22 - 21/03/1969, FRI
Lillian walks around the ground floor of the school, looking for anyone who could let her know where the Professor is. Hank is nowhere to be seen, while students are busy in classes. Lillian makes her way for the hall alone and in silence.
She reaches the last spot she could search, his study, and knocks on the door. After she hears no reply, she places her ear to the surface of the door to listen. The Professor is busy talking to someone, it seems to be a conference meeting.
"Charles?" Lillian opens the door slightly and peeks in, "Are you-"
He raised his hand to her,indicating that he's busy, and smiles. "I'll be done in twenty," He mouths and she frowns, backing away slowly and shutting the door.
She stands against the wall then slides down gradually, pulling her knees to her chest and sitting down. Lillian waits quietly for Charles to finish his-
"Hey sweetheart, what's up?" Charles leans out of the room and asks, Lillian looks up to him and runs a hand through his hair.
"What are you doing?"
Charles grins widely, "There's this important project coming up. I'll tell you all about it, I'm really excited!"
"Professor, what is your take on the event?"
Charles glances to the telephone on his desk then bites his lip. "I'll finish soon," He whispers then walks back into the room and shuts the door.
Lillian rests her head back to the wall and shuts her eyes, the impatience starting to rise within her. She can't help it, she is now way too curious to know what the important project is.
Lillian stares at him with bewilderment, unable to answer appropriately. Charles takes in a deep breath and raises an eyebrow.
"Um... Lillian, your lack of response is starting to unsettle me," He says and Lillian shakes her head to knock herself out of her thoughts.
"Charles I... I don't know what to say about-Wait so I have to go alone?" Lillian answers in a rush and rubs her forehead.
"Y-Yes... I'm busy managing the School For The Gifted Lily, I can't go even though I really would enjoy it," He adds and she sighs.
Charles had just finished sharing the topic of the conference call he had been in earlier. He was talking to a group of United Nations negotiators who are organising and holding a summit meeting between the different ethnicities of the many nations, with one or two individuals being representatives to discuss different aspects, problems, provisions and innovations.
Charles has been selected and invited to be the representative for mutants across the globe due to his research findings in genetics and sinch he is the head of the School of Mutants, which is an amazing and honourable achievement. Although, he has asked Lillian to take his place since he needs to watch over the school and make sure nothing happens while he's gone.
Charles did mention that he would have a Skype interview when the turn for the mutants comes at the meeting but he wants someone, an esteemed associate, to be physically present at the event... someone he can trust. Lillian falls perfectly under that category in the Professor's point of view.
On Lillian's part of the situation, she wouldn't mind going and experiencing a new venture though firstly, she would be going away from the comfort of her home and secondly, she does not sport the idea of being away for more than two months since this summit meeting is going to take place all over America and Europe.
"Look love, you know everything about this institution and you are a worthy candidate for the job," Charles expresses and holds her hand, "I would send Hank to the meeting but-"
"So then send him. Please Charles, send Hank!" She pleads, snatching her hand away from his grasp, "I-I can't do this Charles, I can't. I'm sorry, I would disappoint you and-"
Charles leans closer to Lillian and places his lips on hers softly. She stops talking abruptly and moans slightly, but then she pulls away after a brief moment.
"Ch-Charles I... I can't do this. It's too much! I-I-I've only been here a few months and I can't talk about your entire findings and work. I'm inexperienced and frightened,I've never been at an event close to this. Th-Th-There are going to be important professionals and I'll be the least important when I should be the most because I'm r-representing you!" Lillian blurts out in one go, making Charles raise his eyebrows.
Lillian shuts her eyes slowly and sighs, "I... I'm not the right person for the job Charles. I would just disappoint you and I don't want that happening."
Charles caresses her cheek then places a strand of her hair behind her ear. "How dare you think so low of yourself Lillian?" He questions sadly, "I have never pointed you to that direction and neither has anyone else."
"A wise person once said 'Believe in yourself, even when no one else will'," Charles smiles softly, "And the best part is everyone believes in you and you're the only one left."
Lillian looks to her hands and bites her lip, "Everyone, or just you?"
Charles laughs, "Am I 'just' a person to you Lily? I l-love you Lily, so much, and I admire everything about you. I know... I know that you will do amazing at this meeting and you will make all mutants across the world proud."
Lillian hugs Charles, wrapping her arms around his neck tightly then kissing his cheek. Charles did not let her go, pulling her in for another kiss on the lips.
She moves away and furrows her eyebrows. "You have to tell me everything about this school, about you, about mutants and mutation," Lillian expresses, "Show me everything."
Charles chuckles then looks to the ceiling, "Everything huh? Alright, why don't we have a short rest then I take you to my old friend."
"Old friend?" Lillian perked up with interest, "Who?"
"You'll see, you'll love it."
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