Imagine 1: There Is No Heaven Without You💔 (Pt. 1)
Pairing: Angel Y/N x Angel Lucifer
*summary: God is banishing Lucifer, and all angels gather to watch, whereas Y/N tries to stop it*
*Y/N's POV*
It was all...chaos. A war within Heaven, it's order beginning to fall...all due to one Angel, who happened to be God's favorite, and even your favorite Angel as well.
Lucifer reckless actions--becoming allies with Lillith, and the two of them passing down the forbidden fruit to Eve--causes him to be where he is now, hands shackled behind him with angelic steel, and his wings...bound, unable to take flight.
Lucifer's blonde bangs hang over his eyes, his head hung low as he initially has given up, accepting his fate that God will bestow upon him for his actions.
Those who dare threaten God in anyway will face severe consequences. Lucifer...will be banished to the darkness Lucifer had initially created, alongside Lillith, who disobeyed both the first man Adam and God.
You frantically push aside any soul or angel who stands in your way, your lungs heaving from how far and fast you've ran within the short time of five minutes. You can't allow this to happen...there has to be a way to stop this from happening!
"Let me through! Let me see him damn it!" You scream at those who put up a fight against your pushes. "Lucifer!" You shout, trying to stand on the tips of your toes to see see him before you lose him entirely to the dark depths below.
You barely see the golden highlights of blonde hair, your shouts of his name not causing a reaction to stir. He remains motionless, breathing in and out slowly...his eyes staring coldly into the white brick path that leads to where Heaven ends, one little push, and anyone will fall to the dark abyss beneath...Hell.
You manage to make it to the front of the crowd, and upon seeing Lucifer, your heart stops.
The realization of everything that's happening...crashes down upon you like a ton of bricks. You'll lose him, forever.
Breathing heavily, you leap forward, though a pair of arms wrap around your waist to stop you from going to Lucifer.
"No, Y/N," a silky, soft male voice speaks within the right side of your ear. Michael...Lucifer's identical twin, sharing the same golden eyed pupils, golden hair, and snow white skin complexion.
Though they were twins, Michael was a little older then Lucifer, and more mature. Whereas Lucifer, was considered the trouble maker of all Angels.
The furthest thing from the truth. You KNOW Lucifer, he isn't a troublemaker, he's a dreamer...
...and now, he's being punished for it.
"Michael," you say desperately, your breaths becoming shuddering and faint as you feel your throat grow tight and dry, "we can't allow this to happen. me change His mind!"
Michael stares down at you, his eyes softening just the slightest when he sees the deep affection you feel towards his rebellious brother, Lucifer. Out of all the other angels--minus some of his family--you were the only one who was close to Lucifer, who was his friend, who shared the same dreams and ambitious as he.
Though there was one thing that separated the both of you. You would only ever TALK about your dreams, whereas Lucifer would take ACTION to accomplish them. Whatever it took...whatever sacrifice had to be made...
And a sacrifice was indeed the price.
You manage to slip out of Michael's grip--because Michael allowed it so--running before kneeling in front of Lucifer, your hands delicately raising to cup his warm cheeks. "Luci?" You whisper shakily, your lips beginning to dry.
"Please look at me," you whisper.
Slowly, Lucifer's eyes raise to meet yours. Upon seeing your bright E/C, a flood of both warmth and bittersweet pain hits him in the chest, leaving him breathless, aching...yearning.
It's were here in front of him. Something he both is thankful for, but also, wishing that you wouldn't see him like this. A bound and tied Angel, facing his banishment from Heaven. An action that can never be undone.
How he wishes you weren't here to see him like this, and yet, he's so thankful that you are he doesn't feel alone.
Lucifer tries to smile softly as a chuckle is heard faintly under his breath. This is his final moments with you...he wants to make good use of it, knowing his eyes will never fall upon your face again. "Hey, Y/N."
You can't help yourself. You throw your arms around him, hugging him so tight, hoping that by doing so, you can protect him from Heaven, from God's wrath...
You can't lose him. Not your Luci. Not the only thing that you felt such connection too.
If his hands weren't tied, he'd hug you back just as tight--something he wishes he could yell at God for, for tying him up, preventing him from having one final embrace to the only Angel who...was truly his friend, who was like him when it came to the same dreams--but all he can do is smile, and whisper to you.
"You'll be okay."
You pull away, your arms still around Lucifer's body, and your face merely inches from his. His warmth and divinity radiating into you, almost in a reassuring way. As if this is all he can do to make you feel a little comfort in this moment when your friend--and secretly, the only one you've ever loved--is being ripped away from you, before you could even found out if he had felt similar as you do.
"Luci..." you whisper, your voice cracking and breaking, as a few tears slip down your cheeks, all of which you don't even try to hide. You don't care who sees. Let them, for goodness Sake.
"Don't cry," he leans in, pressing his forehead against yours in a playful manner, his nose booping yours, his childlike gesture that he always pulls to make you feel better when you're sad. "At're not the one who's shackled."
You stare into his eyes, his gorgeous, breathtaking eyes that stole your heart the first moment you saw them all those centuries ago.
How could you live, not being able to look into his eyes again?
"Could you reach into my coat pocket please?" he says, which causes you to furrow your brow in confusion, though he smiles almost in a cheeky way, daring you to reach into his coat pocket.
You do so, your fingers caressing against the texture of what feels to be a rubber duck. At the moment when your fingertips touch it, your eyes widen, as you slowly pull out the palm size rubber duck, decorated with a little purple bow and black top hat, his beak made in such a way it appears to be smiling.
