Requested By: Dorothyden
LEADER: Ridgestar—speckled caramel-and-white senior molly with a dull pelt.
DEPUTY: Briarfang—brindled gray jack with only a single whisker.
HEALERS: Swanwillow—black-and-white tom with icy emerald eyes.
Beetlefluff—woolly-furred, freckled torbie-and-white molly with a long tuft of fur on her chin.
WARRIORS: Pigeondusk—freckled grayish-brown-and-white molly with sparrow feathers decorating her fur.
Dappledember—lilly white molly.
Fallowjump—brindled yellow molly.
Sweetspeck—curly-furred, amber classic tabby jack with a white tail and underbelly.
Iciclenight—dark blue-gray-and-white tabby molly.
Smokewood—silver rosetted tabby senior tom.
Cloudwave—short-furred, lavender-and-white tabby senior tom with a heavily scarred face and body.
Pheasantfire—brindled golden senior jack with a seemingly permanent frown and a curled tail
APPRENTICES: Swallowpaw—coltish, red tabby molly.
Woolypaw—golden brown tom with dull orange eyes.
Flutterpaw—stout, silver tom with pretty periwinkle eyes.
Seapaw—torbie jack with strange emerald eyes and mallow flowers decorating their fur.
Duskypaw—newly-apprenticed, dilute calico tom with narrow green eyes.
Spiderpaw—caramel tom with strange blue eyes.
NURSERY: Vipercall—tawny-and-white senior molly with a heavily scarred body.
Owlkit—gangy, tan jack with a small scar across their side, a white paw and a white chest.
Birchfluff—snowy white molly with light cyan eyes.
ELDERS: Greenthorn—lilly white tom with a dull pelt, a white tail tip and a cream-colored throat.
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