E Class here we come!
The girls were sent to the principal office because of a fight they caused.
They got into a fight with the principal and accidently revealed that they knew about the state secret octopus.
So in order to get in the E class, they have to prove that the thing could be killed.
When the girls were going home, they encountered a cloaked figure, unknown to them, he revealed his identity as
"I am sent by the Anime God " He said with a permanent grin plastered on his face.
"I am sent by the Anime God"
The girls blinked trying to register what the guy just said.
"WWWWWWHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTT!?!?!?!?" Both yelled as suddenly Saffy charged at the guy with a battle cry. He jumped about 7 feet's high then his own height.
"What the?!?" Nakano and Saffy exclaimed.
And she said I over react! Pfft
"Listen here dude you atleast owe us a explaination." Nakano said crossing her arms looking at the monkey boy swinging himself around a branch. Saffy grabbed a stone to hit the guy.
I... I think this whole attack him is going to take a while Nakano thought
************************** Time Skip************************
Saffy began panting heavily as Nakano looked at her.
"How... Is he so fast.....And strong....And stealthily.....I am exhausted..." Saffy managed to say between her panting.
Well it's obvious that he is sent by anime god so maybe he has powers better than us maybe....? Nakano thought as she looked at the Monkey Boy who just jumped from the 10Feet tall tree as if it was nothing.
"Well then! If you're done." The guy said grinning and amused at the curly Brown hair as she glared at him.
"Let's get down to the facts. Firstly you can't leave this world unless you complete the mission you're assigned."
Yeah duh we know! Obviously! Nakano thought
WHHHAATTTT!? Saffy thought with wide eyes
"Now you must be confused. Let me he-"
" STOP INTERRUPTING!!!" Both the boy and Nakano scolded causing Saffy to pout and look away muttering 'jerks'
"You're mission is something I don't know about."
"Why are you even here!" Nakano yelled.
"Jee Girls are so loud."
Both girls dusted their hands off as the guy with his hood revealed lied on the ground with is displaced teeth.
Well it's good that beating an Anime character up isn't too bad since they recover quickly. Especially this one! Both the girls thought.
"Ok no more beating you up. And now we will let you speak without interruption." Saffy said cracking her knuckles as Nakano grinned.
"Urgh, why did He chose them." He murmured. The guy had blackish Grey hair with Ember eyes and Green specs.
"Did you say something?" Nakano said as she looked at him with innocent eyes as Saffy cracked her knuckles.
"Alright listen. First thing is you must have noticed you both have some powers. Which are what is not meant for me to tell you. Second thing, I'll help you control those powers and strengthen them. There is a reason for which you are given those. For what reason is something I don't know about."
Does this guy knows anything?
"Alright listen Dark cloud. Just tell us what you know."
"I prefer Monkey boy!"
"I prefer you both to shut up, and most importantly I prefer my name."
"We don't know your name" Nakano pointed out.
"And honestly we don't want to you Dark Monkey Cloud!" Saffy said grinning.
"Wha!?! Whatever! FYI I am a genius in scientific world. Anyway my purpose here is to do what she says." The boy said hissingly pointing at Saffy.
"Uhh Me?"
"Hey! Why not Me!?!?"
"Listen, I am here to listen to you only when the Locket of your shines. That's all I'll ever do. The locker you're wearing may belong to you only but has a hint of magic that triggers your mood."
"Uhhhhhh" the girls trailed.
"Basically it will only tell me that I need to listen to her when it it thinks it's important to listen to her."
"Again I'll ask. Why not me!?!"
" I never said I won't listen to you. But the thing is she was chosen for ordering me around. Cause maybe the Anime God thinks she is 'wise' which I highly doubt that." With the corner of his eye, he looked at Saffy for retorts but she didn't said anything and looked deep in thoughts.
"I am listening." She said in motion for him to continue.
"It will glow a different colour when I am supposed to listen to you."
"What colour will it glow?" Nakano said as she locked at the black locket Saffy was touching around her neck.
"I don't know." He replied.
"Basically you're going to listen not to me but what this locket says." Saffy said looking at it.
"That's all?" Nakano said annoyed.
"Oh don't worry Nakano, I am supposed to be the one who provides Materials to you all. The only thing is locket will tell is if you ask me something that would be magical and describe it, It will tell me to give it to you or not."
