^ I love this cover.
It was meant for this chapter. ^
I rock on my heels in anticipation as I stare down the aisle. I never thought this day would come. In all of my thirty-six years I never thought I'd see this day. I hear the music sound off in the distance making my heart thud irregularly inside of chest. It beats like that until I see her.
The moment Rae comes into my view my world slows down, almost coming to a complete stop. Instead of beating irregularly, my heart beats steadily. She's arm in arm with Mr. Travers walking toward me to the rhythm.
Her gorgeous dark-red hair is half-up, half-down. There's baby's-breath laced into her locks, twisted in just the right manner to make a beautiful crown on top of her head. The bouquet in her hands is simple yet intricate, much like the white dress she's wearing. With each and every step she takes closer to me I can feel the emotion of an entire lifetime of loving this woman build up inside me.
Rae's bright hazel eyes find mine as she gets nearer. There is so much love in them that I feel my own emotions boil over. I cup my hand over my mouth as I take her in and feel tears well inside of my eyes. This is the moment the love of my life and I will finally belong to one another.
Her father places her hands in mine with his blessing and I gladly take them from him. I can't help myself as I bring both of her delicate hands up to my mouth and give them a soft kiss. The breath-taking smile she gives me in return makes my heart swell to ten times its normal size.
The officiant says what he has to say but I'm hardly listening because we'd practiced this. We'd gone through the rehearsal and, in truth, we'd been to many weddings that weren't ours before this. Now it's our turn and the only part that matters is the current part; our vows.
I take a deep breath as I hold her eyes, "Rae, there's been nothing about us that has ever been easy, that's for sure." I give her a smile when she lets out a soft laugh and continue with, "but that's what makes this all the more meaningful. I feel like I've waited a lifetime for you but I'd do it all over again to be the man standing in front of you right now. I'd wait a million lifetimes and a million more after that for this day. Because today is the day I'm officially able to give you all of me, everything inside of me, even though it's already been yours for as long as I can remember. My everything, all that I am, I am happy to say solely belongs to you. I love you."
Rae looks upward, wiping the tears away from her eyes before looking at me. She blinks a few times and swallows back the emotion I can see welling inside of her before she's able to speak. "Seth, my giant," it's my turn to let out a little laugh at that, "you are the love of my life and my existence. There will never be anyone to capture my heart and soul like you have." She pauses as she wipes a few tears away before continuing, "you've loved me through the good, the bad, and the ugly. You've loved me for me, just like I love you. I think that's the best thing about our love. It knows no boundaries. It knows no time limits. It's just there, just like it always has been and I promise it always will be. I promise to always love you."
After her words everything after that happens in a rose-colored blur. We both devote ourselves to one another and the officiant names us man and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Seth McCaslin. I don't think there's ever a moment in my entire life where I've ever felt so full of happiness.
We spend the rest of the afternoon singing and dancing, celebrating our love for one another. Our families congratulate us mutually, everyone finally able to be happy for something we'd been ashamed of for so long. We weren't ashamed of loving each other any longer though. There was now a weight off of my shoulders which felt like the weight of a dozen worlds being lifted.
I was finally able to show everyone how much I loved Rae. She was able to let me love her and love me back for everyone to see. There was no hiding anymore and I would never hide my feelings for the love of my life again. I now would never have to feel guilty for loving Raegan. No, now to the world she's my beautiful wife, proudly the center of my universe.
"Seth! Oh god!" Rae curses into the pillow beneath her several more times. I grip her hips hard in my hands, moving them with my pace as I rock in and out of her forcefully. She begins her orgasmic descent and I love watching every minute of it. Her face is making those pleasurable faces I love so much. Her red-hair is fanned out on the pillow underneath her. She's face-down, ass-up, and clenching me nearly to death as she rides through her abyss. I slow my pace, wanting to give her time to come back down to earth before I continue.
We've been going at it non-stop for the first day of our honeymoon. Raegan had stopped using birth control a few months back and I was taking full advantage of this opportunity to try and give her my child. Over the past few years there's been nothing I've wanted more than for Rae to be my wife and the mother of my children. There was no doubt in my mind that after a full two weeks of me non-stop coming inside of her the later was going to happen for sure.
