(Unfinished) ,,Blue Death Petals''
Warning: Unfinished, Gay, Low-key prolly toxic, idk i'm half asleep (it's fucking midnight😢) anyway uhh yeah!! "Theo" and "Fynn" are my oc's I was planning on making a book for but gave up on much like everything else 😔 however I DID make Theo on character.AI (which is why the first few paragraphs will look familiar.. and like the basic "Coughing up flower" plot shit)
Theo was one of Finn's best and closest friends, although never being a very talkative person at all Finn managed to find himself trapped in the arms of the extrovert known to be Theo.. it was a strange dynamic to everyone else, to see such a cute and popular guy talking to somebody as plain and cold as Finn was just insane to them.
The two did everything together, while Finn would much prefer being alone the majority of the time, the boy was always dragged off by Theo on a 'new adventure' as he labelled. The two cared about each other a lot as friends, even if one of them didn't show it much.
Though recently, Theo has been more distant, Finn had a sneaking thought that the teen was just getting bored of putting up with his cold and quiet attitude and it slightly stung. Theo would often go to great lengths to dodge and avoid being seen by Finn and it really irked the boy off.. and that leads to the current time and date.
Finn sat in a class he shared with Theo, sitting right behind him and staring hard into the boys back.. Theo wouldn't even look up from the papers of his but he could feel Finn's glare. Eventually, Finn had enough and leaned forward to his friend and leaned over his shoulder. "Are you done ignoring me yet?"
Theo jumped slightly from his chair and snapped his gaze to Finn's "W-what? I'm not ignoring you!" He hissed back, his eyes wide as he covered his mouth and coughed.
Something seemed off, when Theo coughed Finn could spot out some blood which made him worried already.. but along with that were blue flower petals, only making Finn more concerned and confused.. He took notice of the panic in Theo's eyes as he darted his eyes elsewhere and wiped his mouth.
"I-it's nothing, don't worry.. about it.." Theo mumbled croakily as he avoided Finn's eyes, already knowing what the boy was going to say before he had to.Theo hated himself and he cursed at his own body for being so weak, of all people to be attracted to and grow feelings for, why did it have to be his best friend and.. also a male at that. Theo felt so stupid.. and also like an idiot. But, he also couldn't deny he had feelings and they were just as much real.. maybe a little too real for him to handle but he would manage.. eventually.. right?
He sat there in his seat, glancing from side to side as the teacher prattled on about some topic he barely payed any attention to.
He could almost hear Finn's eyes on his back, the boy was clearly staring at him yet Theo just kept his head down and stayed in his chair.. he was too embarrassed to look the male's way and explain himself.
But of course, this couldn't just go unnoticed by his friend.. Finn wasn't going to leave him alone, the boy was more stubborn than a mule when it came to getting an explanation out of Theo. Finn just wanted to know what was up, he was worried and obviously confused when it came to the flowers and blood.
Before Theo could even manage to react properly.. there was a hand firmly gripping his shoulder and the feeling of somebody leaning over and against the back of his chair.. he knew it was Finn, who else would it be at this point in time? He stiffened and closed his hands up into tight, shaking fists.. all the while trying to suppress the coughs.
The action of his friend only made his sickness worse, being so much closer than before really had Theo's heart in a tizzy.. he could feel his cheeks become warmer in embarrassment and that alone made him more mortified.
As he felt the warmth of Finn's skin seep through the school uniform and against his shoulder.. Theo felt his legs turn to jelly. His breathing increased and the pressure to cough only became greater and greater. He had to bite his tongue to stop himself before he began coughing up flower petals right in front of the boy.. how mortifying, how absolutely stupid and pathetic.. Theo would rather do anything else in that moment.
Eventually, he couldn't take the feeling of being so close to the object of his feelings for so long. It made his heart race and thump out of his chest, he didn't want the boy leaning against his chair and touching him.. and yet, he also did.. so much so he was confused by himself.
