01 - Inception
She can feel the discomfort poking into her like the twigs on the ground, broken off from trees swaying in the soft breeze, trees that seem as dead as the night is.
Even though she knows that it's her mind playing tricks on her, the wind blowing brings thoughts and whispers to her mind, telling her to 'Go back, turn around and never come back... You don't belong here'.
Nevertheless, she is not in control. She remains lucid to her out of place feeling though her feelings do not change the course of her journey.
A full moon, the starless sky and the scent of damp mud and grass does not seem to calm her anxiety at this point in time even though normally, she is one to enjoy forest walks.
A white dressing gown rustling in the wind, she can feel the force of nature on her, once again pushing her to stop stepping ahead.
Her serenity is shattered by a piercing noise, loud enough to make the leaves blow away.
A howl... it was a howl like she had never heard before.
An image of a wolf pops into her mind, though only to be distracted by the glaring red orbs that watch her from the bushes in the shadows ahead.
She backs away cautiously after hearing the low growls of whatever continues to state at her.
Leaves and twigs fly like projectiles, breaking off from the bushes, as the creature leaps out and lands with a loud THUD! in front of the frightened young girl.
Being the size of two lions is only the beginning to it's magnificent and intimidating demeanour. It's eyes, the threat increasing as every moment passed, and it's coal-black fur camouflages it in the stygian night.
A moment to late and she would have been clawed to nothing, but she is brought back to her senses and now runs as fast as her legs would allow her.
She screams for her life, though with all peculiarity not a single sound comes out of her mouth.
As the hound hastens, so does her inevitable gruesome fate.
The creature's too quick for a human to outrun. It grabs her legs and jerks her back, knocking the air out other lungs when she hits the ground with force.
It crawls towards her, raising it's sharp clawed paws close to her face and-
She sits up straight, panting and in need of a drink of water to quench her dried throat. Looking around and realising that she's in her own bedroom, she reaches for the glass of water sitting in her-
It's not there... only a trail of water leading to the floor and under the bed where the glass must have rolled to is to be found.
Feeling the weight of the world on her shoulders after such a horrid dream, the fourteen year old girl goes to sleep, hoping that she'll now find some peace and quiet.
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