12 - [RT] Ghosting
noun [goh-sting]
The practice of suddenly ending all contact with a person without explanation, especially in a romantic relationship.
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Robbie walked towards the house at the end of the road, a smile on his face and a basket full of freshly baked bread on his arm. He walked up the pathway and knocks on the door. Moments later, it slowly opened.
"Hello there, [y/b/n]! Where's your sister?" Robbie asked as he stepped inside the house. The young boy didn't answer, assuming that Mr. Turner was playing a joke.
Robbie placed the basket on the kitchen counter and furrowed his eyebrows. "Where's [y/n]? I can't see her anywhere," He questioned and placed his hands on his hips.
"Didn't she tell you?"
"Tell me what [y/b/n]?"
"That she's not living here anymore. She moved away two weeks ago," He explained and Robbie watched him with disbelief.
Robbie started laughing, patting the boy on his shoulder then walking around the main room. "That's brilliant [y/b/n], you fooled me well-"
"I am playing no tricks Mr. Turner, my sister is away and she has been for quite a while now," He explained and Robbie sulked, "Mother told us to tell you though when you did not come over here we thought you found out."
Robbie kneeled down, "I don't only come here to meet your sister [y/b/n]. I admire your family."
Your brother told Robbie everything about you and why you had suddenly left without a word of warning. Your parents thought it wise for you to go away and train to be a nurse for the on-growing war. You protested against it, not wanting to be away from your Robbie. You loved him so much that not having him by your side would probably drive you insane.
You made excuses, you told your parents that you were much suited being at home and that your sister can go on to be a nurse. Your mother needs someone to support her but both your parents wanted to send the children away to learn and grow better.
In a matter of days, your bags were packed and you were taken to the main town by your family. You didn't even have a chance to say goodbye to the Turner family, especially Robbie.
All that Robbie said was goodbye, before walking out of your family's house and heading home. He didn't comment about anything, he didn't protest. All he felt was numbness, and he detested it.
You laughed at a joke your friend was telling you involving one of her old neighbourhood friends. You then stopped by a post box and took out an envelope out of your coat pocket.
"What have you got there [y/n]?" She asked and you smiled softly.
"A letter for someone back home," You answered and she giggled.
"Is it for that dreamy Robbie Turner you go on about endlessly?" She teased and you rolled your eyes, and laughed.
"I just wish I could be with him..." You mumbled then slid the envelope through the post box opening.
"Mr. Turner, I have a letter for you!" The mailman called out and Robbie rushed out towards the front lawn. He took the letter and read the address, furrowing his eyebrows with confusion.
"Are you sure this letter is for me?" Robbie asked and the mailman nodded his head with a smile.
Robbie raised an eyebrow then walked back into the hosue while tearing open the envelope and pulling out the letter, reading it to himself:
To Turner,
I have not the faintest clue of why I am writing up a letter for you to read. You have a farm to tend to, a house to take care of and I shall not waste your time.
Robbie, I utterly miss you and I wish that I was still in town with the thought of having you around. I could meet you anytime, we could have our walks by the beach whenever we wanted. I admired the way you would tell me how we'd spend the rest of our lives together.
I have found a group of friends, it's not as entertaining as life at home. I wish that you could be here. It's lovely and the place is beautiful but it does not have you in it. Would you come here if you could? I would love it if you did... I could show you everything here, where I live and where I work. We could have a meal at a fancy restaurant and go to the fair. It opened up a few days before and it looks entertaining!
I miss you Robbie. I feel alone at night. I remember your sneak into my bedroom and we'd have leftover pudding with candles around and the did blowing into the room. I wish I was not forced to go away, I wanted to spend all my time with you... And now I can't.
I love you Robbie. I have been blessed in knowing you. I'm sorry I did not get a chance to tell you of my leaving.
Yours truly,
Robbie took a deep breath and shut his eyes, sinking back to his seat and thinking about you and the times he shared with you. He smiled softly, his fingers rubbing the sheet of paper lightly.
He sat up straight suddenly and pulled his typewriter closer to him. He stretched his fingers then got up, putting on some music on the gramophone to get him into the mood.
He hummed along with the music then paused for a moment to gather his thoughts. Robbie started typing then stopped after he typed a small paragraph.
"Dear [y/n], receiving a letter from you today is the best thing I could ask for. I am not doing close as well as you are," Robbie stopped then ripped the page out of the typewriter and crumpled it, "No that sounds childish..."
Robbie took a deep breath then started typing again. Once he finished he took it out of the typewriter and smirked as he read it to himself:
Dear [y/n],
Words can never describe how much I miss your presence. How are you my sweetheart? I am doing well and you never waste my time.
Receiving a letter from you today has been the greatest feeling ever since we made love on the beach a month ago. I can see that smile on your face, keep smiling because it is making me smile too. I know you adored that day, you miss it as much as me and you think about me every night you go to bed, laying there staring at the roof of your bedroom. I know it, you're aching miserably for me at this very moment. London has nothing that can stand against me, I feel sorry for you my love.
Robbie paused and smiled, looking out the window then laughing, imagining the look on your face as you'd read this words. He then continued reading.
As much as you wish I was by your side, I am happy that you are out exploring the world and being the adventurer I know you to be. You are making me so proud, you are making me so inspired and I can't believe you didn't tell me about it all!
Would I sound odd if I I told you that I dreamt about you and I having a small cottage near a lake? It was cold, you were clothed in a cardigan and you were hugging me so tight. I made you a cup of tea and we watched it snow softly outside. You told me you loved me and I kissed your head...
I'm sorry, I'm trailing off now. You must be far too busy training to read this. Continue being my [y/n] and you will continue being in my dreams.
P.S. You owe me another 'beach night' for not telling me of your leaving.
Robbie slid it into an envelope and sealed it. He grabbed his jacket then raced out the door to mail his letter.
"[y/n] you've got a letter!" Your friend ran up to you and held out an envelope, a smirk on her face. You raised an eyebrow with confusion and shrugged your shoulders.
You looked with surprise when you saw the name, "It's from... Robbie?"
"Read it! I want to know everything."
You giggled and hoped that he would not have written anything suggestive like through his previous letters. You didn't mind it at all, it entertained you thoroughly.
"Dear [y/n], how would you react to hearing me coming over to London to spend two weeks for a holiday? Love, your Robbie," You read aloud and tilted your head. It was the shortest letter you received from him.
"What does he-"
"He's coming to London... Robbie is coming here to visit me!" You cheered after realising the meaning of his ambiguous words. You looked at his letter once more and bit your lip to hide your excitement.
You got up suddenly and ran to your room, wanting to ask him about every single detail of his visit. Finally meeting him after weeks... You couldn't believe it.
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