19: winner's pride
get megumi's water bottle filled and return back to her team.
but the fact that this first-year before her was intensely flirting with her while she was draining the water from the school fountain made her extremely uncomfortable.
"hey now, why do you look so scared?", haizaki mocked, "like a bunny in a wolf's den".
chiyo ever so slightly flinched, as she quickly screwed the lid to the water bottle and tried to leave.
gripping onto the girl's wrist, haizaki pulled chiyo close and kept her in place.
"and where do you think you're going? we're not done talking ye—"
"oi haizaki, let her go".
chiyo snapped her head around, fully expecting sukuna due to the familiar voice. however, it was actually the power forward from team vorpal swords.
"well well well, if it isn't one of the miracles", haizaki scoffed, not complying with aoimine's request.
"don't make me repeat what I said, haizaki".
"or what?", the dark-haired boy challenged, clenching onto chiyo's wrist even tighter, and causing the second-year to wince in pain.
"you gonna eject me from my team or something? you know I don't give a shit about basketball. it's just to pass time".
aoimine clicked his tongue with annoyance as he was fed up with his ex-teammate.
knowing that violence was the only option to stop haizaki, aoimine sent a punch to the latter's face. though chiyo was finally freed, the second-year had stumbled forwards a little, as the dark-haired boy fell onto the floor — unconscious.
"ah shit...now what?"
chiyo searched around her pockets, as she pulled out a box of hello kitty bandaids in case of emergencies.
"ano...thank you!", chiyo bowed, as she grabbed aoimine's hand and plastered a bandaid near his knuckles.
the second-year had then left the rest of the bandaids for haizaki (next to his unconscious head), as even though he was harassing her, she felt kind of bad for him.
'sukuna would laugh if his opponent fell unconscious after one punch', chiyo thought.
aoimine sped walked away, as he wasn't sure what to do with the unconscious male. meanwhile chiyo was already back with her team, apologizing for taking so long.
"chiyo, come here", sukuna gestured, to which the blonde girl had complied.
"yes sukuna? do you need your water bottle refilled as well?"
"what happened with your wrist?", he lowly asked, causing the girl to flinch.
"w-what do you mean??"
"who did it?", sukuna interrogated.
"the sleeves of my jacket are a little too tight. that's it", chiyo lied, to which sukuna obviously did not believe her.
"oh? is that so?", he questioned, feigning stupidity.
"then take it off".
chiyo's ears burned, as she hesitated. her eyes darted everywhere but at sukuna's teasing gaze. just then, the first-year had held up his team jacket with his number and team name sewn on the back.
"what were you thinking, chiyo-senpai?", sukuna mocked, "you can wear mine since yours is uncomfortable".
chiyo choked, as she managed to utter out a quick, "thanks", before taking off her manager's jacket and replacing it with sukuna's.
the hem fell to her thighs, as it practically enveloped her.
"good. now nobody will dare to bother you", the pink-haired boy grinned, patting chiyo's head, before reentering the court.
ozawa caught chiyo before the latter had melted onto the ground.
as soon as the whistle blew, the game had restarted. sukuna felt even more energized seeing his crush wearing his team jacket with his surname sewn onto the front.
it was like she was his. chiyo belongs to sukuna, and sukuna belongs to chiyo.
it was the last quarter and for the past three, jujutsu high have been kept behind.
chiyo and ozawa were on the edge of their seats, as they held hands, praying for their team's victory.
they were so close. chiyo watched as mahito outraced kise, sending the ball to megumi, while tōdō guarded against murasakibara with his 530,000 iq.
"come on...", chiyo whispered beneath her breath, while megumi attempted to score a two-pointer, only for it to be blocked by aoimine.
yet in that split second that the blue-haired male was about to make a pass to midorima, okkotsu had stolen the ball and passed it to sukuna.
the pink-haired boy went head-to-head with aoimine, grinning even when the clock with ticking down to its last ten seconds.
"you're not going to make it", aoimine stated, "not with me here".
"oh yeah?", sukuna airily chuckled, bouncing the ball by his side, as the rest of his teammates warded off the rest of the miracles.
"watch me".
upon the timer blaring, sukuna had fell backwards, underhandedly throwing the ball from the backside of the hoop and making it in. aoimine cursed at the sight of him stealing his move, while yūji cheered for his brother.
sukuna whipped his head towards chiyo, watching as she saw their scoreboard become ninety-two.