Finally, the teen turned to look at the boy, his eyes meeting the others and his heart jumped at the sight. He really was so sweet and handsome that it was almost unfair for Theo to experience so much pain just from being around him.He opened his mouth, though no words escaped at first. All that came was a squeak of surprise as Finn was even closer than he had seemed, he had leaned even more onto the chair which only made Theo's heart pound harder.
"D-..don't do that.." He muttered quietly, his voice coming out in a low grumble. He felt so embarrassed and humiliated in that moment that he turned his face away in annoyance, how dare the other make him feel this way.. but, he was so damn adorable at the same time.
The close proximity did nothing but make things worse and worse.. Finn was too close and Theo didn't know how long he could manage this without accidentally ending up showing him the stupid flowers inside his throat. It did so much more than just that.. being this close to him had Theo's body heating up with embarrassment and his heart racing.
He shifted back and forth in the chair, trying to put some kind of distance between them. But Finn didn't understand, he only continued to lean closer.. making Theo more on edge by the seconds.
He couldn't take this.. there was too much going on. The coughing was getting worse, it felt like there were actual plants growing in his chest. And that wasn't even talking about how hard his heart was beating and his face was burning, the fact his skin was getting hotter the closer the two got.
And then his nose caught a soft, sweet scent. It was so lovely and addicting, like nothing else. It was Finn's own scent, the scent of fresh, sweet strawberries. Theo's eyes widened at the realization of how close the boy truly was.
He was about to break, his breathing was more erratic with every second that passed. And the scent of strawberries coming from the boy only made it more and more difficult to compose himself. It had him closing his eyes in a failed attempt to keep himself together.. to hide the flowers in his lungs and to control himself.
But it wasn't enough.. Finn's scent continued to invade his nose and make it harder to keep himself under control.. the only thought he had right now was how badly he wanted to bury himself in the boy's chest and be surrounded by his sweet scent.
He felt as if he was going to implode, he wouldn't be able to keep himself from the boy any longer.. it was just too much. The scent, the closeness, his own feelings and everything else that was going on right now were just too much. Theo's breathing became more and more erratic with every second that passed by, he couldn't tell if he was panicking or if it was because of his stupid feelings.
He was on the edge of exploding and it wouldn't take much to make him do so.. like, say, for the object of his affection to lean against his chair once more.
And, right as the teen had feared.. it happened. The second Finn leaned even an inch closer, it set him off. His eyes flew open from behind the closed eyelids and his face became even redder than it had been. A series of coughs left his mouth, and that's when everything started.
Blue flowers and petals spurted out of his mouth and splattered over the desk, blood staining the once pristine surface. He could hear somebody calling out his name, and he quickly realised that the voice was a very worried sounding Finn's.
He couldn't even stop himself, it kept going and going.. he could feel the gaze of others in the classroom on both of them but all he focused on was the sight of the blue flowers staining the desk and the blood that splattered along it. Theo trembled and leaned over himself, coughing and coughing until the plants and blood stopped completely.
And then, he realised what had just occurred, and everything set in. He had just coughed up the flowers of love which were growing inside of him, and he had done so right infront of Finn and in the middle of a class.
The shock and horror he felt in that moment was too much, he couldn't stop trembling. His hands shook and his entire body felt weak, he couldn't bring himself to look up at Finn. The shame overcame him and he knew that everything was probably over.. their friendship, the times they had together
He just couldn't look up at him, he didn't want to see whatever expression he had on his face. He also didn't want to be around others in that moment, the stares and glares of the other class students were burning into his back and it made his stomach turn.
He heard the whispers and comments of the other students in the room, words of shock and surprise about what they had just seen.. and then he heard a voice, a much more sweet and panicked voice, calling out for him
"Theo.. are you alright?" Finn's voice was heard from behind him, it was laced with worry and a hint of panic, the boy sounded so worried.. and that made Theo's heart break to hear it so badly.
"..I-I'm fine..!" Theo instantly blurted out, his voice sounded strangled. He still hadn't looked over, he continued to keep his head down low and his eyes on the desk in front of him.
He felt a hand on his shoulder, which made his body flinch and stiffen like a board. He felt hot and cold all over. Being touched by the boy right now was too much and it made him even more mortified.
