44 - [JM] Scrooch
verb [skrooch]
To crouch, squeeze, or huddle.
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"Relax okay? RELAX..." He bent down and whispered into your ear while you sat at your desk. He pressed your shoulders and upper back, making you shut your eyes.
"F-Fine... now go on already!" You pushed him off and smiled, "Let me work." He kissed on you cheek quickly then walked out of your office.
You shook your head and chuckled. Your husband peeked into the room and asked, "How long do I need to be with her again?"
You threw a paper ball at him and he gasped in exaggerated surprise. "Until I step out of this room baby!" You responded and he shrugged his shoulders.
Silence fell upon the room. You could finally focus with the peace and quiet and tranquillity... You hated it. You wanted to spend time with your husband and your four year old daughter but you had deadlines to meet and reports to collate since sales for the company you work at are rising.
You stretched your fingers and stared at the blank document opened on the screen of your computer monitor, ready to be filled with words and pictures of graphs and diagrams.
But you suddenly felt a wave of writer's block wash over your mind. You couldn't think of a single thing to type, you couldn't think of anything to start with.
You rested your forehead on your hand and sighed loudly. You picked up the cup of coffee from your table and listed it to your lips to take a sip but-
You grimaced, it was cold and you didn't fancy the taste of it at all.
You placed it back on top of the coaster and ran a hand through your hair, wanting to get up and warm the cup of coffee in the kitchen but simultaneously fearing that if you moved away form your computer you wouldn't be able to focus and get any work done.
You felt your eyes start to ache as you continued to stare at the glaring monitor in front of you. You rubbed them then rested your head on the desk. You shut your eyes for a moment then-
2 hours later...
You jerked awake, your face sweaty from being rested on top of your folded arms on the table.
You lifted your head slowly as you heard high pitched giggling, followed by feet scurrying across the wooden floor. You blinked your eyes a few times to wake up yourself then sat up straight.
"Mama?" You heard your baby girl call out to you ask she walked to the table. She smiled at you widely and you returned the expression tiredly.
"[y/d/n]? Where are you my love?" James asked loudly, followed by loud flip-flop footsteps. Your daughter hurried towards you and hid under the table where your legs were tucked inside.
You chuckled and she put a finger on her lips and shushed you quietly. You stretched your arms up and yawned widely, making a loud noise as you did.
James stopped as he walked by your room in the corridor and looked at you. "Hey love, how's work?" He asked and you frowned a little, "By the way, I think I lost our daughter."
"What do you mean?" You raised an eyebrow.
"I was cleaning up the coffee that spilled all over the floor-"
He backed up a little, putting his hands out in front of him then biting his lip. "I'll explain later," He responded, "And I can't find her anywhere."
"Oh my Lord James, find her!" You shouted and got up from your seat. Your daughter giggled quietly and you glanced to her, smiling slightly.
You rushed towards James and out of the room. You hastened towards her room then to the living room, looking around frantically and playing along with the hide-and-go-seek game.
"James I gave you one job to take care of her and you can't even do that!" You shook your head and rested your hands on your hips.
He furrowed his eyebrows and stepped closer to you. "You know I'm joking sweetheart?" He questioned quietly, "I saw that your office door was open so I assumed she was in there. Before that... I was genuinely looking for her."
He ran a hand through his hair and you crossed your arms, leaning against the corridor wall. "You seem extremely stressed," James asked and you shut your eyes with stress.
"Yes Jamie... I slept on the table and-"
"Daddy? Where did you disappear?" Your daughter called out to her father and James grabbed your hand suddenly. He pulled you towards your bedroom them stopped halfway in the hallway and opened the laundry closet door.
He stuffed you inside and followed behind before closing the door. You stood still, your back pressed against his chest. You could feel him breathing on your neck.
"What are we doing here James?" You whispered furiously.
"Playing hide and seek with [y/d/n]," James answered and wrapped his arms around your waist, "Do you have better things to do?"
"Um yes? Work!" You said and he covered your mouth to quieten your temper.
"SHHH I can hear her," He says quietly and you bit your lip. You tries to steady your breathing but the atmosphere was stuffy and you were standing so close to James you couldn't help but breath heavily. Plus, he had his hand over your mouth.
"Mommy? Daddy?" She asked aloud and you saw her shadow love away from under the crack in the door.
You waited in complete silence for a few moments then you took a breath and reached for the door knob. You were about to turn it open but he grabbed your hand and pulled your back.
"Let me go James, I need to finish-"
He pulled you closer to him and you glanced to his lips. "F!@#..." He growled, "Give me ten-"
[y/d/n] walked around the apartment, close to tears because she couldn't find her mother and father anywhere.
She walked towards the laundry closet and stares at the-
She jumpsnsith alarm then walks to it and knocks on the door.
"Mommy?" She asked and stood at the door while looking around.
You snatched your hands back from around James and stared at him with horror. You clenched your jaw then straightened your hair and clothes while James did the same.
You opened the door and looked outside. Your daughter was standing at the door and smiled widely when she saw you.
"I found you mommy... And daddy!" She cheered and you forced a smile on your face.
"Y-Yay sweetheart! That's... great," You answered.
"Why don't you go and take out Twister love? Me and you will play while mommy finishes work," James suggested while trying his best to stable his voice.
Your daughter nodded her head happily then walks away. You watched her then slowly shut the door. You started to breath heavily.
"How long will she take to set up Twister?" He asked and you ran a hand through his hair.
"Stop talking, don't waste my time," You said then grinned.
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