"Would you take care of him for me?" Lucifer whispers, his eyes meeting yours in that moment of realization that he is giving you the first rubber duck he ever made. "Would you keep him company while I'm away?"
Your hand holding the duck begins to shake, your chest filling with such instant emotions of love, anxiety, helplessness.
You can't lose him...
"Please Lucifer..." you whisper, "Le-let me go with you." What you said causes a few gasps to be heard amongst the other angels, but you don't listen to them.
You're willing to lose your angelic nature, your halo, your want to lose all of it, if it means that you'll still have Lucifer.
"No," Lucifer shakes his head, staring at you with a firm expression.
"But you'll be alone!" You cry, loud enough for everyone to hear, and have there eyes widen softly at the heartbreaking sight.
Lucifer shushes you. "Everything...will be okay, alright? I promise you, Y/N, it'll be alright..." though deep down, Lucifer doesn't believe in his words.
He doesn't know what will happen to him...and he's frightened to see it.
"Step away, my child," God's voice suddenly slices through the air, causing you and Lucifer to both jump out of fear. You look at God, still clutching tight onto Lucifer protectively.
"No," You hiss, before hearing Lucifer whisper your name warningly in your ear.
God steps before the two of you, placing his hand on your shoulder as he slowly yet gently pushes you aside.
But you fight against him. "No! Please don't do this! Please Lord!" you beg him, almost in an embarrassing manner, but you're desperate. "I can't lose him!"
God exhales softly. He doesn't want to banish two angels already felt too much.
Turning towards you, he places a gentle hand on your cheek, brushing aside the sudden golden tears that run down your pale cheek.
"Could you..." Lucifer speaks, swallowing as he shuffles his legs. "Could you take my shackles off my hands, just for a moment?" he asks, even though he knows his request will probably be denied.
God stares at Lucifer, before looking back at you, feeling as if he's standing in between something beautiful that could happen between the two of you.
If only Lucifer hadn't acted so foolishly...fate would have given a better hand.
He motions Lucifer to rise, and approaching him from behind, he unlocks Lucifer's bound hands, stepping off to the side, though not by much just to make sure that Lucifer won't try anything.
The first thing Lucifer does, is embrace you, wrapping his arms tightly around your body, letting himself breathe in your scent one last time...hoping that he'll always carry of piece of you in his mind for the next eternity to come.
You hug him back, still crying softly, feeling powerless and weak, unable to fix what's happened.
All you can do in this moment, is hold him.
Rubbing a comforting hand up and down your back, he whispers in your ear, "I won't forget you. I just hope you won't forget me either."
You look at him, pulling away just slightly, yet your arms are still wrapped tightly around him. How could you ever forget him?
When you don't respond, he chuckles softly. "Don't worry, we'll see each other again. This isn't goodbye forever."
A quiet, broken sob rings through the air done by you, before you feel God wrap his hand around Lucifer's arm to pull him away, and Michael's hand take your arm to pull you back to the crowd...separating you from Lucifer.
With Michael's hand holding your arm, you're forced to stand there and watch as God speaks Lucifer's punishment, before stepping aside, and muttering his final words.
"You are banished from Heaven's light. May you fall into the darkness you've created."
Your heart shatters.
Inhaling a breath, Lucifer shuts his eyes. And then...
He's gone. Falling, down into the dark, until he disappears entirely.
You collapse onto the ground, feeling as if your heart was ripped ruthlessly out of your chest and stomped on the ground with a sharp heel.
You can't breathe, can't think, can't feel anything besides this pain...
Michael tries to touch your shoulder, but you push him away, yelling at him to go away and leave you alone to wallow.
Upon hearing this, God approaches you. "It had to be done," he says in a stoic, yet gentle tone. "Heaven was in threat."
You look up at him, appearing to be glaring as you shakily rise to your feet, inhaling a shuddering breath.
"Don't talk to me," you say sharply, before turning, "I don't want to hear another damn word leave your lips."
You take flight, flying into the air to head for home, or someplace private to allow yourself to cry.
God doesn't follow, he merely stands there and sighs softly.
"I'm sorry..."
In less then a few hours, night had fallen upon Heaven, making Heaven glisten and sparkle under the dark night sky.
Sitting up at the top of a tower, your legs dangling over it's edge, you feel the warm wind blow against your skin softly, your hair dancing along with the wind's current.
There isn't a such thing as cold in Heaven, and yet in this do feel cold.
You've felt cold ever since Lucifer was banished.
Was he the one who made you feel warm? Without him, will you always feel cold?
Gingerly, you pull out the rubber duck that you kept in your pocket, your eyes admiring every little detail and flaw in this child's toy, made by the hands of the one you loved and cherished more then anything.
The only thing you have of your Luci...
Gripping the duck, you bring it to your chest as another choked sob leaves your lips.
Opening your eyes, you glance towards the faraway distance where Lucifer had fallen.
You hoped that he was okay...
Sighing, you shut your eyes once more.
You don't know if you'll ever see him again, or if he'll even remember you if the chance of finding him appears.
You...wished it didn't come to this.
Why did he have to be so reckless? Why weren't you reckless enough?
Why did God rip him away from you?
By now, you feel a little hatred towards God, to the point where you could very well be the next fallen angel...
But do you care if you fall? No.
What's the point of staying in Heaven if Lucifer isn't with you?
There IS no such thing as Heaven without Lucifer...
You rise to your feet on the tower's edge, inhaling one breath as you slip the rubber duck protectively in your robe pocket.
Stretching out your wings, you take flight.
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