USJ Part 1~Chapter 5
1.18k reads. Damn. Thank you, like, wtf. It took me so long to write this, though I did have to cut it a bit short to publish something.
I hope you enjoy 💙
~Next Day (It's currently Friday now, so the sleepover is after school)~
{Warning: I'm splitting U.S.J up into parts, and I would like to warn you that it's going to get a bit complicated/confusing. Sorry for that in advance and make sure that you pay close attention in the future!}
I wake up, and rub my eyes, still a bit tired. I walk to the bathroom and quickly splash my face with cold water to wake myself. I walk back into my room and change into my uniform. I brush my hair and teeth, and put on my makeup. I walk downstairs and grab my backpack, expecting to go to the river like any other day. I open the door, and Uraraka is right in front of me holding her fist up, probably about to knock.
"Hi?" I say, confused on why she's here. "O-oh sorry... Haha, I spotted you coming out of your house yesterday. I was going to knock on your door to see if you wanted to walk with me again" Uraraka said, rubbing the back of her neck. "Why not" I say, and a happy Uraraka moves out of the way. I step out of the house, and close and lock the door.
Me and Uraraka walk to school together, with a bit of chit chat along the way. Once we got to the classroom, we both went to our respective seats. I was warmly greeted by Kirishima as I sat down, and we had a nice conversation. Class had finally started when Aizawa-Sensei walked into the classroom.
"Today we will be participating in a rescue exercise for your Basic Hero Training " Aizawa-Sensei said, in his usual grumpy tone. "I, All Might, and a fellow pro will be supervising" he added, leaving most of us wondering. Some were a bit confused, but went along with it anyways.
I walk with Uraraka and Yaoyorozu to the locker room. After putting on my hero costume, I walk out to the bus. Iida instruct's us to get on the bus in a specific way, but it turns out the bus lay out was different then he had planned. When we were all situated on the bus, I ended up next to Kirishima, luckily. After we drove for a while, the girl named, I believe, Tsuyu Asui? Spoke up.
"You know Midoriya~Kun, your quirk is similar to All Might's, kero" she spoke, catching the attention of almost the whole bus. "But All Might doesn't hurt himself when he uses his quirk, no offense Midoriya~Kun" Kirishima added, making a pretty valid point. Everybody was talking about their quirks, and I started to get sleepy... I guess that cold water this morning didn't... Work....
~3rd person~
(Y/n) slowly drifted asleep, while unconsciously resting her head on Kirishima's shoulder. The girl layed softly against the boy, and eventually the boy fell asleep too, resting his head on hers. After a while Mina noticed the sleeping pair, and took pictures. This caused the rest of the class to look at the two as well. Todoroki felt a bit protective, but not in a romantic way. Even though he didn't know the girl that well, she seemed like a sister to Todoroki. The class let them peacefully sleep with eachother, some getting a bit sleepy themselves. After a while, the bus jerked to a stop, and people started fileing out of the bus.
~(Y/n)'s pov~
I felt myself being shaken, waking me from my sleep. "(Y/n)~Chan it's time to get up! Get off the bus! We're at U.S.J!" someone said, and I open my eyes to see it was Uraraka. I try to move, but I feel a weight on my head and waist. I shift my eyes towards the right to see, Kirishima? He had his head on mine, and a hand around my waist, which made me blush. "Kirishima~Kun~ Wake up" I whispered, and he stirred a bit. "Kiri, we have to get off the bus" I said, and he finally woke. His eyes fluttered open, and he turned to me. Kirishima's face flushed, and he got up and off of me. I stood up as well, and followed Uraraka and Kirishima off the bus.
We caught up with the rest of the class, just in time to hear 13, my non biological aunt, talking about the building. I stared at the different areas of the building, since I already know about the place. Out of no where, a purple portal thing appeared in the middle area. "Uh, Auntie?" I said, still looking at the portal. "Yes (Y/n)?" Auntie said, turning her head to me. People look stunned at the phrase 'Auntie' being said to 13. Either way, I glared towards the portal as people started pouring out of it. "I don't think that's part of our training!" I yelled, getting into battle stance. Aizawa-Sensei and 13 looked toward the commotion. "Get back! Those are real villains!" Auntie yelled, standing in front of the class. "Keep the kids safe, 13. I can take care of the threat" Aizawa-Sensei says, putting on his yellow goggles.
