67. Out Of The Dark - ✭SEAN✭
Seth has been in the hospital for a few days. I'm sitting in the room as he sleeps, watching over him, like any good father would be after their son had gotten the ever-living hell beaten out of them. He's been in and out of consciousness and a bit groggy because of his wounds and how hard he'd been hit in the back of the head by what was determined to be a fucking baseball bat.
How much of a pussy does one have to be to hit you in the back of the head with a bat? And apparently we're not talking just one person attacking him but several. Several people jumped my son and put him in the fucking hospital.
I'd seen the way Seth had been with Rae and Jamie that night. I hadn't wanted him to wallow in his shit so I'd decided to go after him. If anyone knew how to brood it was me and I knew Seth would've spent the entire night doing just that.
I had wanted to be there for him. I had wanted him to know that I supported him, regardless of how fucked up it was that he'd slept with another man's wife. I mean, who am I to even talk? I fucked Jenn for Christ's sake and that woman still tries to sleep with me to this day.
Why Raegan had ever even married Liam is a mystery to me. To me, everything about him just screamed 'rich entitled douchebag'. He held on to her like she was a prize, like an object, not a person. You can tell his feelings for her are shallow. She was a challenge, a conquest, so he'd put a ring on it and knocked her up the second he had his chance.
It didn't matter that he'd done any of that because she was clearly still so infatuated with my son, so deeply in love with him. It was even painful for me to watch what went on between the two of them. Why she'd waste Liam's time, let alone her own, is beyond me. I could even see it on her wedding day. She'd looked at Seth as if her heart had just freshly broken. All it took was a single glance and you could see that fire reignite between the two of them. It's like a canister of gasoline was thrown on it and someone tossed in a match.
When they'd danced you would've thought it was their wedding day, not her and Liam's. The way the two of them looked at each other with all of that longing, that lust, made their love shine like a beacon that anyone could see. But then there was that moment where she'd nearly completely snuffed it out.
The look on Seth's face looked like he was absolutely devastated, like someone had just stabbed him in the gut. It was like she'd snapped him in half like a twig. I'd wondered what it took to make that happen but Liam's announcement that she was expecting had let me know exactly what she'd told him that broke him; she was carrying another man's child.
After the wedding I'd thought he'd surely move on. I honestly thought he had already with Irina since she was basically living with him. Irina had been an alright woman, she treated him good and she was attractive, well, I suppose. Blonde women were never really my particular type but they seemed to be Seth's. But she seemed shallow, something I'd noticed my son was also attracted to.
Every other woman besides Raegan was that way. They were all beautiful on the outside but their insides were void of any sustenance. I liked Rae a lot better than most of them. She had spunk, tenacity, and she made him happy. Rae was also free-spirited, artsy, and that seemed to make her indecisive. That's, I'm sure, how she'd found herself married to Liam and not my son. Well, there's that and the fact that my son has a sharp tongue with a volatile temper sometimes.
Seth seemed to calm down once he opened his gym and once he channeled that anger more productively. For that, I was proud of Seth. I thought maybe he'd find someone else but I was clearly wrong. The moment Rae came back to town Seth had sought her out, clearly not giving a shit about the fact that she was married.
I wouldn't give a single fuck either if I was him.
And this is how I know he's my son. He wants what he wants and there's no telling him otherwise. Even if the thing he wants he shouldn't want. Nope, not my Seth, he'll still happily go right after it. I mean, he'd already managed to do something with her on Thanksgiving after having barely seen each other in a seven-year span. And that son of hers, he ran up to Seth like he was the best thing in the world. The look on Seth's face was that of a happy father, the image would've nearly choked me up if I hadn't been so angry at him for potentially fucking up that little boy's life.
Then Christmas dinner when Raegan's husband had asked about her whereabouts not so subtly in front of everyone. Seth and Rae had looked at each other and the one thing my son does that is completely unlike me is show every single emotion on his face. Just taking one glance at him glancing at Rae, you knew. You knew exactly where Raegan had been, which was happily lying with my son, most likely committing infidelity with him.
