-Tamayo and yushiro didn't meet at this time, and your still in the modern world-
age: 7
(Y/n pov)
"Oh no! dear what happened" Tamayo said
"I-I-I hurt myself..." I said crying
|Tamayo also known as my adopted mom, has been with me for so long that I can't even remember|
"aww you poor thing it's okay! Here a bandaid" Tamayo said
"Will it hurt...?" I asked
"It may sting a little once I press down on it, but afterwards it will be okay" She said
"Okay..." I said with tears in my eyes
"Look dear, please don't cry." She said with a soft smile
"Okay momma" I said
|Tamayo pressed down on the cut which stinged alittle but it only last for 10 seconds|
"Oh it didn't hurt momma!" I said
"Mhm! Hehe! Your such a big girl" Tamayo said
"Momma can we go out in town for a bit" I asked
"Okay, transform into a human and and I'll go in my room to change" Tamayo said
"OKAY!!!" I said
(Human you)
-I'm sorry if I confused you can always change it and I'm sorry if they look more like a boy then a non-binary person...credits to the owner-
"I can't wait to go to town with momma" I said while changing
"Okay! dear come on!" Tamayo yelled
"OKAY!" I yelled back
[You went downstairs to meet Tamayo]
"OKAY MOMMA! I'm ready" I said
"Okay! Come on darling!" She said
[You and Tamayo drived to town and found a parking spot for your car]
"Okay darling are you ready?" She asked
"YES! come on momma hurry" I said
"Okay! Okay!" Tamayo said
"Mommy, can we go get some [Fav drink and snack] please?" I asked
"Okay dear! Come there's a store over here" Tamayo said
"Mommy do all stores have what you need everytime you go there" I asked
"Oh no, This place just have happen to have what we want" Tamayo said
"Oh okay!" I said
"Maybe we can also get breakfast here! I mean we never got breakfast the entire day so why not?" Tamayo said
"Yaya" I agreed
[You and Tamayo walked inside of the cafe]
"Hello ms! What can I get for you!" a women said
"Oh can we get a table for two?" Tamayo said
"Ye can we get a table for two!" I asked
"Hehe! Yes, You two can! Please follow me" the women said as she walks to a table
"Okay dear come on!" Tamayo said
"Okay!!!" I said enthusiastically
[We followed The cafe lady to the table to have some breakfast, then she left to go get someone to take our order, afterwards
A women came to us]
"Oh My goodness! Tamayo long time so see!" The women said
"Hm? Oh Kie hello! It really has been a while since I saw you haven't it"
"Momma who is she?" I asked
"Oh she's an old friend" Tamayo said
"Oh who are they?" I asked
"Oh this is tanjiro and Nezuko" Kie said
"Oh, Hi!!" I greeted as enthusiastic I can be
"Hi! My name is Tanjiro! And this is my little sister nezuko!" The Tanjiro greeted back happily
"Hi! " Nezuko greeted
"Hi!" I greeted back
"...What is that...?" I mumbled to myself
"What was that dear?" Kie asked
"Oh...! Nothing! Nothing. At. All." I said
"Okay? Anyways we need to go to our table, have a wonderful day Tamayo!" Kie Said
"you too!" She said
[A waiter walked over]
"Oh hello ma'am, sorry for the wait! We had to fix the Machine for the drinks!" A waiter said
"Oh it's quite alright" Tamayo said
"What would you like?" they asked
"Oh oh can I please have the Oreo pancakes!" I asked
"Oreo pancakes... Okay you miss?"
"Oh I would like bacon, eggs, French toast, Please" Tamayo said
"Okay miss coming right up!"
[After a while the waiter came with yours and tamayo's food]
"Ahhhh!!!! This looks delicious" I said
"Okay dear! Eat your food!" Tamayo said
"Okay!" I said
"Isn't this kinda exciting the next chapter is where you would not only see yushiro but it will be the start of your actual adventure!"
Word count: 654
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