"Don't lie to me, I just watched you start cough up damn flowers.. that isn't fine." He instantly heard Finn say, the boy's voice was firm and he was clearly annoyed by how Theo was dismissing himself. But, that was the last thing the boy could possibly focus on.
He trembled slightly from the hand still placed firmly on his shoulder, and he felt the need to cough once again. He pushed the urge back, and he slowly managed to turn to look at the other.
And when he turned around, the sight of Finn so close and with an expression of utter worry on his face was the first thing he took notice of. He could see the fear and concern in his eyes, he could see the way his skin seemed to become tight from how hard he was clenching his jaw.. Theo felt a pang of guilt, he didn't want to worry the other so badly.. but here they were.
His eyes flicked down to the other's hand that was resting on his shoulder, before slowly meeting his eye again
The two met gazes silently, a minute of quiet before Finn spoke up again. His look of concern only grew even more as he studied the paled state of Theo's face and the way the boy refused to speak up "Theo. Are you sure you're alright? You look like you're about to pass out.." Despite Finn's worry, Theo just tried to put on a brave face and a smile and nodded.
"Yeah, trust me. I'm fi-" He began to say, only for the word 'fine' to be cut off by another short round of coughing.
His voice got caught off as more and more petals and flowers were forced from his throat.. it was another moment of silent before it ended and he wiped the blood off his lips with a hand. He felt even more mortified now, he had just started coughing them up again and in front of Finn
He avoided the other's worried gaze and he tried to speak up "..S-see? I'm completely fine.."
The response only made Finn even more worried, if that was even possible. The other boy's concern grew even more visibly and that was when Theo saw his expression morph into something else, he could almost see the irritation coming.
"You just puked up flowers! That's not 'fine', how could you even say that? That's.. that's a serious problem! And you're just sitting here acting like it's nothing at all!" Finn hissed at him as he tried to speak as quietly as he could.
"I-It's nothing serious, don't worry about it! I'll be perfectly fine.." Theo responded quickly and he even reached a hand out to try and reassure the boy, only to get it quickly slapped away by him.
"Don't give me that stupid 'I'll be fine' crap, you just coughed up actual flowers. Don't try and act like you're completely okay with that, anyone would be worried if they saw that! You're not any different!" He could hear the anger and frustration lacing Finn's voice
He flinched at the sound of the other's voice, he had never heard him get to that level of anger or frustration before.. and the fact it was all because of and towards him, was even more unsettling. He could only stare silently for a few seconds before trying to speak yet again.
"I-it doesn't matter, it isn't anything serious.. you don't have to worry-" He went to say, only to get interrupted by Finn grabbing him by the collar of the shirt and yanking him closer.
"Don't you DARE say that! This is serious, way too serious to be brushing off like it's nothing! You just coughed up blood and flowers.. you shouldn't be making it seem like it's some dumb joke or some sort of game!" Finn's voice was low and harsh, his grip not once letting up on the other's collar.
He felt his breath get caught in his throat at the sight of Finn looking so incredibly angry, the other's look of pure frustration and worry burned into his mind and made his body tremble.
"I-I'm not making it a joke! I'm just trying to not make you worry so much..!" He protested quietly. He had wanted to avoid being the cause of any kind of problem or upset, but it only seemed to fail badly.
"You're trying to 'not make me worry' and you think telling me that you're 'completely fine' after coughing up literal flowers is the way to do that? You just made me worry even more by acting like you're not in a really damn serious state! That's not some kind of cold or flu! You just expelled actual flowers from your lungs, god knows how many times you've done that!" Finn's voice was low and his expression was just as severe as his anger and worry.
The other's words only had the effect of making himself even more ashamed, he had never wanted to make the boy worried.. he didn't want to cause him any trouble.. the fact he was right made everything even worse
He didn't even respond at first, he didn't know how to even try and defend himself, because it was all true. He had been trying to avoid making Finn worried but he had only gone and done the complete opposite in turn.. he had messed up badly.
The lack of response seemed to bother Finn further and he tightened his grip on the other's collar, his expression was hard and cold. There was no soft look in his eye.. it was only anger and worry.
