35 - [JM] Atweel
adverb [uh-tweel, at-weel]
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"She's started to comment on everything now. Her observational skills are through the roof!" James laughed as he squirted Thousand Island dressing on his salad.
You grabbed the jug of orange juice and poured James and yourself a glass each. "She's actually enjoying herself watching television," You said.
"What shows does she watch?" Mrs Baxter asked you, "Our Richie mostly watches cartoons."
You glanced to the backyard and the slides set was placed and smiled when you saw your daughter playing with her friend. "Well she loves watching this show about pets on Animal Planet, she's been asking us for a dog," You answered happily.
"Actually what she adores is finding more about her daddy's work," James inputted, "Other than Gnomeo and Juliet I haven't come in any kids films but sometimes she sees scene on the tele and she always grows excited."
"Oh Jamie, tell them about the time she thought..." You suggested and he tilted his head with confusion, "The one with the actor-"
"Oh, yeah!" James started to laugh and you knew he had the right story in mind.
Four months ago...
"Daddy we learnt about oppations today," Your four year old daughter said with a smile as she jumped onto the couch next to her father.
"Oppations?" He raised a brow, "What's that?"
"O-Occu-It's something for jobs!" She stuttered and James nodded his head.
"Oh you mean 'occupations'," He said, "What did you learn?"
"My teacher said you're an actor," She told, "What do you do?"
"Well I pretend to be different people," He smiled, "I wear costumes and make up and use different weapons or things to make character more... Interesting."
"Do you work in movies?"
"Yes love, I do," He responded, "Actors work on movies and TV shows and anything!"
"Do you work at the airport?" She asked and he chuckled, "You're always going to the airport."
"No I don't work at the airport. I have to take a plane to go to a movie set, where actors work sometimes, because it's far away," He explained and she nodded her head in realisation.
Your daughter's eyes darted to the television screen and she pointed at it happily. "Daddy look, your movie!" She cheerfully informed and James furrowed his eyebrows.
The film was 'Christopher Robin' and last time James checked, he hadn't acted in it. "Sweetheart that's not me-"
"Daddy you met Winnie?" She walked over to the screen and smiled when she saw Winnie the Pooh on the screen.
"Honey that's not me. That's another man!" He repeated and picked her up and put her on his lap, "His name is Ewan McGregor and he looks NOTHING like me [y/d/n]."
"But he does! He's exactly you... He's a clone!" She laughed, "And you didn't tell me you met Winnie!"
"Because I didn't!" He sighed then grabbed her face lightly, "See... [y/d/n] take a long look at me."
James then turned her face to the television and frowned. "I look nothing like him love!" He reasoned and your daughter laughed loudly.
"Daddy stop being funny," She said, "My tummy hurts!"
He huffed then put her down on the couch next to him, "Wee girl, you are hopeless." James walked to the kitchen then rolled his eyes at you.
"Hey at least she got the Scottish part right about you with Ewan," You said and he raised a brow, "And he's not that bad looking."
He hugged you from behind and kissed you-
You cleared your throat and glared at James, who stopped the story on your indication.
"Basically, [y/d/n] thinks all men to some extent are clones of each other because they look 'alike'," You explained and chuckled, "One day she even said 'what is wrong with this showbusiness!', it cracked me and James up!"
Everyone laughed and you watched your daughter running around the garden then tripping over a log.
You grabbed James' hand under the table unconsciously and gasped slightly. He glanced to you then smiled softly, mouthing the words, "She's okay."
"You know she's still after the fact that he's Ewan," You continued, "This morning she saw a picture in the paper and she ran to daddy with it excitedly."
"I think it is adorable, she always has something to look out for," Mrs Baxter commented and you smiled.
"Why couldn't she compare me to... Sean Connery?" James complained and you nudged him lightly.
"Because he's old and he doesn't come on tele anymore!" You responded and he kissed you cheek forcefully.
Mrs Baxter stood up and went over to the kitchen, "Now I think the little ones should be informed that dessert is ready."
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