02 - 11/11/1968, MON
With his shoulders slumped and a frown plastered on his lips, the Professor heads for the kitchen to make himself a double espresso. He didn't exactly have the 'sweet dreams' or the 'good night' people wish each other on a regular basis. It was quite far from it in fact.
The Professor sluggishly reaches for the refrigerator and retrieves the bottle of milk then struggles to reach the coffee grain jar placed in the cupboard overhead.
"Professor?" Hank questions, upon entering the kitchen and finding him almost off his seat, "Would you like some help with that?"
He looks back and smiles softly, "Yes please, that would be great Hank." The young man walks over and makes the Professor his a strong cup of coffee rather than his daily tea.
"Why are you up so early? Did you have a disturbed night?"
The Professor rubs his face and sighs, "Yeah, I just... couldn't sleep properly. There was this constant presence in my mind, burning it's way through my thoughts and I couldn't control it. I probably only slept for two bloody hours. How am I supposed to teach?"
Hank frowns a bit as he hands the Professor his hot cup of coffee. "I'll tell the students that you're taking some much needed rest-"
"No it's alright, I can manage. Thank you Hank!" He says with a sudden burst of energy after taking a first sip of his drink, then steers his wheelchair out of the room. He can't imagine not teaching his students.
"H-Hello everyone! L-Let's all GET into c-class!" The Professor says giddily because of the caffeine rush, while gesturing to the students chatting outside. The students glance at each other before following their tutor into the room.
"ALRIGHT CLASS!" He says, "Settle down and let's get right to work!" He starts to write down a few sentences on the board.
"Um Professor, are you-"
"I am perfectly fine Sydney, just feeling very... very..." The Professor drifts off, a wave of fatigue hitting his mind. He gulps and rubs his eyes. "N-No please, I need-"
He turns back abruptly, widening his eyes at the fact that his class probably heard his words of distress.
"P-Please open your books to page fifty-seven," He instructs with a tone that pretended like the past few seconds didn't take place.
He turns around and starts reading through some class notes, making sure he covers all the points and leaves no stone unturned-
"Professor Xavier?"
"Y-Yeah what-"
He jerks in his seat, his eyes darting open and eyeing the students looking at him in front. He runs a hand through his hair and clears his throat.
"What? Sorry, um turn to page fifty seven-"
"You told us to read through that ten minutes ago," A boy named Steven says and the Professor furrows his eyebrows.
"Huh? No no no, I just said it to you," He clarified, "You must be mistaken."
"I'm sorry Professor but... you fell asleep while Tiffany was reading out loud. She asked you a question then we saw you sleeping," Steven further explains.
The Professor laughs, "You guys are cracking me up, thanks for putting a smile on my face. Now please start reading-"
"Professor are you alright?"
"Yeah, you don't look well."
"Maybe you should take some rest."
A chorus of statments flood the silence of the room, making the Professor clench his fists. Without saying a word, he wheels his seat out of the room with the door shutting tight loudly. He starts to glance around, searching for Hank.
"Professor, you've got a-"
"Hank, I need some assistance," He says flatly, "Either my students think of me a fool or I'm sleep deprived enough that I can't teach."
Hank rubs his neck and shrugs his shoulders, "Well Professor, your students respect you so they wouldn't make fun of you... Maybe you should call it a day, I can cover up for you or sort out a a reschedule?"
He sighs then nods his head slowly, "Alright, I'm in my room." The Professor wheels his chair to his room, slamming the door shut with frustration. He takes his denim blazer off then jumps onto his bed-side, fluffing up the pillow before resting his head on it.
He cuddles himself under the duvet, huffing when he realises he forgot to shut the curtains to win the light in the room. Feeling tired all of a sudden, he doesn't bother getting up and tries his best to ignore the brightness. Right now, he can sleep in any situation.
He can feel his eyes grow heavy, coming to a close gradually as his breathing slows as well. Inches away from being pulled into the dark abyss of slumber, he starts to feel dreamy while his mind plays back memories from his past.
For some reason, he thinks of Raven... Her human form with her delicate blonde hair and piercing eyes. She has equally piercing eyes in her mutant form. He feels proud that she isn't fearful about being her true self... though the events at DC have altered it quite a bit.
The Professor frowns mentally. He misses his childhood friend.
Then for a rather peculiar reason, Erik comes to his mind along with all the faults he has done and the poor choices he has made in his life. He had heard of the Brotherhood of Mutants that he founded, something that he would have been happy about if he didn't have this strong hatred for the man.
The Professor doesn't have legs because of Erik... He will never let that settle down.
He starts to feel a wave of anger in his mind, starting to make his head ache. The more he thinks about Erik and all that he had lost, the more the pain intensifies until it is unbearable.
He forces his eyes open, looking around his room and forgetting about what he was thinking of.
But the pain is still there, growing stronger by every moment passing.
He grasps his forehead and rubs it, groaning and squeezing his eyes shut. He's never felt this sort of migraine in his life-
"ARGH!" He yells out loud and holds his head between the palms of his hands on both sides. Breathing heavily, and with his vision blurred by the discomfort, he stumbles to get into his wheelchair and find help.
Drilling holes into his head wouldn't be an accurate description of what he is going through. The burning feel in his mind doesn't seize to stop.
"H-H-HANK!" He exclaims, trying to reach for the wheel chair joystick but unable to have any control on his muscles, "HANK-"
His head falls to the side. All of a sudden, a stillness fills his mind with the weight of the throbbing headache completely gone. He blinks his eyes a few times to clear up his vision. He looks around his room in surprise and concern, he has no words to explain what he just experienced.
Is he sick? No, he's been sick before but it has never affected him this much.
No, the Professor is sure that it's something external that caused such a frightening encounter.
Feelimg jittery and paranoid, he crawls onto his bed once again and lays down. He curls up into a ball and takes a deep breath before shutting his eyes. He just hopes it doesn't happen to him again.
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