"Oh and I forgot to add, Take these, this will help in controlling your powers to your normal level. Basically you'll turn back to normal on every basis except your physical form. You are yet not ready to use your powers that you have been given by destiny." He said by handing the two girls bracelets
"Also, As long as these bracelet is touching your skin, you will be like any normal kid here. Nothing extraordinarily except your knowledge that you acquired from your life in the real world. Though I can't do anything about that spectacle of yours." He explained as he pointed to Nakano's spectacle.
"Oh.... Can I ask you a question?" Nakano said. Saffy looked at her weirdly.
"You're too polite you know that?" She said.
"And you're too impolite! Now go on Nakano."
"Hehe... Well.. you see.. There was this one time when I could see something coded in my spectacle... And not only that I am able to read any language or only Japanese so far like English. How?"
"You have to know that by yourself. As for Japanese and translation thing, just like Anime God got magic into Saffy's locket. For you it's in your spectacle." He explained.
"Your gift is more precious rather than Mrs Hothead right there." He added with a smirk. Saffy twitched in annoyance. Nakano looked at the Bracelets
The black one belongs to Nakano
The white one belongs to Saffy
"I just realised those are ying yang." Nakano said blinking.
"Ying yang?" Saffy asked confused looking at her friend.
"The white one here represents the Sun and The Black one represents the moon. I don't know much of the story though." Nakano said
"Yin is a symbol of earth, femaleness, darkness, passivity, and absorption. ... Yang is conceived of as heaven, maleness, light, activity, and penetration." The boy said.
"Sooo which among the two is yin and yang?" Saffy asked diverting her gaze to the Dark Cloud.
"Yin is the one Nakano holds. Yang is the one you have Saffy."
"Is there a specific meaning to them in this world?" Saffy asked.
"Yin stands for Darkness, and Yang for light. As you could see the dot of opposite colour in each, it shows the good in bad and the bad in good too. Both together symbolises harmony and peace. Just like Nakano said, Yin stands for Moon and Yang for the Sun. Both are a part of each other."The guy explained.
"So that means like the yin and yang together will bring peace in the world, we both will bring peace in this world!" Nakano said.
"Who said anything about bringing peace in this world?" Saffy said looking at Nakano.
" Well common! There must be a reason we are here from another world! It has to be something related to peace!" Nakano explained.
"Yeah.... Maybe." Saffy said looking back at the boy.
He didn't tell us what it means in this world did he? Or maybe he did cause I don't know much about it anyway. Nakano is naive, but maybe just maybe yes that's the reason why we are here. But I sense a deeper meaning of this yin yang and the reason they gave it to us instead of us choosing them. Maybe it has to do something with our real life? Or the life we will have here? Or does it symbolise some sort to power or something we're good at. I don't know. Well she did get the reason why we are here right. Maybe, just maybe we can figure it out together too. What it means in our personal life or here or anything. Boy finding out this will be fun! Oh wait a second....
"You said something about providing us materials when we ask right?" Said Saffy.
"Yeah. What about it?"
"You see right now we need a disguise that will make people impose to recognize us, even our gender. Since we are going.... somewhere... and they will remember our faces for sure. We don't want that so. What do you have that we could use?" Saffy explained.
"I have just the thing!"
"Remember we need to do something about our voices too. And our face must be hidden with a mask. And some clothes that'll hide..... anything that tells we are girls! Oh and what if we need you there?" Saffy said.
"Hey don't forget about weapons!" Nakano added.
"You have to just call my name."
"But you haven't told us your name!" Nakano said.
"Sorry can't."
"Seriously? Is there something you can do or you know!?" Saffy exclaimed.
"Watch it I won't help you otherwise."
"So what will we call you huh Dancing Monkey Boy?" Said Nakano with an innocent face.
"DC! Dark cloud!" Saffy exclaimed.
"How about fool?"
"Yeah that works too Nakano!"
" FINE DC! Or ummm KC?"
"KC? ok." Nakano said.
"Fine by me Short stack." smirked Saffy.
****************************TIME PASS********************
The girls had a hard black mask covering their face. KC or DC had given them a small thing that they needed to keep in their mouth to alter their voice. No one could even guess their age and gender. Currently they were heading towards the office where Koro sensei was kept with a Government Agent. Before they reached the building, Saffy had brought a Rubber knife and Nakano had developed The Anti-BB with the help of KC.
"Nurufufu Aren't you all eager one? These bullets won't do a thing to me! Now let me use this book while you all continue to shoot me. Old habits are hard to go away eh?" A new voice was heard as the girls near a indestructible glass wall. A yellow octopus like creature with many tentacles was dodging the bullets shot from everywhere in the wall continuously with ease. He had a permanent smile on his face with white dot eyes. He was dressed as a teacher. His face has green horizontal strips on his yellow face.