"we won...", muta muttered, "WE WON!"
the crowd gave a standing ovation, as the two teams finished the game with a lineup. shaking aoimine's hand, sukuna noticed a familiar hello kitty bandaid.
the rest of their teammates bowed, while aoimine and sukuna stood upright with great confidence.
"sukuna! stop being disrespectful", kamo lectured.
"aoimine", akashi warned.
the two had then had their heads pushed down, forcing a grunt to escape from their lips.
"wow", mahito snorted, "they're basically the same person, just in a different font".
"good game", akashi told kamo, who had just flashed a polite smile.
"indeed", the latter replied.
as soon as jujutsu high was awarded with the golden trophy, a serious picture was taken before the players had came up with the brilliant idea of serenading their managers.
"I-I don't think—EEK!"
the two blonde managers were suddenly swooped off their feet and lifted by each itadori, while the rest all crowded around them, some kneeling like a prince.
even megumi and kamo stood close by, as tōji snickered behind the camera.
chiyo felt slightly overwhelmed by the fact that she was in the arms of sukuna. she could feel the heat physically radiating off of him, and his heart beating vigorously against his chest.
'strong muscular arms, well-defined abs, a sharp jawlin—WE MUST STAY FOCUSED, CHIYO!'
her head leaned a little closer, as her ear grazed the male's cheek, giving sukuna a great advantage of making chiyo's face flush even more.
"you know, you look quite happy in my jacket".
chiyo's eyes widened, as the flash had went off, catching the girl off guard.
sukuna softly chuckled, as he let the second-year down, yet his hand had planted itself around the girl's waist for support.
"great work, guys! let's all go eat out. my treat", tōji lazily smiled, as everyone cheered, with the exception of chiyo.
the frazzled girl slowly followed behind her team with sukuna sticking right next to her. as the second-year had suddenly caught sight of haizaki, she noticed a hello kitty bandaid stuck to the side of his face.
their gaze met for a split second before sukuna had occupied chiyo's attention once again.
"kugisaki just texted us about spending christmas eve together. you in?", he asked.
chiyo checked her own messages, quickly scrolling through them before they boarded the bus.
"yeah, sounds fun", the girl responded with a smile.
"good", sukuna stated, "and by the way, as my manager, you're responsible for rewarding the player for achieving the set goal, right?"
"the score", sukuna reminded, "I gave my manager the ninety-two that she said she wanted, right?"
the memory suddenly hit chiyo like a brick, as she flashed the first-year a pleased smile.
"I'll think of something", chiyo mysteriously responded.
"alright class, and this is the end of our lesson today. remember to finish the homework, stay safe, and enjoy your winter break!", gojō announced.
everybody practically zoomed out of the classroom, except for chiyo, who had asked the white-haired male for some of his time.
"umm...gojō-sensei, I hope I'm not taking up too much for your time, but—"
"never, chiyo-chan! my time is always open for my students to occupy. so, what's on your mind, hm?"
chiyo gave gojō a thankful smile before continuing.
"a-ano...how...how do you know if a boy likes you back?", chiyo quietly asked, "it's just that...I-I've never had a boyfriend or boy space friends until this past year, so..."
"so you want to make sure you're not misreading something?", gojō helped chiyo finish.
nodding her head, the second-year was suddenly met with an exasperated sigh from gojō. the twenty-eight year-old dramatically pouted as he pressed the back of his hand to his forehead and the other hand on his chest.
"my little chiyo's growing up! and she's even asking me for advice about boys! oh tengen, how will I ever recover from this?!", gojō sobbed.
"o-on second thought, I think I'll just go ask getō-sensei...", chiyo muttered, about to slip out of the room before gojō had stopped her.
"oh you're not going anywhere! here, come take a seat, chiyo-chan. I'll walk you through everything that you need to know about those shitt—I mean, city boys", gojō fake smiled.
hesitantly complying, chiyo had took out her phone so that she could take notes (and delete them later in case gojō's advice wasn't actually beneficial).
"firstly, tell me how it's going with sukuna".
AUTHOR'S NOTE: canon that jujutsu high would beat the GoM,, jk😃
next up,, secret santa?? haha I'm kidding,, I'd never be that predictable :)
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