"Ayyyy!" Rhys shouts over the loud music as he walks towards me with some chick. "How's my best friend in the entire fucking world?"
"Yeah yeah, you want free drinks." I grab his favorite beer and hand it over the bar to him. "You're lucky my dad owns this place."
"And you, my friend, are lucky I'm going to let you stay at my place." He gives me a wink as he takes a sip from the bottle.
"Whatever. And what will this beau..." I stop midsentence because I realize the word beautiful was about to slip past my lips and the woman I was referring to is a woman that loathes me. I cough to cover up my almost fuck-up and more appropriately say, "uh, what can I get for you, Rae?"
She quirks a feisty eyebrow at me. "Were you just about to call me a bitch, Seth?"
I cough again, "nope, I was going to say the best sister in the entire world!" My tone sounding as thick with sarcasm as I can make it while giving her a hearty eye roll. Jesus, Seth, real fucking smooth. I might as well be eye rolling at myself.
"Whatever it is just make it dirty." I cock an eyebrow at her but don't say anything in return. I make her a vodka martini, extra dirty, and hand it over. She sips then looks at me with her hazel eyes filled with a look I've never seen before. Well, I've seen the look but never from her. "It's good, really good."
What the...
Before I have time to respond she struts away onto the dance floor and I can't help but watch her the entire way. Her long, naturally red locks are just above her rear-end and can I just say, her rear-end is looking mighty fine these days. Wait, no it's not. Her rear-end cannot look mighty fine. I cannot think anything about that particular rear-end.
"I'm going to get laid tonight. I really, really need to get fucking laid tonight" Rhys sighs in frustration and sips his beer again. I shake my head of those type of thoughts about Rae as I look over at Rhys. He's oblivious to the way I was just watching his sister and thank fucking god for that.
"Yeah, I hear you."
"How's Sarah these days?" I glare at him because he knows how much of a 'no-go' the topic of Sarah really is. "I take it she's well."
"I wouldn't know and don't care."
He chuckles and downs the rest of his beer. "So you say."
"Seriously, we're done." I deadpan.
"That's what you said last time."
I don't say anything else as I turn away from him to finish making a round of drinks. He knows how psychotic Sarah is but he also knows I've ended up back with her more times then I'd care to admit. But after the last time we're done.
"Seth?" I hear Rhys calling my name at the end of the bar. "Seth!"
"Yeah?" I say as I walk over to him. "What is it, Rhys?" I already know what he's going to ask me as the girl in his arms is pawing the life out of him. I just know.
"Do you mind taking Rae home? I, uh, well..." This girl is all over him, it's ridiculous. "Carla and I would like to get to know each other better."
"Yeah, I got you." He heads off, kissing her as he does. I almost feel bad that Rae has to witness that. That girl is literally trying to devour Rhys right on the dance floor.
I spot Rae dancing with some guy as Rhys makes his way over to her. He's telling her I'm bringing her home and I know this because her eyebrows scrunch together unpleasantly. She watches him incredulously as he walks away and then her eyes flicker to mine. She frowns automatically. Wonderful.
The song ends and the guy she's dancing with heads in the direction of the bathroom. That's the moment our resident club douche bag, Isaac, dances his way up to her. I shake my head as he tries to move in on her and I laugh to myself as I mix the drink in my hand.
He has no idea how badly she is about to shut him down. I watch in amusement as she tries to let him down, probably giving him a big no fucking thank you but it appears Isaac is not taking no for an answer. He never got no for an answer, then again, he doesn't know Rae. It doesn't seem like Isaac can really wrap his head around the concept of someone not wanting him though. He's trying to pull her body into his even though she's clearly backing away and swatting at his hands.
"Mike, watch the bar." I wipe my hands on a rag and don't even wait for his response as I make my way over to them. I'm seeing a vibrant shade of red as he continuously tries to get her to relax.
Relax? You're going to want to take your hands off of her right fucking now.
"I SAID GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME YOU PRICK!" She jerks her wrist back and smacks him right across his face forcefully. Now he looks stunned. Stunned and angry. Really fucking angry. His eyes are blazing at Rae.
"You little fucking bitch!" he roars out at her and she doesn't even flinch and that makes me smirk.