"Same as always..." Nakano said.
"Show-offer. Old habits are sure hard to die."Saffy sighed
"Applies to him too!" Nakano added
"And the govt official too."Saffy added.
The agent cleared his throat so as to get the Octopus attention.
"You have visitors."
"Eh?" He said as the bullets stop and his green face went back to normal yellow.
"We are NOT visitors." Nakano said as they entered the room.
"So you think you're indestructible huh?" Saffy said with a unreadable face.
"Well of course I am! I don't think but I know, besides, I think I have proved that by now but these old brainiac couldn't get it through their malfunctioned brain. They're just trying to satisfy themselves by tiring themselves out with trying to hurt me, which I might add, Is impossible." The octopus replied. His face back to green strips as he ended his little 'speech'.
"Oh really? Is that so?" Nakano mocked.
"Cool~" Saffy remarked.
"Then you wouldn't mind us giving it a shot do you? I mean it must be impossible to kill you even if you don't dodge and actually take the attack?" Nakano said.
"Well of course, what possible damage could you do to me when the bullets melt as soon as they touch my skin."
"So you don't mind standing still taking all the attacks we throw on you did you?" Nakano added with a smile as both the girls smirked.
"Or are you afraid to man up. Afraid that we may actually kill you." Nakano snickered taking out her gun and pointing it at Koro sensei. Who had two tic marks on his head as some part of his face became red.
"But no worries, we don't plan to kill you." Saffy said bringing her Anti Koro-Sensei rubber knife.
"BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH YOU plan to kill me with that?!?!" Koro sensei laughed as the officials nearby sweatdropped and began to think it was a bad idea to bring the two unknown people.
Everyone soon stared at the tentacle that was sliced in two and separated from the main book.
Another tentacle was blown into two. The octopus started sweating all over his body as his tentacle regenerated.
"You were saying?" Saffy said playing with her knife.
"Awww Are you afraid? Don't worry. You can't be this big of a push over" Nakano said as The octopus looked at the two taken back, deep in the thoughts.
"See you around Koro sensei." Nakano said as she walked out of the room. Saffy was about to exited the 'room' as Koro sensei looked at his new born tentacles, trying to think what just happened. Saffy stopped walking as she put her hands in her pocket.
"You think you're indestructible huh. Well news flash. You're not. Just like any creature, a strike at the heart behind that tie of yours with this knife means the end of you. Not only that, I believe you're an educated man. So you know that the faster the thing, the less it weights and the more it is easy to hold and reform its structure. But in you're case, you may be faster, you're only slimy little octopus. Keep that in mind, you're not stronger than the next person in terms of strength. In fact you don't have any. But you know, being fast as it's impact as force. Even if the person is weak physically, all it takes is rotation and speed to knock em out. That's your strength. But I know you're new in this form too. So just listen up, you're learning too, the moment you stop learning, that's the moment you'll crumble."
"A word of advice, for students memory, they like things easy, serious, simple and funny." She said as she turned to him.
"See you around The Reaper." Saffy said with her signature two finger wave as she head out of the room.
Who are these two? Changing their voice, stepping here out of blue. They're the first one to land a blow on this octopus, both physically, mentally and emotionally. We may not have heard anything from in the room because of the sound proof glass but we were able to see how they made him tremble in fear. The state secret octopus is sweating like some inflated air balloon right now. One of the agents named Karasuma thought.
As Saffy walked out of the room she looked at Nakano who was staring at someone seated on the chair.
************* A while ago with Nakano when she exited the room********
"Oh well, there you go sir, a totally indestructible creature on this planet sure has some weakness." Nakano said grinning.
"Hm, we would like to... inspect those things.."
"Hm? Oh sure, But one condition sir." Nakano said Giving him her gun.
"Which is?" he said inspecting it.
"The Government must reward us with a mansion, money and food supplies. I mean it's fair, One thing for another. You want our toys you can have them, but you need to give us what we demand!" She explained innocently as one could imagine her a dark red and black aura surrounding her as horns come on her hood.
"I must say, you're asking too much."
"Oh sorry. But you see it's only fair, you're putting 3 million or billion I don't know, price for killing him."
How did she know about the price? The man thought.
"Atleast, it must be sensible that finding a way to kill him, an easy method, must be rewarded too. So that reward you'll be giving for showing you and finding his weakness is Money and Food supplies. BBBBBUUUUUTTTTTTTTT if you want to inspect our weapons, we demand a house. Fair and square. Isn't that how business and trade and bargain stuff work huh?" Nakano said.
