A Sweet Reunion
"So... is your name Clover?" The girl with black, curly hair asked.
Clover had been sleeping in staff form but when she heard her new owners voice she jumped of it.
She looked at the girl and nodded.
"Awww, that's such a cute name!" The girl replied.
Clover smiled happily and then tried to communicate with her owner.
"Buzz bu bzzzzz? (What's your name?)" Clover asked.
The girl tilted her head in confusion but she eventually realised and gave her answer.
"My name is Willow, Willow Park!" Willow said.
'I really like Willow's name!' Clover thought to herself.
Willow took her palismen back to her house. Clover fell in love when she saw her owner's bedroom.
Clover really loves flowers and plants and she was very delighted to see all the greenery.
Willow told Clover to wait in the bedroom while she went and told her dads' about her day at school. Clover nodded and when her owner closed the door, it was time to explore.
The bee flew all around the room, smelling the sweet scents of the flowers and messing around with the carnivorous plants.
Then she found a big spider plant that looked like a great place to rest. She flew down and and sat on one of its many leaves.
The palismen buzzed in satisfaction, this new home was perfect for her.
But then she realised something, Flapjack wasn't here....
She had completely forgotten about her cardinal friend and she remembered how she didn't get the chance to say goodbye.
Clover felt her eyes water, she had now left her best friend behind and he was now probably on his own, alone.
"No! This can't happen! I need to see him again!" Clover said to herself...
But it's not like she could do anything now, it's not like they could read minds.
'Maybe... we could meet up somewhere!' Clover thought a genius plan.
But... she knew she couldn't leave without telling her owner.
She flew over to the door but she realised she was too small to open it. The tried pressing all her weight down on the handle but it was no use...
Suddenly, Willow opened the door and this flung Clover across the room and right onto the edge of the open window. The bee looked down slightly and she was immediately petrified.
"Hmmm... I guess I've got a fear of heights now! (Bzzzz... b bzz bzzz b-zzzz!)" Clover said.
From hearing the buzzing, Willow ran over to her traumatised palismen.
"Oh no, are you ok?" She asked.
Clover put one of her six legs up in the air as if she was trying to give a thumbs up, "Bzzzzz! (I'm ok!)"
Her owner breathed a sigh of relief. Then she looked confused when she saw the bee frantically buzzing and using all sorts of hand gestures.
"Do you want to go outside?" Willow asked.
Clover nodded her head.
"Ok then, have fun!" The girl said and waved her off.
Clover jumped out of the window but was too afraid to use her wings and she went splat on the floor.
"Ah yes, Arcophobia!" Clover said to herself.
The bee hovered for a bit until she realised where she could go and flew off to Hexside.
Meanwhile, Flapjack was just chilling out in his birdcage. Hunter had gone off on a mission and had told his palimen to stay in his room.
Suddenly, Flapjack could sense where Clover was... somewhere by a massive building, somewhere with a grudgby court... HEXSIDE!!!
'Yes, of course Clover would pick that place to meet!' Flapjack thought.
He was about to tell his owner he was going to head off but then he realised Hunter wasn't there.
"Well... Hunter isn't going to be back for another... two hours, I think I'm good!" Flapjack mumbled so coven scouts nearby wouldn't here tweeting.
He opened the window with his own two wings and then flew off...
Clover was currently looking for a good place to wait by... but then she saw the grudgby court.
"SPORTS!!!" Clover shrieked and buzzed over to watch.
She sat down on the bleachers to watch the game. It was Hexside vs. Glandus and Clover was so excited to watch.
The little bee had always loved watching sports. Especially for the teamwork, the action, the blood... fun times for her!
Clover was sat on the bleachers until she looked to her right to see a bunch of bloodthirsty students running towards her to watch the match. Clover rolled off of the bleachers and landed on a shady patch of grass.
Flapjack was flying around in circles, trying to look for his friend. He knew she was here but she didn't know where.
Then he looked over at the court where students were playing Grudgby.
'Well, Clover does have a strong love for sports!' Flapjack thought and spiralled down by tye bleachers.
He couldn't find her on any if the seats to he looked behind to see his best friend peacefully sitting on the shady grass near some flowers.
"Clover!" Flapjack said and embraced the bee.
"Flapjack!!!" Clover said, looking up at the cardinal who was hugging her back.
"I've missed you so much!"
"Me too!!!"
I'm running out of words to say instead of 'said'
Also, I can't be bothered to finish to chapter so this technically a cliffhanger, I guess... I don't know
Sorry it has taken SO LONG to make this chapter, also, of course I don't know when I'm making another...
Until next time byyeeeee!!!
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