05 - [CX ft. Erik L.] Sennachie
noun [sen-uh-kee]
A professional storyteller of family genealogy, history, and legend.
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"Now you go on and finish off helping your family love," Charles says then walks over to you, wrapping a hand around your waist and kissing the side of your head.
You nodded your head and slung your duffel bag over your shoulder, looking at your niece in the lounge. "[y/n/n] is a bit fussy sometimes so if she causes any trouble, give me a call," You told and he smiled.
You walked over and waved goodbye to Hank and your niece, then hugged Erik once again and kissing him on the cheek. Charles led you to the door, you held his hand tightly and didn't want to leave him.
Once you found the taxi you had called to the School waiting outside, Charles opened the door and followed you out. You could feel the despair he was enduring at the moment.
When you reached the metal gates of the complex you turned around and hugged him with as much affection as you could. "I'll miss you Charles," You whispered in his ear and he pulled you closer to him.
"Don't worry about us okay? We'll be fine and [y/n/n] will have a lovely time," Charles said with grief and you pulled away from the hug to kiss him passionately on the lips. You moved your hand to hold his arm and used your powers to take away the pain he was feeling.
A tear rolled down his cheek, He groaned a bit from slowly turning numb inside. "Y-You'll feel better now," You said then stepped away from him. He stared at you with a slightly blank expression and you sighed. It was a result of using your powers, the person feels a bit disconnected from reality for a few moments.
Your niece watched you say goodbye to Professor Xavier and sit in the cab from the window inside the School For Gifted Youngsters with curiosity. She turned back and walked over to Erik.
"Uncle Erik, I have a question..."
"Yes darling, what is it?" He replied as he set up Snakes & Ladders.
"Why do people kiss each other?"
Erik laughed, "Why did you suddenly think of that?"
She looked to the floor shyly, "Well I just saw Uncle Charles and Aunt [y/n] outside."
Erik looked out of the window and noticed the Professor walking back into the school. "[y/n/n] it's a way to show someone you love them. You kiss someone when you're happy and you feel happy when you're with them," He answered and she tilted her head a little to the side.
"But Aunt [y/n] left and she's not happy about it."
Erik bit his lip, "Well just think about it as a way to tell someone you love them." She smiled widely then ran up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, planting a kiss on his cheek.
Erik laughed, "You're such a sweet girl, I love you too!" She giggled then ran over to Charles when she saw him enter the lounge. She hugged his legs tightly and he smiled.
"What's going on over here?" He asked, his voice still a little shaky. Erik frowned a little then cleared his throat, "[y/n/n] and I are about to start a game of Snakes & Ladders. Would you like to join us?"
Charles stayed silent as he walked closer to the table then put his hands on his hips, "I guess why not?"
Professor Xavier toured the young girl around the hidden X-men base, even opening the door to Cerebro and telling her what that machine is capable of. She insisted on seeing it in action but Charles told her on another occasion. He did break a few rules since she's too young, and you'd be furious with him, but he had to pass the time some way.
Eventually, to pass the time, Charles resorted to telling [y/n/n] tales of his past with encountering mutants and saving the world. It sounded just like stories of fiction and your niece loved all of it. In fact, some other kids joined in out of curiosity and they stayed there till the Professor finished his story.
"... And I immediately knew that we all were in trouble. I couldn't let the team down so I decided to put my life in front of everyone else," Charles narrated and [y/n/n] gasped, covering her mouth, "It was terrifying and I was afraid that I was going to die. I wouldn't have all these lovely students to teach and help but then Erik saved me."
He looked back to find the famous Magneto standing by the entrance with a smile. "Erik levitated towards me with the control of magnetic forcefields then started controlling the ship that was hurtling towards us. I shouted at him, saying that it's too dangerous! No Erik you'll kill yourself! But he continues on, bending the metallic ship and reducing it to a smaller size while crushing all the bad people inside. Their ship malfunctioned suddenly and a fiery explosion with smoke made them plummet into the ocean!"
"The Professor here still owes me," Erik commented and Charles smiled.
"Yeah well, you have a home now because you saved me then."
"Professor tell us another one!"
"Yes please, they're great!"
Children sitting on the couch opposite while crowded around the floor cheered on for a fourth story. Charles ran a hand through his hair then nodded his head, while wondering what to tell the people in front of him.
"Alright, have I told you about the time we met this horrific lizard monster?" He asked and everyone shook their heads, "Okay so the team thought it was a mutant. We were all fascinated by it's appearance and the increased strength. That creature could use its tail to do amazing things, it was phenomenal!"
The children continued to listen with bewilderment, Charles grinned a little. "I was about to ask the creature about what it is bit then it whipped it's tale at me and knocked me to the wall behind,"Charles went on, "I almost heard my neck snapping in two! Then the 'X-men' began to fight, powers glowing bright and everyone doing their part. It was us against one monster, we definitely had a better chance! But then once the creature collapsed onto the ground it started to wail and scream, a sound that affected all of us mutants. It was the worst thing you could ever feel, I have never felt that sick in my life. Soon after that we-"
"Charles, I'll have to stop you there," Erik alerted, "Hank here tells me that it's bedtime for everyone."
A the children in the room groaned in sadness, making Charles smile. "I didn't even realise time go by," He chuckles, "Sorry everyone but the story will have to continue next time!"
Everyone stood up and walked out of the room with their shoulders hung low, towards the upstairs dorms. Charles runs a hand through his hair then is startled when someone holds his hand.
"Thank you for a fun day today Uncle Charles," [y/n/n] told with a smile and the Professor gives her a side hug, "Do I have to go to bed too?"
Charles laughed, "Of course you do love, everyone needs to have good night sleep."
She started running to the stairs then turns back, "Are you sleeping now?"
"Yeah I will, I'll be right up!"
"I think you'll run out of stories by the time [y/n] is back in three weeks" Erik chuckled and said as he walked up to Charles, who shrugged his shoulders.
"I love storytelling. I'll think of something."
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