile before he raised his book to where it covered his mouth.
"What about Thomas?" Patton asked.
"I don't know where Thomas is. Probably upstairs." I answered.
"Oh okay well, KIDDOS!" Patton yelled, Causing me to jump and Logan to drop his book.
"Was there a reason to your sudden outburst?!" Logan asked, letting go of my elbow.
"Now you know what it is like to hear you 'Falsehood'." I replied, laughing a bit.
One by one the others showed up.
Roman showed up holding his sword and looking around the room for danger. Virgil appeared in his usual spot on the stairs holding tightly onto his headphones and Thomas's head peered down from at the top of the stairs.
"Where's the danger?! Virgil, Thomas, get behind me!" Roman exclaimed, still holding onto his sword.
"Easy tiger, it was just Patton." Virgil said, shoving his hands into his pockets.
"Alright, Everyone! We've been inside for too long! Let's go outside, get some fresh air! Soak up the sun! Y'know? As a famILY!" Patton said, bouncing up and down a little, from excitement.
"Uhm- Oh? Deceit is that you? What? You need help with your pet snake? Oop-welp, that's my que to leave. Sorry guys." Virgil said sinking a little.
Roman grabbed onto Virgil's hood of his jacket, before he could leave.
"You're not going anywhere." Roman said.
"Yeah, if I have to suffer then you're gonna suffer with me, Man." I said, getting up from the couch.
Virgil sighed.
"YAY!" Patton exclaimed.
"Will you stop?" Logan asked, holding onto his ears.
"Doesn't feel good when someone is screaming in your ear, now does it?" I teased.
Which he replied to with a glare.
"Onward my little ducklings!" Patton said, Marching through the door.
"Please, Refrain from calling us that." Logan said, walking behind me.
"This is going to be the death of me.." Virgil complained as the sun hit his skin.
"Oh come on, it can't be that bad!" Thomas piped, from behind Virgil.
"It is."
"Well maybe if you took off that jacket it won't kill you." Roman said, placing his sword back into it sheath.
"It'll still kill me. Wait, it can't..."
"Why is that?" Thomas asked.
"Because I'm already dead inside." Virgil deadpanned, no emotion on his face as we walked on the side walk.
"Kiddo No-"
"Should I be concerned..?"
"Mood." I replied, giving Virgil a high five.
"Okay, now I am concerned for the both of you..." Logan told us.
"Puppy!" Patton said as he saw a dog on a leash being walked by it's owner.
"No-Patton-" Roman said, Grabbing ahold of Patton.
"But- I want to pet it!" Patton responded, Getting out of Roman's grip.
"Patton No-"
It was too late, Patton was walking-Jogging-No-Running towards the dogs owner.
We all followed him, Hoping he wouldn't cause too much trouble.
"Was this his plan all along? Not to go for a walk, but to come out here to find dogs to pet?" I asked, huffing as we tried to catch up with the Dad figure of the group.
"Most likely." Thomas responded.
Finally we had caught up with Patton.
"May I pet your dog?" Patton asked.
Where does he get the nerve to do this?
"Oh yeah, Sure." Said the person, looking at all of us, but their eyes stopped on me, their gaze lingering a little bit longer.
"So, what is your names?" Asked the person.
"I'm Patton!"
"Roman the grea-"
"My name is Logan."
"I'am Thomas and that Virgil."
"And I'm (Y/n)."
The person looked at me, Their gaze still locked into me. To be honest it kinda made me uncomfortable.
"(Y/n), What a nice name, it suits you."
"Uhm-Thank you?"
"Would you like to introduce yourself?" Logan said, he sounded a bit snarky. He was staring at the person, With... Hate?... Anger?... Jealousy?...
Pff- No. Couldn't be jealousy.
"I am (Random Name)." The person looked at me up and down. "But you can call me your future date."
"Excuse me?-"
"Oop-" Virgil said under his breath. Thomas just stared at the person awkwardly. Patton looked up from petting the dog. Roman wiggled his eyebrows, which Logan glared at him for.
"So, what do you say about giving me your number?" The person said, smirking.
This was awkward, I found no interest in this person when I already have a boyfriend. But, Logan didn't really want to tell anyone that we were together, and I couldn't say that I had a boyfriend because Roman will bug me into telling him who it was. So the only option was to reject the person, without giving them any information about my love life.
"Uhm-No thank you." I said, fidgeting with my shirt.
"Aw, Come on." (Random name) said, walking a bit closer.
I backed away.
The guys just stood there, not really knowing what to do, well, except for Logan he was standing near me and glaring daggers at this random person.
"I Uhm-"
The tension between Logan and this person was thick, And I think the others began to notice except for the person that was coming onto me.
