41 - [JM ft. Bill H.] Green-eyed
G R E E N - E Y E D
adjective [green-ahyd]
Jealous; envious; distrustful.
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"Do Stefon!" You requested with excitement and he laughed, "Come on, please. He was my favourite on SNL."
He cracked his knuckles then pursed his lips to stop the smile on his face. He pulled on his long shirt sleeves to cover up half of his hands then he covered his nose and mouth with his hands.
"Hi [y/n]," He said as he imitated Stefon's voice and you grinned.
"How's your husband, Stefon?" You bit your lip and he sighed.
"Do you know where Seth went? I can't find him anywhere," He continued in the same voice and then chuckled. You stared at him in awe and he raised an eyebrow.
"Is that enough Stefon for you?" He returned to his normal voice and you shook your head.
"I can never have enough Stefon, Bill Hader," You smiled and he shrugged his shoulders. He got up and placed his phone in his jeans pocket.
"Do you want some coffee?" He asked and you nodded your head. He smiled, you watched him walk away from the table towards the coffee machine at the other end of the large stage building.
You gazed upon him with a smile on your lips, resting your chin on your palm. He just made you feel... happy. You couldn't help but feel optimistic around-
Someone pulled back a chair swiftly and sat on top, pushing themselves right next to you. You turned to your left and found that it was your boyfriend.
"Hi Ja-"
"What are you doing?" He questioned flatly and you furrowed your eyebrows a little at his attitude.
"Hanging out with Bill... Why?" You replied and he clenched his jaw.
"Don't you have better things to do? Why don't we get lunch?" He suggested and you shrugged your shoulders.
"I uh, had lunch already... with Bill."
He stared at you with disbelief, not saying another word, then stands up suddenly and walks away. You rolled your eyes and sulked, watching your boyfriend act like a drama queen.
You're starring in this new thriller film with James whom you had known from having Michael Fassbender as a common friend. Michael kind of set both of you up, and you instantly liked James upon meeting him.
The fact that the two of you got an opportunity to work on a movie together made you extremely happy.
But you feel far from it ever since you came to the set.
Upon finding out the cast of the movie, James was satisfied to have someone else that he has met and worked with before. Bill had been with him on 'The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby' film series.
James introduced you to Bill, who plays a supporting role in the movie, first day on set and immediately you bonded with him well.
Being a comedian and having an eccentric personality, you found him intriguing. Plus, he always had sensible things to talk about... not that James doesn't.
You enjoy spending time with Bill but James won't accept it. You've reassured him countless times before that you belong to him but he doesn't have any trust placed in you.
Two days later...
You leaned and clenched the sides of the sink, looking at your reflection then sighing. "Cheer up... he's done so much for you," You told yourself, "Don't make it awkward [y/n]."
You were feeling extremely blue on set today and Bill noticed your lack of joy. He offered to take you out, to make you happy and you couldn't reject him. Compared to James, he at least noticed your emotions... which surprised you in the least.
You shut your eyes momentarily then ran a hand through your hair, fixing it in the process. You smiled at yourself then stepped out of the washroom.
You walked towards the bar and sucked in a sharp breath, raising your arm and ordering three shots for yourself. You then walked over to where Bill sat at the bar, near one end.
"Hey [y/n], you okay?" He asked and you smiled. The bartender placed three filled shot glasses beside you and clenched your hands into fists. You shrugged off all your inhibitions then drank all three shots one after the other, while Bill stared at you with bewilderment.
"Um... Maybe you want to take it easy on the drinks," He suggested with hesitance as you stepped closer to him, "We do have work tomorrow and-"
You gripped the side of his arm tightly and leaned closer to him, "I want to get drunk and have a good time Billy." You smiled toothily and he gulped. The only thing he dread was James...
He had called you five times already but you kept ignoring it. You were having too much fun. You haven't felt this happy in a while.
Bill was telling you stories from his SNL days and they were hilarious. You had tears in your eyes, your stomach hurt and you were completely and utterly drunk.
You raised your index finger to the bartender for another shot and Bill furrowed his eyebrows. As the bartender placed the glass down, Bill reached out to move it away from you.
"H-Hey... what... wh-what are you-"
"You've had enough to drink [y/n]," He stated and you looked to him with rage.
"Stop be-eing a dad Bill!" You complained with slurred speech and glared at him, standing up from your seat on the bar stool, "I-I-I'm a grown w-woman."
After a moment of staring at you, he let go of the glass and you grinned widely. You whipped your head back as you drank, almost losing your balance. You gripped the bar with one hand and reached out to Bill for stabilisation with the other.
"I'm just trying to have a g-good time Billiam-"
You froze all of a sudden and started laughing out loud. "Billiam!" You covered your mouth, "That's f-funny because y-your real name is Will... Wi-Will..."
You drooped a little, feeling light headed suddenly. You swallowedhard and shook your head to suppress the sick feeling rising within you.
