Well, to my surprise, we made through the long wasteland without an incident, but we're only halfway. I light a fire using my blood magic. I think everyone saw Vax and I's dance. However, that was Vax's idea, not mine.
You shouldn't feel love. It does not exist for us.
Oh, shut up. I don't even know who or what the fuck you are.
You will soon enough, or you could remember.
Remember what exactly?
What you choose to block of- you know of what I speak off.
I bite my lip. I've spent too long blocking out the screams. What I have done. Who I killed. When I think back to that day... let's just say I stab myself over and over again. I pull out some bread. Grog looks at it. Well, we all know hunger can't kill me. I throw it to him. I look down. Why am I so unsettled? Why am I so shaken?
"Hey, we have some time to kill, why not play a game?" Pike asks.
"Yes! I'm all for games!" Keyleth smiles.
I roll my eyes.
"How about everyone tells their deepest darkest secret?" Scanlan asks.
I look down. I can still taste the blood. It still fills my mouth.
Remember the truth. Remember what your mind and soul refuses to accept.
"I... uh... I may or may not have fucked a man than killed him." Vex says.
Vax looks at her in surprise.
"I... killed so many." Grog says.
"I peed in an ancient forest temple." Keyleth says.
Vax looks at me. Everyone looks at me.
"No! I'm not doing this." I say.
"Aw come on, we won't judge." Scanlan says.
"We've all made mistakes." Vex says.
I let out a breath. Pike and Keyleth give me puppy eyes. I stand up.
"Alright, fine." I say.
I grab Vax's dagger. I slice my hand open.
"It's hard to explain, so I will show you all." The blood lights the fire.
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