Imagine 2: Caught In The Rain🌸
Pairing: Demon! Y/N x Lucifer
*summary: Y/N has met Lucifer a few times--due to working for his daughter, Charlie--but one night, while Y/N is trying to get back to the hotel, it starts to rain heavily, until suddenly Y/N feels a pair of wings protect her from the rain by none other than Lucifer himself.*
*Y/N's POV*
You walk hurriedly on the sidewalk of Pentagram City, hands tucked under your thin black coat to keep you warm as the clouds overhead begin to darken and rumble.
Another rainstorm brewing in Hell. And might you add that rainstorms in Hell are never pretty. In fact, they're brutal. Merciless. Some days, it is acid rain, others, it is droplets of blood that stings when it touches skin...whatever rain Hell has to offer, it's never an enjoyable process.
And since you happen to lack an umbrella due to your idiot self, telling you that you don't need're here now. In the midst of Pentagram city, with the storm brewing above in the painted red Hell's sky, and your destination still a long way away.
With a heavy sigh, you pick up the pace, realizing that your time is lessening, and if you want to make it back to the Hazbin Hotel before you get drenched in Hell's version of rain, you need to move it.
Your legs begin to get into the motion of a speedwalk as you feel the first droplet of rain--acid. Instinctively, you begin to sprint. Acid rain...the worst kind of rain to be dealing with. Unlike blood, acid burns through the clothes and eats away bits and pieces of demon skin and flesh.
You'd much rather deal with blood stains on your clothes then acid burns. Fucking Hell...
As the rain begins to drop at a more rapid rate, you find yourself completely running, blind to anyone or anything happening around you. The only focus on your mind right now, is to find shelter before your flesh is eaten raw by this acid.
Upon running, you suddenly collide into that of the body of a man. The impact causing both you and him to stumble and fall rear ended on the sidewalks with loud grunts of pain.
"Ow! What in the unholy name!-" the man curses, one gloved hand raised to hold his white hat steady before it could fall into the puddle beside him on the street, an obvious frown on his pale, doll faced like features.
You raise your head, a hand to the side of your temple where you felt a ring of pain rush through you from the collision, before your eyes fall upon the man before you, fear and panic flooding your chest.
You just ran into none other than...Lucifer Morningstar.
A name you know to well--he is the King of Hell/fallen Angel of Heaven, after all, that and you happen to work for his only daughter, Charlie, at her rehabilitating center called the Hazbin Hotel.
Still...the fact that HE was the one you ran into blindly.
You stutter. "I-I am so so soooo sorry, Your Highness. I-I didn't see you there and I-"
"Oh, it's just you," Lucifer looks at you, his harsh frown slowly turning into that of a soft and understanding expression when he recognizes your voice and face.
He's seen you more than once at the hotel--he's even had a brief meeting with you a couple times here and there to ask questions about either yourself, or your business with his daughter. Despite being a sinner and a demon, you always appeared somewhat shy to Lucifer, even a little innocent. But that could be for many reasons, one being that Lucifer is THE KING OF HELL. A title like that makes demon's shit scared.
A little half smile tugs at his lips, as he rises to his feet. "No harm done, Y/N," he runs a hand up and down his white attire which is...slightly stained from the sidewalk's filth. You felt a tinge of guilt because of it.
"Well, maybe a little harm done," he looks at you, a little playful stare in his yellow-colored eyes. "I might have to unleash my hellish wrath to teach you a lesson."
Lucifer waves his hands in front of him as if performing a magic spell, while he makes little noises in the back of his throat before he chuckles to himself at his stupid joke. Though you perceived it otherwise.
Your eyes widen in terror.
", no Y/N I was kidding!" Lucifer laughs embarrassed and awkwardly. Fuck that joke backfired on him. God WHY IS IT SO HARD TO COMMUNICATE with other demons that aren't his servants, his daughter, or his rubber ducks?!
Sighing, he brings two fingers to the bridge of his noise, his cheeks now showing a slight pink tint as his eyes shut. "Sorry. I uh...that joke wasn't funny."
Suddenly, he extends a hand to help you back on your feet since you still sit on the ground. With hesitation, you take his hand, and he lifts you up, causing you to stand at his height, minus an inch or two. As silly as it may sound, Lucifer was thankful you weren't taller than him. Standing in front of you, he can feel like an actual man...
