18 - [JM] Nummary
adjective [nuhm-uh-ree]
Of or relating to coins or money.
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You stared at him from leaning on the kitchen bar and sighed. You took a deep breath then walked over to the dining table where he sat with his laptop open in front of him, typing away furiously.
"Hey baby," You mumbled and he hummed a response, "How's it going?"
"Fine, there's no bloody opportunity out there right now but my agents are working on it," He buried his face in his palms and breathed out loudly. You slid your hand up his arm and to his mid back, rubbing it slowly and pressing it at times.
"You'll find something, I know you will," You leaned down to his ear and whispered, "I'll keep looking too." You planted a kiss on his neck then onto his lips quickly.
"Mama, appo!" Your two year old son called out to you as he waddled up to the dining table and pulled on your pants. He wanted some apple juice and you stroked his tuft of light brown hair on his small head.
"Do you want anything sweetheart?" You asked James and he shook his head, "Are you sure?"
"Yeah, thanks love."
You walked towards the kitchen refrigerator then took out the jug of Apple juice. You poured half of your son's drinking glass then screwed up the top and gave it to him. He started chugging it down and you smiled.
You sat at the kitchen island, at a seat so you could see James right across. You frowned then flipped through a lifestyle magazine.
James is going through an acting slump where he's been out of projects for almost an entire year with no work in sight. He was extremelt devastated and demotivated, and you felt awful for your husband. You wanted to help but you didn't know how to, other than being there for him whenever he needs you.
"Daddy?" Your son called out to him and stood by his chair with his hands on his father lap. He started to mumble something, gibberish, and James smiled.
"Hello [y/s/n], what are you-"
"Sweetheart don't disturb daddy, come on. Let's play something together," You said and your son looked towards you with sadness.
"But daddy..." He said quietly and James lifted him up and placed him on the edge of the table.
"Its alright [y/n/n]," James starting tickling your son's stomach, making him giggle. James smiled widely then kissed his cheek, "Do you want to help me with my work? No agent can say no to a cute boy like you!"
You bit your lip to hide your laughter, then turned to the stove to warm up the chilli con carne for dinner-
Your gaze darted to the phone on the kitchen wall. You picked it up and put it to your ear.
"Hi dear, how are you doing?"
James looked at you wondering who was on the phone. Your son started playing with the buttons on the keyboard, James gave him his pen and paper instead.
"Hi mom, I'm good. What about you?" You answered while staring at James and he rubbed his forehead with anxiety.
"Alright. You're father just came back from the store with groceries, I'm planning to make apple cobbler!" Your mother shared and you smiled.
"That sounds lovely mom, save us a bit. Maybe we'll stop by over the weekend, [y/s/n] would enjoy having some," You said and watched your son talking about something to his father, who was smiling widely.
"So how's... James doing?"
You took a deep breath before answering, "Fine, he's doing some work right now."
"Oh he found a job?"
"N-No he's... still searching mom."
"[y/n] he's been out of work for how long? Almost ten months and there's so much stress on you, it's unhealthy!" She expressed with frustration.
"Mom he's handling it-"
"And you have a young boy to take care of too. He needs his mother to be around and if you're working all the time how is that supposed to happen?"
"James is finding work alright?! He's trying as hard as he can to provide for the family."
"Doesn't seem like it, he hasn't worked for such a long-"
"Seriously mom, why is this bothering you so much?!"
"Because you're my daughter!"
"And he's MY HUSBAND mom!" You yelled and silence fell over the house and the phone. You glanced to James who looked surprised. He got up and picked up his son from the table then walked over to your slowly.
"He's finding work, alright? It's not easy right now, the industry is completely down. He's been searching non stop and-and he's completely devastated about not working. He doesn't know what to do with his time!" You rubbed your forehead, "He needs all the support he can get, he's part of the family. Whether you like him or not, he-"
"Oh [y/n] stop with your drama! How could you question something like that?"
"You didn't want me to marry him mom! But I did and whether you like it or not he's part of the family and you need to give him space!" You argued and looked to James who was staring at the floor.
"Your dad calling for me, I should go-"
You sighed with guilt, "Mom I'm sorry..."
"I hope James finds some work. Give our love to him and [y/s/n]."
"Mom I-"
The call ended abruptly and you shut your eyes, sighing as you put the phone back in its holder. You buried your face in your palm and held back the tears forming in your eyes.
James wrapped his arms around your waist after putting his son down on the kitchen counter next to you. You hugged him back tightly, sniffing a little as he kissed your head.
"Hey, love it's okay," He whispered and you shook your head.
"N-No it's not, they think so low of you Jamie," You gripped him tightly and he rubbed your back softly.
"It's honetsly alright because I got it."
You pulled away and stared at him with confusion, "Wh-What?"
"I got an audition next week for a movie by Bryan Singer sweetheart!" He held your arms and raised his brows with excitement.
"Oh my God James!" You hugged his neck strongly then kissed him on the lips, "That's amazing baby!"
"They sent me a part of the script, do you want to read it with me?" He asked and pulled you closer to him.
"I'd love to!" You responded then picked up your son, "Let me put on dinner then I'll join you."
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