Hahaha Man Saffy should have seen me right now, Who says I am not smart huh? Nakano thought with a smile feeling proud of herself.
"We would have, But if you could walk out alive, which you can't." The man said. Nakano made a confused face which couldn't be seen because of her mask and began to stare at him.
"Now that you had handed me the gun, We can inspect it anyway." He said handing the person besides him the gun.
"So the deal ends. Well come to think of it, it wasn't even made." He ended his speech with a smirk.
"But I think you're forgetting about the knife I have." A new voice interrupted as the two looked at Saffy who was waving her knife. She immediately passes her knife to another hand as she shifted her weight towards the right, and then duck. That's when Nakano noticed A Government Agent attacking her.
She grabbed his hand with her free hand as she hid her knife somewhere. Later Saffy flipped him over her shoulder right at the indescribable glass wall behind her.
"We don't need the knife, that octopus couldn't be attacked in close range hand combats." The guy who was sitting on his chair stood up.
Nakano moved her head behind, then grabbed the head of the two officers who were charging at her from her Right-Left direction and smashed their head, making them unconscious.
Nakano then performed a cartwheel and a flip, landing besides Saffy, throwing one of the men who attacked her at the glass, which had developed a crack.
"Wow I never knew you could do cartwheel." Saffy said as she dodge one of the officers attacks with immense speed.
"I just thought that if we could jump that High we did last time, if that Washington DC could do so many things mid air. It would be obvious we could do stunts." Nakano explained as she punched one guy, knocking him out.
"Catch us if you can~" both the girls said as they start to evade the officers, 12 out of 20 attacks. The other eight were knocked out already by the girls.
After some jumping, random trying to hit the girls, some laughter and groans, all the officers dropped down on the ground as the two girls looked at them excited.
"Should I give it a try sir?" Karasuma said as the Saffy shrieked inside her mind.
Yeah bring it on! Nakano thought.
"Hmm... It seemed I underestimated these two strangers." The man said looking at Nakano who was standing and Saffy who was relaxing on a desk. The office was a disaster, many items were broken.
"Could you explain why were you trying to kill us?" Saffy said looking up at the man.
"You both are suspicious, knowing about the octopus, his weakness. He is supposed to a state secret. Yet you know about them, the only logical explaination is the fact that you're with him or are the one who designed him." He explained as he pulled out a gun.
Or the fact that we know this because it's an Anime and we are two girls from another world who knows everything that is about to happen and are assigned a stupid mission we are unaware of. But of course we couldn't tell you that. Both the girls thought
"You don't want to make a hasty decision. Give it a thought. Keep that gun away and listen to us." Saffy said.
"Think about it, if we were your enemies we would have killed you. And the only reason we asked for something as reward is because we don't have a place to live. We live jus-" Nakano started.
"You guys had a leak you know. We are the ones who live on roads. So obviously while stealing for food we suddenly came across some officers discussing about it. And as for how we know about how to kill him. You guys should be grateful to us. Besides if you think we are that suspicious then..." Saffy trailed as Nakano took out a remote
"We could blast this whole building with one click of this button." Nakano said.
"So give us what we demand please." Nakano said looking at the two alert men.
"And we won't cross paths with you. I'll let you in a secret, we are teenagers. That's all I am going to tell you about us." Saffy said as she stood up and walked beside Nakano.
"Then what about the mask you're wearing and the voice change device." Karasuma pointed out.
"I told you we steal stuff to survive." Saffy said groaning.
"Just let us be!" Nakano said.
"Nope, can't do!" Karasuma said pulling out his gun pointing at the two.
"Any last words kids?" He asked as the two girls became nervous. Their heart was beating so fast that it might come out. Is this the end? What about their mission? Where did they go wrong?
"KC!" Nakano said closing her eyes. A sudden blue mist appeared in front of them all.
"What the heck?" Karasuma said as he looked at the figure emerging from it.
"What is going on here!?" The man yelled.
"Why did you two g-" the figure started to speak.
"Shut up! They are not supposed to know our gender! So don't tell them that's we're g-"
"Whose saying it now!? Stop blowing our cover you two!" Nakano said cutting Saffy.
KC closed his eyes and mumbled inaudible words.
Karasuma lowered his gun as both the man and him came under a spell.
"Uhh what did you do?" The girls asked.
"Relax, get what you want now, they'll give it to you and forget anything that is supposed to happen when they're ..... like this," KC explained.