Rae has never really been scared of anything. Growing up she was always trying to hang out with Rhys and I. Be one of the guys. Always trying to show us how tough she is. Such a little dragon.
He takes another step towards her and, if I'm not mistaken, looks like he wants to do more than just yell at her. I don't fucking think so, bud. "You're really not going to want to do that." I glare at him sinisterly as I step in between the two of them, making his eyes widen. "She's off limits. Do you hear me, Isaac? OFF. FUCKING. LIMITS."
Isaac automatically puts his hands in the air, surrendering. "Shit, man, I didn't know she was your girl. Fuck, if I would've known that I would've never even..."
"Yeah and now you know. And you will never put a hand on her or even speak to her again. You pull that shit with anyone else in this club again and your ass is out. OUT."
"I got it, Seth. I got it." And I know he truly does by the petrified look in his eyes. He'd seen me fuck a guy or two up in here and he's seen me box. He knew better than to test me.
"Good." I give him one last menacing glare before he retreats quickly to safety.
"Your girl?" I hear Rae sneer behind me.
I turn around to a perturbed Rae. "Those weren't my words those were his."
"You said yeah. So, essentially, you agreed with him." She takes a sip of her drink as she eyes me curiously.
"I was just trying to get him to leave you alone, Rae. What the hell did you want me to say? I mean the dude looked like he wanted to hit you."
"Because I hit him first." She gives me a devilish grin.
"You could've gotten hurt." I deadpan.
"That's why I have my man." She coos playfully with a wink as she finishes her drink.
Rae begins to dance when a new song begins to reverberate throughout the room. Her body moves in time with the deep bass. She's got her eyes closed and her head tilted slightly back as she rolls her hips seductively.
Holy fuck, that's hot. Fuck. Nope. Rae is off limits. Especially off limits to me.
She opens her eyes, looking up into mine. Even in her high heels Rae is still half a foot shorter than me. At this height, I can't help but look down at her plump breasts that are perfectly on display. Fuck.
"See something you like?" Rae shakes her chest at me.
Fuck yes. "Try and stay out of trouble would you." I start to turn to walk back to the bar but she grabs ahold of my arm.
"Dance with me?" The tone of her voice is one I don't recognize. "I know you're working but come on, Seth. Just one dance."
I let out a heavy sigh as I turn towards her to say no but the moment I begin to open my mouth a new rhythm picks up over the speakers. The rhythm is sexy and so is the look in her eyes. I shake my head at her in mock frustration, "fine, one dance."
I pull her dancing body closely into mine, but not too close. I move to the beat with her as she sings along with the words to the song. She turns around, pulling my arms around her waist as she does so. Rae starts moving her ass on my crotch, rolling her hips then moving them up and down. The way she does that reminds me of an entirely different activity and after a while I begin to feel myself responding to her in a way I definitely shouldn't be.
I try to pull away a little after a bit which only has her wrapping her arms around the back of my neck. Rae pulls me into her, even closer than we were before, as she presses her ass against my now, rock-solid cock. The moment she feels it she tenses a bit but, to my surprise, continues grinding herself on me.
This is not a good idea.
But even though I think that I don't think about what I do next or, more accurately, who I'm doing it to, as I grind myself right back into her. I let my hands explore the curves of her body as we move together, bringing them to her swaying hips, over her taught abdomen and then finally up to her plush, round breasts. I don't linger there for too long before I let my hands make their way back down her immaculate body.
Rae grabs the back of my neck and pulls my head down. Her hazel orbs look into my green ones before she presses her lips to mine. I can't help but spin her moving body around, our lips never leaving one another's. I pull the front of her body into mine as I push my tongue into her mouth. Rae runs one hand over my body and the other one makes me tense immediately as it grabs ahold of my cock through my pants.
She pulls away from my lips and looks up at me as she squeezes my length. She rubs me up and down through my pants with a hungry look on her face. Fuck me if I don't know that particular face because I know what that face means.
"Fuck, Rae..." She continues her moving over me making me groan "Rae, fuck... Rae..." I want to fuck her so bad it hurts but this is such a 'no-go zone' it's not even funny. "Rae, stop." I grab ahold of her hand, halting her movement. "You gotta Stop. We can't do this."
"Fine." She pulls away from me. "Have fun taking care of that." She turns abruptly and struts away from me.
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