"Answer me. Have you been coughing up flowers alot more recently? For how long has this been going on..?"
He stiffened in the collar of his shirt being grabbed so tightly, and the harsh look on Finn's face only made him want to cower away. The direct question caught him off guard, and he tried to avoid eye contact at all costs as he responded
"I.. I-" He started to say only to cough some more, only instead of full flowers the only thing that came out were a few weak blue petals
Finn didn't hesitate to keep him up as he coughed, his eyes were fixed and only grew more determined as the other tried to avoid his gaze "Answer me. How long has this been going on? How long have you been coughing up those damn blue flowers?"
He was forced to look at the other through the fit of coughs he had, which only ended up making him feel even more weak and ashamed. He had thought he had been doing such a good job at hiding it, he didn't want anyone to worry.. but here Finn was.
"....about a month now.." He finally mumbled out after trying to avoid it for so long, he felt the other's grip on his collar tighten.
"A whole month and you didn't bother telling anyone? What, were you just trying to ignore it? You thought that eventually everything would just blow over and fix itself..? You really thought this wasn't something to be worried about?!" Finn's voice was still harsh, but he could also hear the sheer disbelief and anger in the other's expression
He shrank into himself as the words spilled from Finn's mouth.. he knew he was right, he knew he was in the wrong for trying to ignore it and pretend it was nothing to be worried about. He just didn't want to worry the other, he didn't want any of this to happen..
".....I..I did.. I was hoping it would go back to normal.. or.. at least stop.." He admitted with a shameful whisper, refusing to meet the other's eyes.
"Are you stupid? It's flowers. Flowers aren't supposed to come out of you, especially not whole flowers. You should have said something a long time ago, or even gone to the damn doctors already! Were you just planning to keep it to yourself and hope no one would notice, or worse, you were going to try and solve things by yourself..?"
Finn was still speaking quietly, but his voice was laced with anger and worry. He could feel the other's grip on his collar tighten some more
He only felt the guilt grow worse and worse as Finn continued to speak, his words were harsh but he knew he deserved it. The fact he truly had been hoping no one would notice or that this would go away by himself only made him feel even worse. And the fact a month had passed by while he ignored it was even worse-..
"I-I was just..." He began weakly, only to get cut off again, this time by Finn yanking him close so he was centimeters away from his face
"Just what? Just thinking about yourself? Just hoping that everything would fix itself and you wouldn't have to tell a single soul? Did you think that if you ignored it for long enough it'd just.. go away? Or that if someone did question it that you'd say you were fine and no one would bother asking anymore? Were you seriously planning to ignore this and just let yourself cough up flowers for no reason at all..?" Finn's voice was harsh and rough as it growled at him.
"Just what? Just thinking about yourself? Just hoping that everything would fix itself and you wouldn't have to tell a single soul? Did you think that if you ignored it for long enough it'd just.. go away? Or that if someone did question it that you'd say you were fine and no one would bother asking anymore? Were you seriously planning to ignore this and just let yourself cough up flowers for no reason at all..?" Finn's voice was harsh and rough as it growled at him.
He felt his body freeze up and tremble as the other spoke, the tone in Finn's voice made him want to curl up and disappear. He couldn't deny any of it, he had truly been planning to ignore the entire thing and hope that it would go back to normal.. he just didn't want to worry anyone.. but he knew now how wrong he was to do that..
"I-I didn't want to bother anyone with it.. I didn't want to worry you..." He weakly muttered in a quiet voice.
"You didn't want to bother anyone with it?! You didn't want to worry me? How do you think I feel knowing that you've been coughing up flowers for a whole DAMN MONTH and you didn't bother telling me or a single other person?! You thought it wasn't worth 'bothering' anyone about you potentially dying of an illness? Are you seriously that dumb, or that stupid!?!" He half-yelled at him, his voice rising and anger flaring
"You didn't want to bother anyone with it?! You didn't want to worry me? How do you think I feel knowing that you've been coughing up flowers for a whole DAMN MONTH and you didn't bother telling me or a single other person?! You thought it wasn't worth 'bothering' anyone about you potentially dying of an illness? Are you seriously that dumb, or that stupid!?!" He half-yelled at him, his voice rising and anger flaring
He felt himself shrink even more as Finn continued, he could feel his body trembling and he was certain he was going to pass out at any moment now. He didn't know what to say, he knew there was no excuse for why he didn't bother telling anyone, and he knew how idiotic it had been to not ask for help-..