The girls nodded, Nakano made the man give her the address of the mansion she chose to live in. Saffy destroying the cameras and KC went into the camera office to delete the footage of him appearing and the girls screaming his name. KC also made sure to erase that address from any detailed book and the memory of anyone who knew about it. Nakano had left the knife and the gun on the desk that was destroyed.
They soon left the building but forgot one thing.
The super-secret octopus saw it all.
The Next Day
" Are you ready? " Saffy said, already excitement building up to her as she saw THE class 3E Old Campus!
They could already imagine how fun it is going to be!
" Yup,I am ready! I am! Yup! " Nakano said, but this time in a nervous tone. Saffy looked at her, then smirked.
" Huh? What was that? Are you nervous about meeting your favorite characters? " Saffy teased, getting revenge from Nakano when she was teasing her about her being scared and telling her scary things when they first came into this world. That and she loves to tease her friends too.
" N-Nope! I am N-Not! " Nakano said, looking away.
Saffy rolled her eyes.
" Ya Ya, Sure." She said, deciding to leave the topic for now anyways.
" Whatever " Nakano said, as they enter the old campus.
" By the way! What do you think will it be like when we see Nagisa cross-dressing in futur- " Nakano was cut off by a voice.
" Look! Now it's just like Mine! "
That voice..........
It was coming from the classroom.
They quickly got there, hiding behind the door, and peeked inside. They noticed One guy with blue hair who looks like a girl and another girl with green hair.
Nagisa and Kayano....
Saffy and Nakano eyes widened,
Of course! It is the day when Kayano first enter this classroom and made Nagisa her protection!
How could they forgot about this !?
They saw Nagisa being surprised at his new hairstyle.
And Kayano introduced herself to him.
" I am Kayano Kaede! Nice to meet ya! "
Nakano took a deep breath and walked in while Saffy followed casually. Soon, like Kayano, they put up an act.
" AHH! Sorry! We might have eavesdrop! " Ananya said as she bowed.
" Huh? Uhh, it's okay! But who are you two? "
" Oh! I am Ananya! And this is my sister! "
" I am Aarushi. It's a pleasure to meet you."
Nakano takes a deep breath as she remembers the last conversation Saffy and she had.
" When we will go to class 3E, we will do something." Aarushi said.
" And that is? "
" Well, you will become a cheerful girl who will want to befriend everyone here! Which is the girl you are."
"While I will become a girl who will just rarely say things. I need time, to fit in and control my mouth before I end up letting the cat out of the bag. Plus, I think I'll look for answers rather than focusing on class 3E now. Because, if they get to know my chatterbox side, when I won't speak anything when I am deep in thoughts, they'll feel suspicious. So by putting up this act..."
" They would not look suspicious at all !" Aarushi explained.
" hmm, you are right! But.....what if someone would still be suspicious? Like Karma? I mean, When he got to class E , we were like, top students! And then suddenly go down to Class E would be suspicious didn't it? " Ananya said.
" Good point, but we will figure out something. No need to worry! Besides, we need to focus on why we are here! That's why I am planning this! I was a girl who rarely spoke to Karma, while you wanted to friends with everyone! Us being like that, we will look like a side character who are some normal girls struggling to become an assassin!"
" It is good, but wow, you are sounding like Kayano right now! " Ananya said.
" Huh? Really? Well, if Kayano can do it, then why can't we? If she can use others as protection to look like a side character then why can't we? " Saffy smirked.
" Wow Saffy, You are just like a devil now " Nakano chuckled.
" But you are right ! We will just beat Kayano at her own game ! "
" Yup, and also, No One would be suspicious! Well , if someone would saw us on old campus on that day and you knocking a guy out then I guess they would " Saffy joked.
Nakano flinched a little at that.
" Uhh girl, you okay ?" Aarushi said , concerned.
" Uhh ya! Let's get to our mission now !" Ananya said , as she smiled.
Ananya looked at Kayano and Nagisa.
They will complete this mission. No matter what.
" Well , why are you just standing here ? You should put your bag at the seat and come here ! We should get to know each other a little " Kayano said, as Nagisa smiled.
Both nodded.
'So....trying to make us your protection too huh? Fine then , Do it , But you will not even get the result you are expecting ' Aarushi thought.
' well, looks like it's time to put our game in action '
They all talked, Ananya saying the most while Aarushi saying a little, just as planned.
After that, they both thought the same thing ,
' Class 3E ,we will complete our mission and have fun too!'
' here we go~'
WORDS: 4692
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