Y/N's P.O.V-
Well, now here I am, trying to find this Thomas Jefferson guy so I can tell him off because I'm a good sister dammit. After a few minutes of walking, I crossed paths with a boy who was short to say the very least. "Excuse me?" I said to him. "Oh, yes?" He said after turning to me. "Do you know where I can find a guy named Thomas Jefferson?" I asked.
"May I ask who's asking?"
I pointed to myself. "Y/N Hamilton. Who are you?"
"James Madison. And you wouldn't happen to be related to Alexander Hamilton, would you?"
"I'm his sister. Lex asked me to tell that Thomas guy off."
"Yeah good luck with that." James then gave me directions to the library where Thomas usually is at this time of day. I thanked him and went on my way.
I opened the door to the library and began walking around. Eventually, I saw a guy with a shit ton of hair who was sitting at table on his phone. That bothered my bookworm self and I sat in front of him. "Are you Thomas Jefferson?" I said and he looked up at me with a smirk.
"That would be me. And who are you darling?" He replied. He had a thick southern accent and one of the cockiest tones I had ever heard in my entire goddamn life. "Don't call me that. Anygay, my name is Y/N Hamilton." I said. "Hamilton?" He rolled his eyes. "Let me guess you're..related to that prick, Alexander."
"As a matter of fact I'm his sister, Mr.Jefferson."
"Well then I feel sorry for you darling."
"I told you to not calling me darling."
God I wanted to break his fucking neck. And not in a kinky way you horny slut. I was about to open my mouth again to start screaming at him but before I could he threw a piece of paper at me. "I have places to be. That has my number on it. Call me sometime, okay sugar?" With that, he left.
I knocked on Alex's dorm and was quickly greeted by a man with curly hair and freckles. "Oh, hey." He said with a mouthful of popcorn. "You're Y/N, right? Alex's sister?"
"Yeah. You're John?"
The freckled man nodded and led me inside. "Lexi! You have another visitor!" Another? I was lead into the living room, seeing Alex talk with a girl who I must say was very pretty. He saw me and walked over. "Hi Y/N! Come here, I want you to meet Eliza!" Alex seated me next to the girl. "Hello! I'm Elizabeth Schuyler but you can just call me Eliza." The girl said with a cheery smile.
"Y/N Hamilton. I'm Alex's sister."
"Pleasure to meet you, Y/N."
"You to, Eliza."
"Anyways, let's talk." Alex said to me. "How has rooming with that Maria girl been?" "It's been fine so far. She has a daughter named Susan." I replied and showed him a picture of Maria and Susan. "Wow, she's pretty." He said. "Keep it in your pants." I said jokingly and he lightly hit me on the arm.
"How has rooming with John been?" I asked. "He's great!" Alex answered immediately. "So...you guys are friends?" I laughed slightly. "You know how fast us LGBT folk make friends with other LGBT folk." My brother then sipped his tea in bisexual.
"I'm gayer than the pride flag itself." John said before skipping into his room. I laughed.
"Also, you kept your promise and told Jeffershit off?"
"Don't fucking remind of that asshole." I groaned. "He's nothing but a narcissistic manwhore. Also, he gave me his number."
"He gave you his nUMBER?!" Alex yelled. "Yeah. But don't worry. I'll be using this to my advantage." I smirked and so did Alex. "Yeah, you're definitely my sister."
"Anyways, I'll be leaving now." I said and skipped out of the dorm.
{A/N : ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)}
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