The Lost Soldier
A/N- This was my attempt at writing a ballad for Creative Writing class. If you know poetry forms, you know the rhyming scheme of the ballad is interesting- it's an ABCB rhyme scheme usually, which means that the second and fourth lines need to rhyme. I feel like I did well in this ballad though, so I figured I might as well share it with you guys.
Embraced by the warmth of his flowing blood
On the ground, a soldier lay
Hoping with his last breath
That his body would not be found the next day
The face of the woman he loved appeared in his mind
Her beautiful face accentuated by her flowing curls
And next to her appeared the small bodies
Of his children, his young girls
He stretched his hand out to the vision
Hoping for one last embrace
But all that responded to him was the cold of death
And his frozen tears running down his face
Collapsing to the cold ground
Next to her lover, a woman lay
Clasping his hung hands to her breasts
She knew she would meet him again one distant day
Next to her, her children stood
Still, wondering, not comprehending
They were too young to understand
The great grief that came with a life's ending
Even as many days passed, the image was engraved in her mind
Her husband lying in a pool of his own blood, crying
Suffering, begging for release- he must have been
Before he began the process of dying
Even ensconced in the comfort of her home
The woman was not healed at all
She left one night to make a dramatic decision
Onto the ground, dead, they would see her body fall
Embraced by the warmth of her flowing blood
A lonely widow lay
Praying fervently to God above
That she would open her eyes to heaven's day
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