2. Caught In The Act
Class felt like it lasted a fucking eternity. Listening to Mr. Heinen ramble on and on about DID in abnormal psych had me feeling like I had multiple people living in my head. After that hour and some change I felt like Kevin Wendell Crumb and I had a few things in common. Then again, I think we all have different sides of ourselves that appear at different times. I, personally, won't be rocking a pair of high heels or a shoulder bag any time soon though.
Right about now I'm extremely happy and thankful that I don't live far away from campus. After that good and thorough mind-fucking I need some Advil and a good nap if I even want to try and get through my shift tonight. Friday nights are always busy and I know my feet are sure to be killing me later in the same fashion my head is right now.
I run my hand through my hair feeling the utter exhaustion flow through me as I open the door to the loft. All I want to do is fall face first on the large leather sofa in the middle of the room the moment I lay my eyes on it. I don't know what it is about a couch but I find it easier to sleep on one of them then I do an actual bed. Something about the fact that it isn't really made to be a place to sleep is probably why I find myself asleep on them most of the time.
I throw my bag on the floor next to the large brown thing with a hearty sigh. The moment I'm about to plop down and pass out is when something makes me freeze. A moan. A loud moan coming straight from upstairs.
What the fuck?
"Oh, fuck!" A woman screams out from upstairs. "Shit, just like that! Fuck! Right there, riiiiiight... Ahhhhh! Sean!"
My dad is fucking someone? Ugh. No. No thank you. Nope. Just no.
"That's it. Fucking come on my cock!" He gives whoever she is a hard smack on what I'm assuming is her ass. The slapping noises are enough to make me want to gag.
Jesus. Fucking. Christ. Make it stop. Please, just make it stop.
No one, I repeat, no one wants to hear their parent fucking. Thankfully the fucking stops but not before I hear my dad groan out in orgasmic bliss like a god damn lion on steroids. Vomit.
"Holy shit!" Whoever she is is panting now like a bitch in heat. "Your cock is huge."
That is something I never, ever, just fucking never wanted to hear. He doesn't say anything for a while and I'm thankful for it. I hear her whispering something but he responds with a harsh no. She continues but he barks out at her, "I said, no. This is never happening again. This shouldn't have ever fucking happened in the first place."
Jesus, Dad, way to be a dick. I mean, I'm an asshole but I'm not that much of an asshole especially right after sex. Well, I'd at least like to think I'm not.
"I said no, Jenn." That's when I feel like a bucket of ice water has been thrown on me and I know that I know that I'm definitely not that much of a dick. No, it's not what he did because yeah, I've done that but it's who he did it with.
I watch my father as he walks angrily down the stairs with my Aunt, my mother's sister, trailing behind him. She's mumbling, stuttering over herself to him but I can only make out the words, "we could just have fun." She's practically begging him to keep fucking her and his hands are in his hair so tight it looks like he's going to rip it out. It is clear my dad isn't interested, he looks extremely pissed off actually but knowing my dad his anger is probably more directed at himself than anyone else.
"You're fucking married, Jenn. Go have fun with your husband." He goes directly into the kitchen and grabs a bottle of whiskey, opens it, and pours himself a glass.
"My husband can't fuck like that." She gestures to the stairs with a smirk on her face. "I mean that, that was amazing, Sean."
"Your sex life with your husband is not my fucking problem, literally." He takes a sip from the glass as he practically fumes with irritation. "This is a one-time thing, Jenn. I'm serious. First and last time. This is never happening again. It should have never happened in the first place."
No, it fucking shouldn't have. But I will say knowing this was the only time that it did happen was somewhat of a relief. Well, not really, but kind of.
Aunt Jenn reaches forward putting her hands on his chest playfully but he just glares down at her. "Don't touch me, Jenn. Please, just get your hands off of me."
Im surprised he said please because if there is anything my dad hates, it's when people put their hands on him. My dad's always been weird when it came to touch, always tensing up a bit at family gatherings when anyone would give him a hug or even the casual pat on the back. I never really understood why but he had never been that way with mom or me. I always just thought maybe he was a germaphobe but that wouldn't really make sense in this particular situation.
"We were doing a lot more than touching just a minute ago." She licks her lips and it makes me cringe from head to toe. "You weren't complaining when I had your cock in these hands. In my mouth..."
Ughhhhhhhh. How I've managed to keep quiet up until this point is beyond me. It's like watching a car wreck. You want to look away but you just can't.
"No," he sets his glass down and takes ahold of her wrists, forcing her hands off of him "that was nothing more than a quick fuck, Jenn. You mean nothing to me. Do you hear me? You're nothing more then a quick fuck to me. That's it."
For fuck's sake, dad. Cruel much?
"Monica always said you were good in bed but..."
"Don't you dare say her name." My dad's face contorts furiously as he snarls at her "How the fuck can you even bring her up after that? Your sister is the fucking love of my life. She is the only woman I have ever truly wanted."
"She's not here any more, Sean" Aunt Jenn says quietly. "She passed away two years ago, it's ok to move on."
He laughs darkly, "What, move on to you?" More dark chuckling. I have never seen my dad quite like this before. "Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. My. House." When she hesitates he screams "now!" at her making her break out into tears. She turns around quickly to make it out of the house, stumbling over her black high heels.
Once she sees me she freezes. Her eyes go wide, "Seth, I..."
"You heard him, get out." I glare at her as she runs out of the house sobbing. I direct my attention to my father after the door slams. "What the fuck, Dad?"
His features turn hard, "it was nothing."
"Nothing!?" I shout furiously. "You just fucked Aunt Jenn! She's fucking married, Dad! She's mom's sister! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?"
"A lot." He states it simply, like what just happened didn't just fucking happen. He seems completely unfazed by the situation, like he was used to treating women that way. I had never seen my dad be anything but sweet with my mother. He'd always called her his lifeline and had treated her as such.
"Jesus, Dad." I don't know what else to say. What does one say in such a situation?
He starts laughing to himself, "if you only knew the half of it." He rubs his hands in a harsh manner over the front of his face which is covered in a day's worth of scruff. "The only person who knows that is your mother."
I've seen my father like this only a few other times. Those times being when my mother had died and near the anniversary of her death. That horrible anniversary which is now only a few shorts weeks away. I know my dad is going to be a mess for the foreseeable future and even though I hate it, it doesn't change the fact that it's a fact.
I usually stay with my best friend Rhys when he gets like this and it's not because I don't want to be there for him. It's that there's no getting him out of his own funk. The only person who could get him out is himself and I know he will get out of it, well, eventually. Until then I'm going to give him the space he clearly needs to get his head back on straight.
I don't say anything else to him before I make my way over to the staircase. I take the steps two at a time, dialing Rhys' number as I do so.
"Yooooo, what's good, Seth?"
I laugh at his stupid greeting because he sounds like a fucking idiot but I know he knows it. "So, I need a place to stay for a bit."
"I'm fine with you crashing with me but there uhhh... there's a bit of a problem." I hear a familiar voice in the background calling Rhys' name. "My sister is staying with me until she finds a place of her own in the city."
"Ah, fuck." Rhys' sister Rae and I do not get along whatsoever, not even in the least bit. I always picked on her when she was younger and she hated it. That resulted in her always being a complete and utter bitch to me when we got older.
"Who's that?" I hear her ask in the background.
"It's your favorite person. He's going to be staying here with us for a little while." I hear him chuckle as she lets out a slew of profanities, clearly unhappy about the news.
Great. This is going to be fun.
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