"Hey, you've drank too much and you need to rest," He started to stand up and you clinged onto his arms, "Why don't we get out of here and-"
You chuckled like a child seeing a bucket of ice cream in the freezer. As he pushed and guided you towards the exit, you turned around to face him. You stared at his eyes then licked your lips.
"Do you want to f!@# me Bill?" You teased while singing and he widened his eyes, gulping.
"Let's g-go out," He mumbled and you laughed.
"You LOVE me Bill, you love me so so so so so much!" You cheered and started stroking his cheeks, "I l-love you too Bill Hader! I love you so much, I've loved you ever since I saw your handsome face."
You continued to blab uncontrollably, much to Bill's annoyance and horror. He feared that something regretful would happen, you're extremely far from being sober.
The two of you stepped out of the bar and you pushed him into a dark alley. "Wh-What are you-"
You smacked your lips onto his, tugging on his hair as you stood on your toes. He kissed you back after a moment then abruptly moved away.
"You have a boyfriend [y/n]!" He exclaimed with rage.
"S-So what?" You giggled and stroked his chest lightly, "Come onnn Bill I love youuu! Isn't that what m-matters?" You stepped closer to him till your body pressed against his.
"Get off me... p-please," He mumbled as you caressed his cheek. He started to smile softly, leaning towards you but he shook his head and shoved you aside. He couldn't betray his friend.
3 days later...
Bill paced around his trailer, gathering his thoughts before going over to the set and meeting the rest of the cast and crew.
"Stay calm, everything will be fine. She probably doesn't remember anything," He whispered to himself then go on a deep breath. He walked towards the door and swung it open, yelling in surprise and almost falling back when he saw that James was standing right outside.
"AAAHH oh my God, James h-hi!" Bill smiled nervously then stepped down from the trailer and shuts the door, "Wh-What are you doing h-here?" He crossed his arms and clenched his jaw.
"They were asking for you. They need to align focus for the scene before they shoot or something," James answers flatly, uninterested in talking to Bill. He starts to walk away and Bill looks around, before following James.
Bill places his hands in his pockets, as if he was cold although he was actually nervous. "So you're stealing me girl huh?" James chuckled and Bill muttered something under his breath in fright.
"Wh-What, no I'm not," He said in a rush and James laughed.
"I'm joking Bill," He responded, "It's like you've seen a ghost. Are you feeling alright?"
"I'm fine."
"By the way, do you know where [y/n] went over the weekend. She said she had been out with her friend [y/b/f] but I don't know," James asked and Bill bit his lips, looking up to the sky as if to stop the tears of guilt in his eyes.
He stops walking. Moments later, James turns around with confusion. "What's wrong?" He asked.
"Um James there's s-something... I wanted to talk about," Bill ran a hand through his hair, "Uh you're... I don't... It's about [y/n]-"
"Is she in trouble? What's wrong?"
"N-N-No, she's just... well she's normal but she-"
"Quit beating around the bush Bill and-"
"She kissed me James and she was drunk!" Bill exclaimed and he shut his eyes.
"What..." James mumbled and moved closer to him.
"W-We m-made out and then we-"
"You WHAT?!"
Bill jerked in fright and backed off as James stormed towards him. "W-W-Wait, James! Let me explain," Bill tried to reason with his friend but steam puffed from his ears, "She was drunk out of her mind and she went on about how she loved me and then she just kissed-"
James punched Bill in the nose and clenched his fists, heaving. "HOW COULD YOU BILL?!" He yelled, "I thought you were my friend, and you f!@#ed my-"
"We didn't f!@# James!" Bill clarified, putting his hands out in defence, "SHE kissed me, I told her to stop-"
"AND YOU STILL KISSED HER!" He shouted and punched him in the jaw, then grabbed the collar of his shirt.
"You listen to me you little shit," James threatened, "Stay away from [y/n]. Don't talk to her unless you need to for work, don't go near her and I swear if you try to anything, I WILL get you fired!"
"James you're overexaggerating-"
James started to wrestle Bill to the ground, kneeing him in the stomach while Bill yanked at his hair-
"JAMES!" You screamed at your boyfriend who was on the ground with Bill pinning him to the ground. You ran towards him and pulled him off.
"WHAT THE F!@# GUYS?!" You yelled, " Stop that, STOP!"
The two guys looked up to you and you grabbed James by the arms and picked him up.
"Are you two out of your f!@#ing minds?! You assholes-WHAT is wrong with you?" You exclaimed, tears stinging your eyes put of disbelief at their attitude.
"We need to talk [y/l/n]," James pointed at you then stormed ahead towards the filming stage. You bit your lips and covered your face.
Bill moved closer to you and reached to place a hand on your shoulder but you pushed him away. "[y/n] I'm-"
"Did you have to tell him?" You shook your head, "I thought we talked about it Bill, I trusted you."
"I couldn't keep it in, I'm sorry I'll make it up to you-"
"Just... leave me alone," You mumbled and walked away from him, sulking towards the stage.
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