"D-don't call me stupid.." He mumbled weakly, feeling the tears prickle at his eyes
"What do you want me to call you then? Selfish? Too scared to say what you need? Hiding things from people that care about you? I can go on, y'know. You gave me plenty of time to come up with more of whatever I think of you right now." Finn hissed, his voice growing even more aggressive
He shrunk back almost immediately at the harsher tone, his body was shaking from head to toe and he could feel the tears start to run down his face. He knew it was true, he had been completely selfish and stupid and not once thought about those that care about him and would want to know about what he was going through-... he was too much of an idiot..
"I-I.. I'm sorry.. I-I'm so sorry.. I'm s-so stupid, I'm a selfish b-bastard.. I-" He whimpered in a strangled voice.
"You are a selfish bastard. You don't know how worried I've been, do you? How much you're killing me with how much you're avoiding telling me and other people anything? Do you honestly think you'd have survived all this time on your own? You've been coughing up god knows how many flowers since you started, probably even dying from whatever the hell this is. The least you could do is tell me, or even some dumbass doctor." Finn hissed, refusing to soften his tone.
Each word was like another blow, he felt like he was slowly breaking at the other's harsh tone as he continued to cry in front of him. He felt sick to his stomach from how stupid and selfish he had been, he can't even imagine how worried Finn had been all this time.. he had made a huge mistake hiding it for so long.. and he hated himself for it
"I.. I'm sorry.. I-I was a coward," He whimpered "..I-I'm so sorry.. I should've told you.. I-I should've told someone.."
"Damn right you're a coward and you should've told me a long time ago. You think I'd be angry? I'd be frustrated? Yeah, guess what, I am right now. I'm so goddamn frustrated that you wouldn't bother telling me until I confront you about it. I'm pissed that I had to find out this way. But do you know what the worst part is? I'm even more frustrated because I still care about you, no matter how much of an idiot you are.. and you almost died without anyone knowing.."
He felt a new wave of shame and guilt go over his body at the other's words, and he felt more tears run down his face. He let out a quiet sob as he continued to tremble, the fact that Finn was so frustrated and angry but still cared for him only made things worse..
"I-I don't know why I did it-.. I just didn't want anyone to worry-.. I-I'm such a coward, an idiot, and a selfish jerk but I-" He took another shaky breath "-I didn't want you to worry or stress or be angry.."
"It's a bit too goddamn late for you to not want me to worry or stress or be angry, you idiot. You've gone and given me so many goddamn reasons to be all of those things and then some. You almost died, and I don't even know how much of that time you've spent alone trying to 'not worry' anyone! That's pretty damn selfish, don't you think? You really thought you could deal with it by yourself and not even try getting help from someone." He snarled angrily
He flinched at the anger and the yelling, the other's harsh words stinging deeply. He knew he didn't deserve to even have any defense at this point, he had been completely idiotic trying to hide it and deal with it by himself. The fact he had almost died and Finn hadn't even known about it only made him feel that much more of a fool and idiot.
"I.. I-I know I'm a selfish fool and I know I don't even have any right to try and explain myself o-or defend myself, but I was just trying to-"
"I know you were trying to not worry anyone, but you just ended up doing the exact opposite. You just ended up making me stress out of my mind worrying about you, and guess what? I know I'm not the only one you've made worry about you. How do you think your parents and brothers and everyone else would feel if they knew what you were even doing? Have you even thought about anyone other than yourself this whole entire time you've kept it to yourself?" Finn snapped at him
His body trembled even more at the other's harshness, he hadn't even considered how anyone else that knows him or is close to him would feel if they knew what he had been doing. He had been so focused on trying to not make anyone worry that he hadn't even thought about what other's reactions would be if they found out.
