ch. 9
part-time job, meanwhile yachi brainstormed ideas on how to help the girl.
"I think once I get the amount of fees that I have to pay, mom might let me go", she said to yachi.
though yachi had doubts about that, she decided to support shiyumi either way.
"hitoka, are you designing something?", madoka questioned.
"h-huh? oh, of my teammates needs help paying for the fee, so I was thinking that I could make flyers for people to take. and hopefully they'll donate", yachi explained.
madoka smiled.
"I think that you should shift the picture towards the center, because that'll really catch people's attentions", madoka instructed.
"oi, hinata", kageyama called out.
"hey, what's up?"
"you're slower than usual".
shiyumi took a moment to process what the dark-haired male had said.
"hah?! are you insulting me?!"
"no. I just think that you're moving slower than usual...and not jumping as high", kageyama calmly commented.
"I...I've just been tired. sorry", shiyumi softly apologized, rushing off to her new part-time job, as kageyama's gaze lingered a bit longer than usual.
shiyumi hopped on her bike as she checked her phone occasionally, hoping that she'd make it on time.
"good afternoon, sir!"
"ah, hinata shōyō, correct?", a middle aged man with neatly combed black hair asked.
"yes sir! I'm ready to work and I just wanted to say thank you so much for hiring me on such short notice!", shiyumi bowed.
"no worries! I get a few high schoolers here and there who are desperate because their parents cut off their allowance or such. and by the way, the name's kanjido!"
"kanjido-san, will I be trained under someone else, or..."
"ah, yes yes! but first let me explain your tasks for closing time", kanjido started.
"it's really easy! first you wipe down the tables and chairs. then you sweep the floor, vacuum the floor, mop the floor, and wash the dishes and coffee machine".
"okay, seems pretty simpl—"
"and don't forget to clean the bathrooms, put the desserts back into the freezer in color order, turn all the lights off, and lock the door. makes sense?", kanjido smiled.
"m-makes sense...", shiyumi stuttered out.
shiyumi felt like death.
never has she ever been more tired in her entire life.
having to wake up at 4 a.m. to finish her homework that was due that day and then attending morning practice, then school, then practice again, then work, and finally home for some more homework, was absolute hell.
there was many times that shiyumi would even fall half asleep in her classes, but that was besides the point.
because after one gruesome month of working nonstop, ikumi had given in, seeing how desperate and serious shiyumi was about going.
"some of you really need to work harder. and hinata...I'm going to be honest. I'm slightly disappointed with your progress recently".
shiyumi thickly swallowed as she snatched her paper, saving the results for when she got to see sugawara later.
meanwhile the end of the day had approached, tanaka and nishinoya were showing off their (barely) passing scores like a trophy.
"so, how did you two do?", sugawara questioned, wringing his arm around kageyama's shoulder, as his other hand landed on shiyumi's head.
"I...I failed one subject", kageyama admitted.
"this...this is the first time I've ever gotten grades so low...but thankfully I also only failed one", shiyumi answered in a ghostly manner.
"WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO, SUGA-SENPAI?!", shiyumi whined.
"I worked way too hard to give up my spot!! and do you know how long it took me to convince my mom?!"
"relax, I'm sure we'll figure out an idea", sugawara assured.
"oh, I have one!", tsukishima chimed in.
"W-WHAT IS IT?!", the two teenagers asked at the same time.
"just don't go", the blonde male snickered, causing the two to huff in disappointment.
"I mean, the check in time is early sunday, so you two can finish revisions on saturday and still be on time", ennoshita explained.
everyone's sparkles and smiles returned, as practice started and ended just like the previous day. except today, there was something special prepared.
"we have something to show you all", shimizu calmly stated.
"we were looking in the storage room and found this. so we cleaned it up to present it to you all!", yachi exclaimed, running up to the second floor of the gym.
shiyumi watched a black banner get flipped over, as the word "fly", was shown in white.
shimizu then raised her arm, as if encouraging them all.
"K-KIYOKO-SAN! OUR GODDESS IS ROOTING FOR US!! WE MUST PROVE OURSELVES AT THE CAMP!", tanaka screamed, as nishinoya started sobbing.
even the seniors felt tears forcefully exit their eye sockets.
"we're so grateful for you, kiyoko-san", sugawara choked out.
"and you too, yachi-san", sawamura added on.
shiyumi suddenly felt her heart sink.
'it's been almost a full month since I've visited shōyō...I should really see him before I leave for camp'.
"oi, boke, spacing out again?"
"just thinking about revisions. thankfully we're checking in on a sunday", shiyumi smoothly replied.
"by the way, do you think you're ready?", the orange-haired girl asked, observing kageyama's unwavering confidence.
"of course! I've been waiting for so long I felt like this entire month was dragging! I'm excited to see which players are going to be there", kageyama immediately answered.
"but seriously've been really lacking in practice. if you take that to the camp, you might get kicked out", kageyama bluntly stated.
"wow, thanks bakeyama", shiyumi scoffed.
"it's KAGE-yama!"
"yeah yeah, whatever! anyways, don't be late for revisions, or else you might not even be able to go", shiyumi smugly teased, clearly referring to that one time that kageyama had accidentally overslept and missed saturday practice.
"shut up! I won't!", kageyama huffed.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: hello my loves!! apologies for the short (+ boring) chapter!
the training camp arc is coming up and there'll be some of your favorite characters!!
if you enjoyed, please don't forget to support by voting and commenting. thanks babes <3
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