When she'd dropped him off that night I'd known where she was going. She was off to see my son, the man she was genuinely in love with. When he'd come to pick them up, looking tortured but determined, determined to get them home safe, I'd never been sadder or prouder. He'd make sure they got home safely, even if that was safely with another man.
And when I'd peaked out the window, looking through the endless flurries, I'd watched him put that little boy in his truck. Directly after he'd pulled Raegan into his arms and pinned her against the truck. They'd kissed passionately and my heart broke for my son because I knew he was going to have to let her go again.
Once they'd driven off I'd waited about fifteen or so minutes until I had changed and gotten ready to go take on the snow. Katie had given me a worried expression because Nor'easters were no joke. This amount of snow was extremely dangerous to drive in but I knew how to, just like my son. I'd taught him. You figure it out, you manage, especially when the ones you love need you.
It took me a while as the snow had plummeted down from the sky but I'd eventually made it to the gym. I knew my son would go here because I'm sure the reminder of her in his home was too much. I'd done the same thing when trying to forget about Monica. I'd gone to Trevor's loft and stayed there for two weeks. Well, I'd gotten completely fucked up but Seth isn't like me in that way, thank Christ. But he needed to separate himself from the memories because, from what I've gathered, he has a visual memory much like mine.
Thank fucking God it's not filled with the bullshit that is in mine.
Once I'd pulled up to the outside my heart started beating rapidly as I saw his truck parked on the street. My heart thundered inside of me because the windows to the place were smashed in as was the door. I'd jumped out of my truck and had immediately gone inside not giving a single fuck who may or may not be there because if anyone hurt my fucking son I'd end their fucking life.
I'd called out for him. I'd screamed at the top of my lungs my sons name. I'd felt the tears flow down my face as I went throughout the scene of destruction. I went from room to room and remembered a time where I'd done this with my best friend, my brother. My anxiety, my darkness, all that brokenness flowed through my veins. All of my demons came to the surface in that moment.
Then there was the back door. It was propped open by debris and I'd felt a chill roll throughout my entire body. I yelled his name again and found my voice unsteady, almost unable to say his name. I made my feet move one after another to the door and when I opened it I'd screamed Seth's name louder than I ever have screamed anything painfully in my entire life.
There he was, covered in a layer of snow, surrounded by a pool of his own blood. I'd ran to him, feeling a harsh sob escape me as I began to see the extent of the damage. His face was bloodied, black, and blue. The back of his head was one of the sources of the bleeding.
I'd picked him up and cradled his lifeless body in my arms feeling myself want to lose absolute control but I didn't. I'd checked for a pulse and when I'd found one my heart started to beat again. I'd told him it was going to be okay, that I had him and the situation was so reminiscent of what had happened with Trevor I could hardly contain the demons writhing within me.
I'd fished my phone out of my pocket and dialed the authorities right away. I sat there in the snow holding him to me. I'd rocked him back and forth just like I had when he was an infant, just like I had when Monica was alive. He was my last piece of Monica and if I lost him I might as well just drown myself. Because who gives a single fuck about sobriety if the one thing in the world you'd created with someone who'd changed your entire fucking existence dies.
He's the last living piece of the absolute love of my life.
I'd begged him to stay with me. I'd begged him to stay strong as he bled all over me. I'd begged him not to leave me too. I'd pleaded with his limp body to not leave me in a snowstorm just like his mother had. And I'd cursed God. I'd cursed him relentlessly for continuously fucking with me.
God is a fucking cruel sadist.
But here we are, Seth is in a hospital, at least he's doing better. And at least he's not brain dead, which is what they'd originally thought when they'd looked at the wound on the back of his skull. He's got a skull fracture, five broken ribs, and some minor internal bleeding. He also had a serious concussion, which is why he's been in and out of it.
When police had asked me who I'd thought was responsible I'd said I didn't know. Seth had a lot of people who weren't his biggest fan in the boxing world but I know no one would ever disrespect him like this. There was only one person I could think of who'd want to ruin everything for him. Only one person I could think of who would want to take everything from him, even if it was his life.
That man is Liam fucking Anderson.
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