"Come on, at least let me take you out on a date. Y'know, get to know you better. " They said, looking me up and down.
"Again- no thanks."
"Aw, Come on." The person said, Putting an arm around my shoulders.
The guys were about to step in, but before they could, The person's arm was quickly removed from my shoulders.
"Do. Not. Touch. Them." I heard Logan growl, holding onto the person's arm tightly.
"And who are you to interfere?"
"For your information, I am their boyfriend. So, I'll say this once and only once. Stop flirting with (Y/n)." Logan told them, pushing their arm away.
I heard the others cough an gasp, but I couldn't really think about them right now. This was getting pretty intense.
He held up a hand to stop me from talking, not even daring to break eye contact with (Random name).
"Yeah right, how can a nerd like you get someone like them?"
"At least I didn't make any advances." Logan retorted.
I could literally see flames coming off of him.
"Fine, I'll back off. But, one more thing."
"What?" Logan said, his hands balling into fists.
"I'll get your number some day, bab-"
I saw the person fall into the ground, Their nose making a satisfying 'crunch' sound and blood pouring out of their nose and they fell to the ground, their dog licking their face.
Then it hit me.
Logan. Just. Punched. A. Random. Person.
"I told you I would tell you only once." Logan said, Holding his fist, that I presumed was the fist he punched the person with.
"What the hell?! My nose!!" The person said, nursing their nose, which was either fractured or broken.
"Your nose is broken, I suggest you go to a hospital as soon as possible." Logan said, Grabbing my hand and pushing through the others, which were staring at him in shock.
"Did he just-"
"Yes, Virgil. He did." Patton answered, running after us.
"Is your hand okay?!" I said, trying to keep up with Logan, as he dragged me along with him.
"Oh. My. God. Logan! Did you just punch somebody?! Or am I dreaming?" Thomas exclaimed, trying to keep up with us.
"Indeed, Thomas, I did. And no, you are not dreaming." Logan said, slowing down a little bit, giving the others a chance to catch up.
"Wait, So, when did you and (Y/n) become a thing?!" Roman asked, smiling.
"Approximately, Two weeks, three days, thirteen hours, Forty-five minutes and fifty seconds ago." Logan answered, not looking at any of us.
I think he's still pissed.
"Wow. I was not expecting that. Thanks for making me come along. This was way better than watching conspiracy theories to be honest." Virgil said, his eyes as wide as bowling balls.
"Okay... I still think I'm dreaming..." Thomas said, pinching himself every so often.
"Allow me to give you a Pat on the back." Patton said, reaching his hand out and patting Logan's back.
"Please, stop."
"Okay... Is no one going to talk about what just happened?!" Roman exclaimed, jogging beside Logan and me, Logan not letting go of my wrist.
"What is there to talk about?" Logan asked, holding his hand, that he punched the person with, to his chest.
"Uhm-Oh I don't know- MAYBE HOW YOU JUST FREAKING PUNCHED SOMEONE AND BROKE THEIR NOSE?!?!?" Roman yelled exasperatedly.
"Can everyone just stop yelling?" Virgil mumbled.
"Apparently not." I responded, still dazed. "Okay, everyone stop for a second."
"What is it?" Logan asked, Stopping completely.
I got my hand out of his grip and grabbed his injured hand.
"You lied." I responded.
"What?" Logan questioned.
"You said your hand was okay, but it's not. You hurt your hand. You shouldn't have punched them." I told him, inspecting his hand.
"But, they were harassing you.." Logan replied, flinching a bit at the touch.
"I know that, but, you should have ignored their last comment, I didn't want you to get hurt." I stayed looking up into his eyes.
"I understand, I let my emotions get the better of me."
"Yeah, but hey, that punch was amazing, you mind teaching me that?" Roman said. Interrupting our moment.
"Amazing? It was kinda scary to see Logan so worked up." Patton replied.
"I thought it was cool." Virgil said.
"I thought it was hot." I responded.
Logan's cheeks flushed, the corner of his mouth tugging into a smile.
"Omigosh, we get it, you're in a relationship, we're not, stop bragging." Roman groans.
"Says the person that boasts about killing a bug." I retorted.
"Patton asked me to kill a spider for him, then he afterwards he said I was his hero." Roman said.
"Spiders..." Patton shivers.
"Anyway, let's get home and fix that up." Roman said, Walking on.
"Yeah, that punch was pretty harsh, your hand is going to be sore for a while." Virgil commented, walking past us.
Me and Logan walked side by side, our hands brushing against each other, before Logan intertwined his fingers with mine. Holding my hand the whole way home.
(Word count: 2060 in total.)
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