07 - 24/11/1968, SUN
Hank runs to the door after he hears loud fisted knocking on the thick wooden slab. It is an odd time for visitors, he's quite confused about who's waiting on the other side of the door.
A young woman, bright ginger hair let down her shoulders and a thick jacket covers her upper body, stands completely still while staring at the man that opened the door.
"Hi is this the School For Gifted Youngsters?" She asks, putting her bag over her shoulder, "I tried to find a sign outside before coming but there's isn't one."
Hank furrows his eyebrows, "Yes this is, and really? I should check-"
"Hank who is that?"
The young man looks behind him and steps aside when he sees that it's the Professor. "Ah Lillian! Welcome to the School," He greets and the girl smiles widely.
"Hi Charles-I mean, Professor," She bites her lip after realising that people use a professional title to address him. The Professor gestures for her to come inside, while Hank goes to figure out where the School signage has disappeared to.
"I thought you wouldn't come over Lillian," He stops and comments, smiling at the person by his side with a hint of awe.
"I gave it some thought, what's the harm if I come here? You seem very sweet and kind," She responds and he looks to the floor shyly.
"It is the right decision, and please call me Charles alright?" He tells and she nods her head, wondering how he picked that thought from her mind.
"Charles do you-"
"Mr. Professor! Can I tell you something?" A little girl runs up to him and leans on his wheel chair. He chuckles and puts a hand on her shoulder, "Of course love, what is it?"
The girl stops to speak when she notices the person next to the Professor. She smiles nervously, Lillian gives her a small wave.
"I uh... James was telling me that Charlie In The Chocolate Factory is for babies. I was reading it and I'm not a baby!" She complains and crosses her arms.
The Professor glances to Lillian then looks back to the little girl. "Well Sasha, you can tell James that such a long and thick book can never be for a baby! Babies don't know how to read and tell James that... 'Mr. Professor' would like to chat with him," He explains then winks, making Lillian smile.
The little girl runs off and the Professor sighs with calmness. "These kids love you," Lillian comments and the Professor starts to move forward again.
"They are sort of all I have really. They mean everything to me and I want the best for them," He says, "We're a family."
"That's really sweet Charles."
A shared moment of stares later, the Professor places his hands together and takes a deep breath. "Come on, let me show you around!" He says and wheels towards a hallway on the right.
Professor Xavier took her around the entire ground floor then explained what the second floor consisted off. Because of his wheelchair he wouldn't be able to reach upstairs at the moment.
"And here's a map of the entire complex though everyone here are very approachable and knowledgeable and they will help you out with whatever they can," He explains and holds out a folded piece of slightly thicker than usual paper that has wrickles and creases all over.
Lillian opens it up and examines the graphics printed on it. There were labels for each room and it made understanding the mansion really easy.
"Thanks Professor Xavier," She says then folds the map and places it on top of his study desk, "But I'm pretty good at remembering directions and locations."
"Anything else you'd need?"
"Um, you've done more than enough. Thank you."
"Are you sure Lillian? You can talk to me about any-"
Hank peers inside the study then enters after the Professor smiles at him. "We need to get the sign fixed, someone knocked it down," He informs and Charles nods his head.
"Hank, this is Lillian Goodheart. She's been the one who has been making a mark on my mind these days," The Professor introduces and Lillian shakes Hank hand with greeting, "So Lillian, do you know anything about your powers? Come now, let's have a talk."
The group of three people gather around the study desk with the Professor on the other side of the table. Hank and Lillian take a seat on the cushion-chairs on the opposite side facing the Professor.
"W-Well, I've got psychic ability and I... I think I should start from the beginning," She narrates, "At the age of ten I started to have these vivid dreams. I couldn't make any sense of them, most of it was all bad and negative with people dying and grieving. It wrecked my emotional state, I didn't want to sleep anymore..."
The Professor clenches his hands into fists and sighs. He had the same issues a few years ago with sleep and his abilities. It brought him down till he couldn't help himself.
"I thought it was random, some external influence making my mind conjure up these horrid images but then the people in them started to narrow down," She continues, "And people I would see in shops or at school would appear. Then people that I knew personally would, it got far too creepy for me to lead a normal life."
"And let me guess, you then realised that there's some reason to all this?" Professor Xavier questions and she nods her head.
"I realised that there was a pattern there all along and whatever that my dreams were filled with were actually true events. Wh-Whether months later or weeks, even days," Lillian shares, "The things I saw would happen so... I put two and two together and figured that I've got some sort of premonition ability, which absolutely sucks-"
"I wouldn't describe it like that, it's pretty phenomenal Lily," Charles says with a wide smile, "Looking into your mind, with proper training and help you could trigger the power anytime you like to foresee into the very possible future and look at possibilities. It's brilliant!"
"Really? You think that?"
"Yes I do love, and I will do what I can to help you turn this 'nightmare' into something great... we all will."
Hank squints his eyes discreetly, looking from the Professor to Lillian with examination. He presumes that the Professor is fond of her... Hank himself can't argue with that. Lillian is remarkably beautiful.
Hank smiles softly then opens his mouth to speak but Lillian intervenes. "Professor why are you so... considerate and giving?" She asks, eyes glistening with awe.
The professor chuckles and runs a hand through his combed, dark brown hair almost covering his face. "Um Lily, you are a bright person and I can't but return the goodness to you. I try to be giving with everyone, especially here. It's the least I can do," He says and stares at her with beaming eyes.
Hank clenches his jaw, not feeling that comfortable in their presence. He feels like a third wheel, truly.
"Well, I better get back to work," Professor Xavier says and wheels his chair towards Lillian and Hank who are now standing up, "I'll catch up with the two of you later. Hank could you serve Miss Goodheart a proper meal? I'm sure that she's starving right now."
Lillian lights up with excitement. She hasn't had a decent meal in ages, she's close to being famished right about now.
Hank agrees and leads Lillian out of the room, making small talk with her as they pass a few students who watch them with fascination. They all wonder what powers this new person at the School has within them.
"So I hope you're find with having pizza?" Hank asks and Lillian claps her hands. "Is it pepperoni?" She asks and he nods, making her satisfyingly happy.
"Right after that I'll show you your room," He informs, "You're lucky actually. A guy called Adam, he had powers to make plants grow faster, had to move away with his family. He had a room with a great view."
"Thanks Hank," She says, "By the way what power have you got?" He runs his neck nervously, "I don't think you'd... You'll be disappointed, it's not that great."
She playfully nudges his arm, "Oh I doubt that! I'm sure it's amazing."
He smiles forcefully then swiftly changes the topic to introducing Lillian to a girl who can change her attributes to an extent, like alter the colour of her hair or eyes.
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