"I.. N-no, I-I was just, I-" He felt his breath catch in his throat, making him cough some more, this time coughing up several more blue petals
Finn's eyes widened at the sight of the blue petals that fell from the other's mouth, any form of anger or harshness was suddenly gone as his eyes looked almost panicked. He loosened his grip on the other's collar and almost looked like he wanted to pull the other closer to him, but he didn't
"Hey- Hey, easy-.. don't strain yourself, idiot.."
He could feel his body tremble even more, and another set of tears running down his face and mixing with the already snotty mess he was in, he tried to take slow, even breaths but it was so hard to do so while trying to stop himself from coughing so much and choking on his own tears and snot. He felt another set of coughs rack through his body and he only continued to cough up more blue petals
"Goddamnit-.. Stop coughing already, you're tearing up your throat and making yourself worse-" Finn's hand hovered anxiously near him, as if he wanted to do something but was stopping himself from doing it. His eyes were filled with worry and anxiety, as if he was trying to figure out what to do to help him as he continued to cough up more flowers
His whole body trembled, both from a mixture of his coughs and the tears streaming down his face from a mixture of his own guilt, shame and fear from Finn's earlier anger, he desperately tried to take in a breath and stop coughing up the blue flowers, but it felt like the more he tried the worse it was. He looked at Finn for help, his own eyes filled with a mix of pain, fear and pleading for help
"Stop- Stop trying to gasp for air and take deep breaths-.. you're just going to make yourself cough more. Take slow, deep breaths, don't force anything or it'll get worse.." Finn was obviously trying to keep his tone calm although it trembled slightly with worry and anxiety. He shifted in his spot a bit, looking tempted to reach out and comfort the other but stopping himself each time
He felt himself shiver more as he tried to follow the other's instructions, he tried to take in a slow deep breath, but it was so hard when he couldn't stop coughing or when he could barely breathe. He continued taking in deep breaths and slow breaths, but small coughs and wheezes forced their way past his lips and he began coughing up the blue petals again
Finn's eyes widened again at the sight of more petals coming forth, his hands clenching into tight fists as he tried not to go for the other. He tried to calm down, taking deep breaths to try and calm himself down before speaking in a strained voice
"Alright.. alright, you gotta calm yourself down.. try and relax or you're just gonna continue coughing and vomiting those flowers up. Slow breaths, idiot, take slow deep breaths.."
He continued to try breathing slowly and deep breaths, but it was still hard when each deep breathe ended up with him coughing up one or two more blue petals. He tried to relax his body, he was doing his best to take in deep breaths but it would just end up coughing up more petals.
"I-I'm sorry-.. I-I'm trying.." He whimpered in a strangled voice, small coughs breaking up each syllable
"I know, just-.. stop apologizing right now, it's only going to make you cough more, and I don't want to hear you saying anything else. Just focus on your breathing and don't say anything.." He hissed, his voice strained as he tried to keep himself from pulling the other closer to him to comfort him. He hated how much the other was coughing and seeing the tears and petals, but he couldn't let himself pull him and comfort him when he was mad and frustrated with the idiot
He nodded as much as he could between coughing, trying his best to focus on taking in slow deep breaths and not to say anything that would just lead to him coughing even more. He tried the best he could despite the tears streaming down his face, but the petals kept coming up and getting harder to hold back with each deep breath he took in
Finn almost growled as more petals fell from the other's mouth, it was obvious from the expression on his face that he was tempted to snatch the boy in front of him and pull him to his chest. It was difficult watching the other continuously cough up blue petals and not be able to do anything about it, and the fact he was struggling to listen to his request to just breathe slowly and not apologize or say anything didn't help either
He tried his best to keep listening to the other's instructions, but with each deep breath he took in, another several blue petals came up. The petals seemed endless, and they only got more and more by the second, it was hard to hold all of them back even if he tried, which only got him coughing more and wheezing for air, his body trembled with each cough and gasp for air.
[WORD COUNT(unfinished): 5585]
(I am going to sleep now dw)
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