The class started panicking, but some prepared to fight.
Aizawa-Sensei swiftly dashed into the sea of villains. I sensed something behind me, and turned around to see some sort of purple mist. Bakugou and Kirishima ran toward the figure, and being worried, I ran after them. "Boys! (Y/n)! Get back here!" I heard Auntie yell, but it was to late. I yelped as a portal appeared, and my vision faded to black.
I awoken to the sound of a few voices, all of them I recognized. I open my eyes to see I was surrounded by Tsu, Midoriya, and Mineta. "Oh (Y/n)~Chan, thank All Might your finally awake!" Midoriya exclaimed, breathing out a sigh of relief. I sit up and examine my surroundings. It seems like we're on a boat... Which leads me to believe they don't know a thing about our quirks, because me and Tsu's quirk work well in the water. We might have the upper hand.
We all stood up, but the boat started violently shaking, knocking us down. I peer over the side of the boat to see at least 25 villain's. Mineta looked over the edge as well as the other two, and he screeched in fear. "WE'RE GONNA DIE!" Mineta screamed, fueling Midoriya's anxiety. Tsu slapped Mineta on the head, and turned to me and Midoriya. "Midoriya~Kun, (Y/n)~Chan, what should we do?" She questioned, putting her finger near her mouth. "We fight" me and Midoriya say at the same time, looking at each other with determined faces. "What do you mean we fight?! Are you CRAZY?!" Mineta yelled, crying his eyes out. "Maybe..." I mumbled to myself, earning a side smile from Midoriya.
"Detroit, SMASH!" Midoriya yelled, jumping off the boat. I leap into the water, and hummed my melody. I turned into a mermaid, and circled around the whirlpool Midoriya made, making it more powerful. And to add onto it, Mineta threw some of his balls into it. I did a flip into some sand underwater, turning me back into a human. I quickly swim to the surface. I spot Midoriya and Mineta being held in Tsu's tongue. "Midoriya!" I yell, grabbing their attention. Tsu swung her tongue far enough for me and Midoriya to grab hands. I was then entangled with them, and Tsu jumped to the other side of the lake.
I felt a pair of eyes on my face, and then I realized the water probably wiped away the makeup. "What happened?" Midoriya questioned, and I gulped. "One of the villains grabbed me, no big deal" I responded cooly, and Midoriya simply nodded.
We landed in some shallow water, and started heading toward the land. "Are you ok, Midoriya~Kun?" I ask, looking down at his hand. "Yeah, I'm alright, thanks though" he replied, glaring down at his purple fingers. "We should avoid the plaza, Aizawa-Sensei lured all the villain's over their" Tsu pointed out, and I had an idea. "Then let's wrap around the sides of the plaza, so we go unnoticed" I point out the route we should take, and they all agree.
We were walking through the water, when Midoriya suddenly stopped. "What is it Midoriya~Kun?" I question, as I stop as well. "Maybe we should quickly stop at the plaza, to make sure everything's alright" he said, looking toward the plaza. We weren't far away from it, so I agreed. We bent down lowly, slowly trudging through the water. Once we made it to the plaza, we peeked over the edge of the land, still partially in the water. What we saw was horrifying.
A pale, blue haired man had his hand on Aizawa-Sensei's elbow. The skin was disintegrating off his arm. Aizawa-Sensei jumped away him, holding his elbow in pain, which was red and cracked. Villains kept attacking him left and right, Sensei trying to avoid them best he could. Aizawa-Sensei turned to his left, and a huge bird creature appeared out of no where. The blue haired man called him, 'Nomu'. Before he could react, the Nomu took his head and smashed it into the ground.
Midoriya held his hand over his mouth, ready to cry. Mineta was full on crying, and Tsu look terrified. I started shaking, an angry expression on my face. The huge creature took Aizawa-Sensei's injured arm and pulled in back, blood oozing between his hands. Aizawa-Sensei tried using his quirk, but Nomu just shattered his other arm in retaliation, Aizawa-Sensei crying in pain. Nomu used his hand to pull up Aizawa-Sensei's head, only to slam it back down.
And let's just say, you were pissed.
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