09 - Membership
She breathes heavily while glaring at the cardboard human cut out, hanging by a long sturdy chain from the ceiling, after she takes her blindfold off. She got nearly all as headshots or shots to the heart.
He claps his hands and smirks at her as he walks closer, "Well done sweetheart, remind me not to get on your bad side."
She smiles and ties up her hair in a ponytail again after putting the pistol on safety-mode, "Alright Landen. Anyways, are you here for anything?"
"Yeah actually, I want you to meet the new recruits," He says, "Come on, they're anxious to see you."
She follows him to the main room, with second hand tables and chairs, and dusty torn couches that are supposed to bring comfort. It's as close to home as she can ask for.
He clears his throat, which signals and brings two people towards them. She feels slightly intimidated, even though she isn't the new comer to the group.
"I hope you guys are liking it here," He says and they nod their heads, "Let me introduce you to my close friend Joscelyn Robertson. We've been working together for a year, training. She's a skin-shifter, and can change into any animal she wishes as long as she's touched that animal before. She can even communicate with them."
She smiles at them nervously after greeting each of them. He looks to her happily. "Josie, this is Galen," He points to a guy ariund the same age as himself, fit and tall in height with light brown hair and dark eyes, "He's got healing powers and is sort of invincible. He claims that he has been 'reborn' three times already-"
"I have been reincarnated," Galen says flatly and Landen raises an eyebrow.
"Alright next is Liam and he's got venomous powers that can paralyze or kill his victim," He explains, while looking at a guy a little older than him with bald head and tattooed arms, "He's part of the team for obvious reasons-"
Landen stops talking, looking around quickly and furrowing his eyebrows with a sense of confusion.
"Where's Jamilla?" He asks and as if on cue a female walks up to them in a one-piece black bathing suit and a towel in her hands to dry her long brunette hair.
"I heard my name Mitchell, what's up?" She asks with a grin as she sways her hips towards them, "Sorry I needed a swim desperately."
Without any thought, Joscelyn crosses her arms and stands there with her feet planted solid on the ground.
"Josie this is Jamilla, and she's got power over water," Landen explains, "She can-"
"So what use do we have for you? How do you hurt people?" Joscelyn snaps quickly and Jamilla raises an eyebrow.
"I can alter water levels, cause people to drown and and control objects that hold water."
"Well you see humans are around sixty-five percent water, I can cause some nasty affects on them," She answers with a look of challenge then steps forward and scans Josie from bottom to top, "What can you do?"
"I can change into any animal I want, I can control animals."
"Oh really?"
"Yeah, way better than water right?"
"Animals are made of water too-"
"Alright you drama queens, break it up. We're not here to fight each other, we're here to work together and fight everyone else!" Landen raises his voice and Joscelyn looks to the floor.
He starts to walk away but then the tattooed-arms guy, Liam, questions, "Hey what can you do? You seem normal to me, why are you in charge of this-"
"What I can do... You'd regret asking if you found out," He smirks and glances to Joscelyn, who continues to look to the floor out of knowing what he's capable of, "I'll give you a warning, you three. You step out of line, you get on my bad side? You'll pray that I would have just stuck a blade through your chest."
He glares at them, they don't say any words after that while fearing for their lives.
"Anyways, Josie I've got a surprise for you!" He holds her hand and drags her to a table with a ribboned box placed on the surface. Landen opens it up after pulling the ribbon loose and exclaims, "SURPRISE!"
Josie smiles widely, staring at the words 'Happy 18th J!' written with blue icing on the chocolate fudge cake.
She hugs him tightly then kisses his cheek. "Thanks Lonnie!" She says and he pulls away, "But you really didn't have to."
"What do you mean? I'd do anything for my Josie! How could I not do anything for your birthday?" He says then smiles softly. For a moment he looks at her deeply then plants his lips on hers for a quick kiss.
She watches him with surprise, he's never kissed her before... for the whole year they've been together.
He smirks at her before announcing, "Come on guys, have some cake!"
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