Janus- Happiest Year. (Part Two.)
((Warnings: Passing out, Mentions of Malnourishment, Slightly angsty-? Hospital, an IV, terrible writing. It's almost 1 am, I'm tired. I hope you enjoy. Also- big props to the two people that wanted me to go through with a part two, otherwise I most likely wouldn't have done this. Stay safe, Merry Christmas.))
(Third) POV:
As soon as Remus and Roman saw Janus crumble onto his knees, they jumped up quickly, hurrying over towards Janus.
Only to find out that he was a crying, blubbering mess ontop of the stage, pulling at his hair as he tried to control his breathing.
His thin chest moving rapidly with each deep breath he took, as he slowly; and weakly, looked up at his two friends that were trying to get him off the stage and somewhere private.
The two twins picked Janus up by his arms, noticing how he didn't have any strength in him to move, though they were able to pick him up without straining, due to the poor heterochromatic male being malnourished.
He didn't find it in him to eat after (Y/n) and him ended. Though, it didn't go unnoticed, which was most likely why Remus was trying to shove fries down his throat.
Janus's eyes were becoming heavy as the two twins, simultaneously looked at him, as they walked down the stairs, almost completely off the stage, although that didn't change the fact that the many eyes were watching them closely and worriedly.
Remus and Roman tried to keep Janus awake as they held onto him, seeing him collapse and loose consciousness from the overwhelming pressure of everything mixed with his lack of nutrition.
• • • • •
The only sound that was heard in the small room Janus was placed in was the small taps of the IV that was attached to his arm, which was barely audible by itself.
He slowly opened his eyes, feeling the sting of an oncoming headache and migraine.
"Finally! Are you alright Budd-?" Remus asked, standing up from his chair that was beside Janus's bed.
"....Where am I- No- I know where I am-- Just... How.. how did I get Here-?" Janus asked, his voice strained and cracked as he spoke with a sore throat.
"Ah- Well- You passed out once the karaoke ended, and someone called an ambulance..." Roman said from beside Remus.
"..Ah- ..right. . . I- I need to go." Janus said, trying to sit up, but him being weak and Roman pushing him back down on the bed lightly.
"No, no, you need to stay here." Roman stated, looking at Janus like he was crazy.
"No-! I need to see (Y/n)! I need to see them, I-I have- I have to say- I just-" Janus stumbled out, not making any sense as Roman shushed him, trying to calm him down.
"Are... You sure that's a good idea right now-? I mean, you are as weak as water, and also, seeing (Y/n) might make a repeat of what just happened." Roman said, earning a nod from Remus.
"No!! I need to see them!! I need to talk to them!! Please!! I have to!!" Janus said, sitting back up again.
"Whoa! Calm down, Okay?? Calm down! We'll- Uh- we'll call them! We will bring them here, just- you need to stay in bed, okay??"
"I- You'll call them-? You promise? I really- really need to see them- Please I have to-!"
"Yes! Yes, I promise, just stay in bed, okay?" Roman said, convincing his friend along with Remus's help, as they pushed Janus back down lightly.
Janus nodded, sighing a bit as he held onto his head, wincing from the never ending sting.
Roman walked out the room, to call (Y/n) as Remus stayed with Janus.
"You alright, Budd?" Remus asked, taking notice of Janus's squirm.
"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine." Janus said, pinching the bridge of his nose.
Janus chuckled a bit, causing him to cough a bit from how hoarse his throat was. "The one and only."
Remus looked over his friends, Worriedly, before grabbing a water bottle. "Here."
"...You didn't spit in it did you-?"
"wHaT-? No."
"Just making sure, I remember last time." Janus said, sitting up to drink the water.
"Yeah, well, that was when you pissed me off." Remus said, grinning.
Janus took a drink of the water, it making his dry throat better as he sighed, seeming to space out, with only one thing on his mind-
"(Y/n)!" Roman exclaimed, looking at the door of the hospital room, seeing (Y/n) at the entrance. "You're here already?"
They didn't have time to respond, due to Janus jumping up, the minute he saw them.
He quickly threw the covers off of him, standing up as fast as he could, to which he stumbled at the action. He ignored Remus and Roman's protests as He caught himself before he could fall, slowly staggering his way over to them, the IV; that was still attached to his arm, following him with every step he took.
"(Y/n)- (Y/n), (Y-Y/n)- (Y/n)-" He repeated, blundering up to them, watching as their eyes grew wide in concern at the sight of him. They quickly held onto his biceps to make sure he didn't fall down as his knees shook. "(Y/n)- I-I-I-I'm so sorry- I-"
"Janus! Janus! Please, calm down, You look like you're about to fall!" (Y/n) declared, holding onto him tightly as his eyes turned glossy. Their heart squeezed at the sight of Janus and how much regret was evident on his face.
"N-No, I don't care, Please- Just- Please- I'm so-so sorry- I was- I was so stupid! I-Im Sorry- please, Please, Please, Forgive me- I-I know- I- I don't deserve you, and- And I was wrong to- To let you go- I'm sorry- I-..I just.. I love you so much, I-" Janus babbled, holding a tight grip onto their shoulders, looking straight into their eyes.
"Shhh- It's okay, Please- Just sit down- Its okay-"
"No- it's not- I was- I was so selfish, I'm so sorry-! I hurt you, and- And I hurt myself- I was so stupid, so wrong! I-I gave up-" He mumbled, the words barely coherent as he took in sharp breath. "I was so wrong- I-I'm so- sorr-"
Janus wasn't able to finish his rant, as (Y/n) quickly kissed him, making sure to hold him, before he fell. The kiss wasn't long, But it held more meaning than anything. Forgiveness, Love and Need. The need for each other.
Janus didn't say anything else when (Y/n) pulled away, all he did was place his head in the crook of their neck, not seeming to have any other words left to say.
"I forgive you." (Y/n) said, their hold around his torso becoming a tad tighter than it was originally.
Janus smiled, sighing in contentment. The embrace they shared being one of the things that showed him, that they meant what they said.
"I love you." He said, seeming to forget the IV that was attached to his arm, as well as the two other people in the room.
"I love you too."
((Word count in total: 1213))
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