Men are supposed to be taller than women. And not...the other way around. Not for the most part anyway. But that could be Lucifer's sexist thinking right now, he doesn't know. Why does it even matter?
"It's...alright," You reply as your hand falls to your side. You were relieved he wasn't actually going to punish you in someway due to your clumsiness and ignorance. You have been spared yet again to live another hellish day.
By now, any demon who were on the sidewalks and street had left, leaving you and Lucifer standing alone in the empty part of this city...eerily resembling that of a city left to abandonment after a nuclear meltdown had happened.
The rain hits your exposed arm, and you hiss, bringing the freshly burned flesh to your chest. For a moment, you had forgotten it was raining. Damn it. And by now, it's only going to rain harder in less than five seconds...meaning no time for you to find shelter to avoid it.
Lucifer curiously glances up at the sky. Surprised, you notice how the rain doesn't burn his clothes, or his skin for that matter. Almost as if...he has an invisible glass as his protective bubble.
It made you slightly jealous. But, pushing aside the jealousy for now, you exhale a soft sigh, arms fully wrapping around yourself, the rain still falling upon your clothes and skin, burning you.
Lucifer can hear the faint sizzle of your shirt, and a few tiny little holes appear on top your shoulders, revealing your skin.
"You don't have an umbrella?" he asks. You shake your head.
Well, this just won't do. He can't allow a demoness lady in front of him be burned while he remains untouched. It's not gentleman like.
Snapping his fingers, a wide smile forms on his face--revealing his set of pearly white fangs for teeth--when he suddenly turns his back to you and brings out his large white and red angel wings. "Here, this should help," he offers, glancing over his shoulder at you, inviting you to step under his wings for shelter and protection from the rain.
For a moment, you remain still, frozen in place as you stare wide eyed at his wings, admiring them for a spilt second before you feel another hurtful burn, this time on your back.
Quickly, you step under them, the relief of being out of the acid rain causing a soft sigh to leave your lips. Though the realization of standing beneath Lucifer's wings--the realization of him even offering a low ranked demoness like yourself this little window of opportunity--it made your chest tingle slightly.
His wings were...warm. Warmer than you had expected. Gently, you raise a hand to softly caress the feathers of his wings. Unexpectedly, causing a small shiver to run through Lucifer, while his back remained towards you still.
He hadn't expected you to reach out and touch his wings with your dainty, soft fingers, like a child when reaching out to touch a small kitten. Yet despite barely knowing you...he liked the feeling of it. The feeling of your fingers wrapping around his feathered wings, the slight warmth to each one of your touches.
A little smile forms on his lips. He was glad that no other demons were here to see this...and glad that you couldn't see his faint blushing cheeks as well.
Satisfied, your hand finally pulls away from his wings, your lips tugging upwards as you remain standing under this...angelic being's wings. It almost felt like a dream. How could a demoness like yourself be standing back-to-back with this...angel? This divine, fallen angel, who's actions rose him up to be King of all Hell?
This being...who graciously offered to shelter you from the acid rain. As if you actually mattered...when deep down, you weren't anything special. A lower ranked demoness, trying to crawl your way up to the path of redemption by working alongside Charlie Morningstar.
It almost made you feel a little insecure, knowing who you stand next to.
The rain pours a little harder, and surprisingly, Lucifer's wings don't soak through, and Lucifer himself doesn't flinch from the storm. He merely stands there, posture straight, eyes staring forward, just waiting for the rain to stop so that he--and you--could get back to what the two of you were doing.
Shyly, you tuck some hair behind your ear. "...thank you," you whisper, almost to faint to hear due to how loud the rain is. Even through the noises of the storm, Lucifer heard you, a little smile forming on his face, as his chest fills with a sudden warmth from your simple thank you.
"You're welcome," he responds, gently, like a caress. It made your cheeks turn a soft pink.
Shamelessly, you admit to yourself that since the moment you first laid eyes upon Lucifer--when he visited the hotel for the first time all those weeks ago--you felt smitten. He was...something else. He's handsome, charming--a little awkward here and there, but that's okay, you understand why--he tells good stories, and he's practically a standup comedian.
And yet...the one thing that always stood out to you, was his almost innocent, child-like nature. He crafted rubber ducks, for God's sake, and made an amusement park called Lu Lu Land. All things belonging to that the imagination of children. What use would such things be to sinners down here in Hell who only like to kill, drink, snort, and fuck?
