41. Meaningful Talks
After Sarah had told Rae she'd basically fucked me in the shower while telling me I was going to be a father Rae looked like she was going to pass out. I could see the look on her face realizing why I was so distant for the past two weeks. I'd called her name and so had Rhys but she looked like she didn't hear either of us.
I thought she'd stay and scream at me but, to my surprise, she'd opened the door and left. Rhys went after her and I completely lost my shit at Sarah. I'd screamed at her. I'd yelled. I'd said some of the meanest shit I could think of because she'd just costed me my relationship with Raegan and she knew it.
She'd sat there and happily told Rae everything. She fucking laughed in her face as she did so as well. Sarah treated Rae like she was some big fat fucking joke but she wasn't laughing when I was finished with her. No, the verbal onslaught I'd given her afterwards was brutal and she did the one thing I've never seen her do. Sarah actually cried. Not just cry either. She practically balled her fucking eyes out.
After that I'd left her alone in the dressing room. I'd gone out and fought my fight viciously. I felt bad for my opponent because I was ruthless. I needed to get out all of those infuriating emotions that were boiling like fire ants underneath my skin and I'd done so meticulously on him.
Afterward I'd showered and changed. I took my time before going to see Rae because I figured I was probably the last person she wanted to see right now. I figured maybe Rhys could talk to her. If anyone could do it he could possibly help her digest and hopefully deescalate the situation before I saw her.
Unfortunately for me Rhys hadn't been able to get ahold of her. So, here I am, standing outside her apartment door feeling the self-loathing course through me as I hear her sobbing through the door. Even from this spot I can hear her crying and she's crying hard. I put my head on the door feeling like such a fucking piece of garbage before slowly knocking on the door.
Her cries stop momentarily before she manages to choke out, "go away Rhys. I don't want to talk to you."
"It's me, Rae." She doesn't say anything. "Come on, babe. Open the door. We need to talk."
To my complete and utter surprise she actually opens the door. The moment I look down at her I feel my heart break in half because her eyes are swollen and red from her crying. Her face is a splotchy beautiful mess.
"Rae, I can explain." Her form begins to tremble again but she doesn't say anything. She moves aside, gesturing for me to come into her apartment. Once she closes the door she turns toward me. "I'm sorry. I didn't want you to find out like that. I'd planned on telling you I just needed to-"
"Which part did you not want me finding out about like that?" she said, interrupting me. "Was it the part about you sleeping with Sarah or the part about you sleeping with another girl and getting her pregnant?"
"I didn't have sex with Sarah she just got in the shower with me." Okay, that doesn't sound right either. "I mean, I got right out when she came in." She arches an eyebrow at me. "We didn't shower together for that long."
Jesus Christ, I'm off to a truly brilliant start.
"Good to know." She wraps her arms around herself. "Yeah, real good to know while I was telling Liam off you were showering with your ex."
"She just came in. I don't have any control over her. She's fucking crazy, Raegan. You know it."
"Okay, so you just were naked with her. Yeah, no big deal. No wonder you thought I was fucking Liam back at my place considering what you were doing." She looks up at me with a fresh set of tears in her eyes. "Is that why you wanted to have sex so bad? Were you," she chokes on tears, "were you thinking about her while you... you-"
"Oh god, no, Rae." I try to touch her, to comfort her but she backs away from me. "No," I reassure her, "I was not thinking about Sarah while we were being intimate together."
"Were you- did she-," she looks away from me, "did she turn you on and that's why you wanted to fuck me like that?"
"Raegan, I swear to fucking Christ himself that what happened between us had absolutely nothing to do with her." Well, from what she'd told me but not her specifically. There's no way in hell I'm telling her that though. I blow out a long breath instead and say, "she's the one who told me about Katie. Katie hasn't said a fucking thing to me since we slept together."
"So, the two of you were in a relationship together? You and this Katie girl?"
"No, it was a one time thing. I don't know what happened. I wore a condom but I think it broke while we were fucking." She visibly cringes. "I'm sorry, Rae. It was an accident that happened so long ago and I was fucking wasted."
"She's so beautiful." Rae says as she sniffles and wipes tears away from her face. "The two of you will make one gorgeous baby."
I feel my face fall at those words. "Rae, sweetheart, if I wanted to have kids with anyone it definitely wouldn't have been with Katie." It would be with you. But that's also not something I'm going to utter out loud right now.
"You know I don't want kids, Seth." She said it like she'd heard my internal thought. "I don't know how to handle this whole situation."
I give her a sad frown before saying, "don't you think I know that? Why do you think I didn't want to tell you?"
"You kept this from me for weeks, Seth. I can't believe you would keep this from me." She shakes her head in disbelief. "Where do we go from here? I don't know if-"
"I know, Rae. You don't have to say it. I know you don't want to stick around now. I know you're going to New York." I look at the ground woefully. "I know this is my mistake and I need to handle it. I know it's over between us."
"What?" She walks up to me and places her palm on my cheek. "I'm not going to leave you. Why would you think I would leave you, Seth?"
My eyes flicker down to hers in surprise. "You mean you'd stay in a relationship with me even though I'm having a kid with another woman?"
Tears flow down her cheeks as she caresses my face. "Of course I will, Seth."
"Why?" My voice cracks on the word.
She blinks a few times through her tears. "Because I love you. I have always been in love with you."
I look down at this small and beautiful woman who's looking up at me with adoration. "I love you too, Rae." I place both of my hands on the sides of her face and wipe her tears away with my thumbs. "I love you so much."
"You do?"
"I've never been in love before you. It's never felt this way." I give her a warm smile and pull my hands away from her tearless face. "You're my first, babe."
She wraps her arms around my waist and nuzzles into my chest. "I've loved you since I was a little girl, Seth. I've never stopped."
"You've got an interesting way of showing it." I let out a small laugh as I place a kiss in her hair.
"Shut up."
I hold her in my arms tightly, never wanting to let her go. This small fiery woman is mine and to my utter amazement she's not going to leave me. She's going to stay with me through my complete fuck up.
"You don't have to, Rae." I mumble into her hair. "You really don't have to stay. I know you love me but I don't want you to feel obligated to me. I want you to have the future you want, not just be a stepmother at twenty-two years old."
"I'm staying, Seth." Her arms hug me tighter. "I'm going to stay right here inside of your arms until someone tears me away."
"You're amazing." I kiss her again. "So fucking amazing. I'm so fucking lucky to have you as my own."
"Have you spoken to her about what she wants to do?"
"No, I haven't even spoken to her about it at all." I realize in this moment that the baby may not even be mine. I haven't even confirmed if I'm the father with her yet. "She hasn't said a word to me. I've only talked to Sarah about it."
She pulls away slightly, "so how do you even know if it's your baby or not?"
I look down into her questioning hazel eyes and honestly tell her, "I don't."
Her eyebrows scrunch together, "you're telling me you haven't talked to her in almost two weeks? She's got to be ready to pop any day now, Seth. For fuck's sake you need to find her and talk to her."
"You're right."
And she is. The next thing I need to do is find Katie and find out once and for all if this child is mine. And find out if I'm going to be a father at twenty-five years old.
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