"You squeeze me so good, baby." I'd said, as she finished the last bit of her spasming on me. "You're the sexiest thing I've ever seen." She is and knowing she's mine, my wife, makes it just that much sexier.
"Oh yeah? You like it when you make your wife come?" She knows how much I love it when she refers to herself as my wife or me being her husband. It makes me want to come on the spot. Her eyes flutter as I pick up my pace again.
"You know how I like it, how much I love it." I groan out with every plunge deeper than the last inside of her. I can feel myself getting closer as I think about filling her up, giving her my essence, giving her the potential to have my child. "Fuck, Rae." I let out a loud moan into the room as she tightens on me again, letting me know she's right there with me.
After a few moments I begin to slowly come down and as I do I rub my hands down Rae's back tenderly. She lets out a soft hum as I do with the sweetest smile on her face. She's the most beautiful fucking thing in my world. I could think it a million times but it still wouldn't be enough, she's the love of my life.
I pull myself out of her and give her butt a soft smack before lying next to her saying, "I love you, Raegan McCaslin." I kiss her underneath her earlobe tenderly and pull her backside into my front. She moves her small body perfectly to fit with my large one. I place my hand on her taught abdomen. "I can't wait to have a little version us."
"You ready to unleash a miniature dragon-giant on the world?" That makes me snort out a laugh.
"Of course." I kiss the back of her head and then nuzzle my nose into her wild hair. "I can't wait for that insanity."
"Are you really ready?"
"I just said I was."
"Good," she places her hand on top of mine, "because we're about to." I feel myself freeze at her words. I couldn't have just heard her correctly.
"What'd you just say?" I need to make sure she's actually implying what I think she is.
"I said you're going to be a father, Seth. I'm pregnant." I'm back on top of her instantaneously. "Seth!" She exclaimed once I'd pounced on top of her, well, carefully of course.
"You're having my baby?"
"Our baby, and yes, I am having our baby." I kiss my way down he naked body to her abdomen.
"Hello little dragon-giant." I said, then placed a soft kiss on her belly. I look up at her excitedly. "Can he or she hear me yet?"
"No, not yet." She smiles at me tenderly as she begins to play with my hair. "Not for little while, handsome. Do you care what we have?"
"What do you mean?"
"Do you care if we have a boy or a girl?"
"Oh, no, I don't care at all. Just as long as the baby is healthy, that's all that matters to me." I close my eyes as she continues massaging my scalp with her fingers. "How about you?"
"As long is the baby is healthy, no. I already have Jamie, so it would be kind of nice to have a girl though."
"Oh, don't worry about that. We're going to have plenty of them so I'm sure we'll get you a girl in there somewhere." Her fingers pause which makes me look up at her mischievously.
"How many kids do you want to have?" Her face looks slightly frightened.
"As many as physically possible." Her eyes go wide and her mouth drops. "Kidding. I'm kidding." Her features visibly relax. "But on a serious note, I've always wanted to have a lot of kids. I grew up as an only child, it was kind of lonely not having any other siblings around."
"Okay, so what are we talking here?"
"Three. I want three kids, well, four including Jamie." She looks on partially terrified. "What do you want?"
"I was thinking maximum two more." I pout at her. "Are you the one pushing them out of your body?" She challenged, which makes me smirk.
"Yeah, as a matter of fact, I'm the first one to push them out. Push them right out of me right up inside of you."
"Oh, shut it. You know what I mean."
"Fine, Rae." I move up alongside her and caress her cheekbone. "As long as I'm with you I'm not complaining."
"Well you're stuck with me for the rest of time."
"I'd rather be stuck with you for the rest of time than without you. Always remember that." I kiss her lips softly. "I love you."
"And I love you."
I can't believe this book is over. It's my second book in this series and the second book I've completed on Wattpad. As you all know, book 3 is up and I'm excited to share Jamie's story with you all. Before you read that there is also a spin-off of this series called Malicious. It takes place between this book and book 3 if you want to check that out.
Hope to see you in my other stories!
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