Though despite having such a child-like nature, he's equally balanced, being innocent and childish in one hand, while being serious and mature in the other.
How could Heaven banish such a soul like his? How could Lilith leave him. You admit, you don't know much about the story between Lilith and Lucifer, but you can't help but feel as if the divorce...was one sided. And that Lilith left...for her own selfish needs.
If that was the case, it made you feel a little angry. Good men are hard to come by in a place like Hell, and Lucifer appears like a loyal man who wouldn't do foolish things or hurt the ones he loves. Perhaps despite her gorgeous nature...Lilith is a bitch underneath.
Suddenly, the crack of lightening causes you to yelp out from fear, and quickly flip around to grab whatever is nearest to you for comfort. That being, Lucifer's waist.
Shock makes Lucifer's eyes widen to the point where they could spilt, as he feels your arms wrap tightly around his waist, and your face press against his back. Did that crack of lightening scare you that much?
Curiously, he glances over his shoulder to gaze upon your face, pressed up against him as your eyes are squeezed shut in distress. It was...surprising, yet...cute at the same time, you clinging to him for safety. It made him chuckle a little.
"Are you scared?" he asks, teasingly, and you don't respond.
Slowly, Lucifer turns. Your arms still remain wrapped around him, but now, he stands face to face with you. You loosen a little, a wave of embarrassment flooding your chest upon realizing what you just did, and you try to take a step back to put space between the two of you, though Lucifer denies this, as he reaches forward, grasping you, pulling you back into him, as his wings completely enclose around you.
Heat floods your cheeks upon feeling Lucifer's wings lay gently on you, almost as if you're a little caterpillar wrapped in a cocoon, protected from the outside world and all its monsters.
You And, so never want to leave this.
Slowly, your eyes flutter shut, as you lay your head on his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart pound in your ear.
Lucifer's face...was growing warm. It had been seven years since anyone has touched him like this. Seven years since a head was laid almost lovingly on his chest...he missed this. He missed feeling appreciated...he missed...feeling a woman's touch.
Without thinking, his fingers gently grasp your chin, slowly raising so that he can admire your face...your beautiful, and blushing face.
Your heart rate picks up its speed when your eyes meet Lucifer's...and hesitantly, you lick your lips.
Damn how inviting that was for him to lean down and kiss you. Though he restrained himself...almost terribly. It was noticeable in his gaze that he wanted to kiss you, as much as you did with him, but the two of you both stood there in silence, wondering if one or the other will initiate first.
His thumb caresses under your chin, your jawline, before brushing against your lips, parting them ever so slightly...
Your knees begin to shake.
"Would if I tried something stupid?" Lucifer whispers.
You shake your head. "I-I don't mind..." you respond, your voice sounding slightly higher pitched than usual.
Lucifer chuckles a little, his hand fully cupping your face, bringing you to him...before his lips touched yours. A warm, almost hot, sensation pulses through you upon feeling his lips fall on yours, parting your mouth open to perform more of a passionate kiss rather than a simple peck.
His tongue teasingly caress's yours, almost as if he wants you to desire desire him in this little moment between the two of you. And you desire it so...
A soft exhale escapes your mouth, your insides twisting and tingling from this angelic divinity he's bestowing upon you through his kiss.
It was almost overwhelming.
Almost too soon, he pulls away, and you whimper.
A smirk spreads on Lucifer's face hearing your little whimper for more of his affection. Someone wants him...take that lonleness.
His wings fall away, revealing you to your surroundings. The storm had stopped...when did it stop?
You look at him, lips still a little red, but it was attractive to Lucifer. "I-"
Lucifer puts a gloved finger to your lips, shushing you. "Now now, I didn't say that I was done," he whispers in a low, almost seducing voice, causing another wave of heat flooding you.
He grins. "But for now," he extends an arm, "would you like to accompany me to the hotel?"
You nod. "Yes..." You exhale, still deep in this trance of heat and utter shock from the moment you just shared with the king of hell/fallen Angel Lucifer Morningstar.
If he asked you, you would walk the entire realms, face whatever force that dares stop you...if anything Lucifer wanted, you would provide to him right now.
It was if he casted a spell on you, a spell you don't ever want to leave...judging how warm, how good it feels.
Lucifer snakes his arm around yours, walking forward with you alongside with him.
He's overjoyed, his mind going everywhere at once. Someone finally desired him after seven years of going without it...
Take that depression!
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