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You were absent of your usual companion F/N, but it didn't seem to bother you, as you continued sipping out of a bottle. It was a fruit drink, you thought, and it tasted pretty good. Mogu Mogu...
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Yachi talking with Kiyoko as they walked into the room, and then Yachi quickly ran out. You looked at the manager as if to question her, and she quickly walked up to you. "Oh, I forgot to tell you. We have a practice match today, at 4:30." She smiled. "You can stay and watch if you'd like, but it's okay if you want to head home at that time."
You shook your head, lowering the bottle from your face. "No, it's fine. I'd like to stay and watch. It'll be like I'm a part of the team."
Kiyoko laughed. "Now that I think about it, you're right. You're even coming to Tokyo with us, yeah?"
You paused for a moment, staring into your drink and watching the lychee cubes float around. Then, you look up at Kiyoko who was smiling at you expectantly. "I will."
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You, Yachi and Kiyoko brought out some folded chairs, pretending to ignore the comments about how you seemed happier and how Kiyoko was smiling and talking more than usual. Hinata offered to help... but ended up giving Yachi a pep talk, hyping her up just as much as he was.
Suddenly, a team appeared and they announced their arrival pretty loudly. You cringed and made a face at their loud voice, but quickly walked away, standing next to Yachi in a line with everybody else. You bowed just along with everybody else, noticing that Hinata bowed significantly lower, which made you laugh.
Daichi walked in, holding a ball under his arm while everyone else was starting to practice. "Suit up, it's almost time to start."
They all complied, beginning to take off their shirts. Yachi squeaked, face going beet red as she covered her eyes. Sugawara and Tanaka laughed at Hinata putting on his shirt backwards, while Yachi stared incredulously with her fingers parted over her eyes.
"Don't worry," you put a hand on her shoulder. "They're just guys. There's not really much to see, anyways." Your last comment earned a few gasps in shock.
They all banded together, in a circle and cheered. They walked onto the court, stretching and preparing themselves for the game. You sat on the stage, legs dangling off the edge while you watched Kageyama throw up the ball, and serve. He quickly scored a point, the other team not even having a chance to move as the ball flew past them.
However, you were much more focused on Yachi. As the team cheered for him, she seemed confused but enthralled. "Wait, does that count as a point?"
"Hey Yachi, that one's for your side," Kiyoko nudged her, which Yachi quickly flipped up the scoreboard to 1 point for Karasuno.
She watched Asahi spike down a ball hard, and a gust of wind came flying at her. She shivered, teeth chattering. "My arm would rip right off if I tried that..."
Yachi flipped up the scoreboard again, for the nineteenth point. "Oh wow, you can hear the impact."
Kiyoko giggled, "Crazy, right? But, if you get yourself distracted by those two power attackers," she looked onto the court, Hinata running up and spiking the ball down in what looked to be a split second. "You'll lose sight of our secret weapon."
"You can't underestimate Shoyo," you place your elbows on your knees and put your hands under your chin. "Otherwise you won't be able to see him until he attacks."
"He's..." Yachi trailed off, seemingly in her thoughts now, staring wordlessly as she flipped up another point.
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Dusk faded to night. The game was over, and everyone was packing up or walking home. You picked up a few chairs, carrying them under your arms and walking, but since they kept bumping against your calves, you walked kind of weirdly.
"Here," you look at the source of the voice and see Suga smiling. He took a chair from your arm and started walking back.
"Thanks," you said as you put the chair in its original spot, and looked to the third year. "Since tomorrow's the weekend, do you want to organise a study session just before the finals? I mean... maybe you could bring along Noya or Tanaka with F/N. I'm sure she could inspire them."
He seemed to consider your words. "Sure. I don't have anything going on. I'll ask them if you want."
"Yes, please. I think it'll be good for her... and them... and maybe me too..." You let out a quiet sigh. "I think I'll go crazy if I'm stuck with her alone for another day."
His grin widened and he let out a small laugh. "I get it, I think if I had to be with Noya alone for a study session, I would pass out from stress alone."
Your lips quirked up, and he leaned back on his heel. But before your face upturned into an actual, proper smile, you shook your head and it faded just as quickly as it came. "I'll meet you at the centre, but if you don't come by 11, me and F/N will just leave."
"Okay. See you," he said hopefully, watching as you wordlessly nod and walk away. He stood there, still for a few seconds, before he let out a long, drawn-out breath and pinched his cheek, grumbling to himself.
This is kind of like a hang-out, right? I mean, maybe if F/N, Tanaka, and Noya all study together, we could just... walk around or something... just us...
"Suga!" He heard Daichi call out and was quickly drawn out of his thoughts. A smile spread across his lips, as he started to jog over.
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You rubbed your eyes, turning onto your stomach as you flicked your phone on. "What time..." It was nine. You let out a dreary groan and slid out of your bed, slipping on your slippers and walking to your bathroom.
You were meeting F/N, Sugawara, Noya and Tanaka today. For a study session. You had texted F/N to let her know, and Suga had texted you that they were all coming.
You spat out your toothpaste and gurgled water. Then, you had a shower and dried your hair.
You dabbed on your makeup, pressing and dabbing carefully, and being sure to bake to cover up anything, then smeared some lipgloss on, and changed your clothes. You checked the time, and it was about 10 now.
You still had some time until F/N came to pick you up at 10:30, and walked to the centre, which was just a place with a bunch of shops bunched together.
You slipped some things into your black purse, one that had a gold buckle and intricate designs on the leather it was made out of. You think it was from Italy, but you hadn't bothered to remember. You slipped on a white jacket and locked your door, and left.
You looked outside your veranda and saw F/N waiting outside patiently. She wore some loose-fitting jeans, a black lacy shirt and a mauve-purple hooded jacket, so you didn't feel too bad about going with casual clothing. You walked down the steps and watched as her face brightened up when you came near.
"Y/N-sama!" She smiled wide, and hugged you quickly, before moving away and starting to walk. "You're way too kind! You organized this whole study session for us!!!"
"Because if you fail, I'll kick you out of the club." You said with your fake professional smile, which made F/N shiver.
"That's way too harsh!"
"Not harsh at all."
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You walk into the small town, looking around. "I think he told me they were going to be around here."
"I think if they're around, we could probably smell them," she snickered, looking around with her hand over her mouth.
"That's not nice."
"I'm just being honest!" She pouts.
You stop walking, and F/N crashes into your back, stumbling back. You turned around and looked at her, "Let's just wait here."
You flipped open your phone and looked at the messages between you and Sugawara. "Koshi texted me that they might be a little late. Apparently..."
You squint and look at the text.
>> from: sugawara koshi at 13:12
hey y/n, we might be a little late bc noya was attacked by his neighbour's dog. he was supposed to stay home but insisted on coming, so we're just bandaging up some scratches and we'll be there in a bit.
You switch off your device and cringe, slipping it into your black bag. "They're having issues right now."
"Oh my gosh, was Nishinoya attacked by a rabid dog?"
How did she know?!
"Of... course not."
"He was, wasn't he?!"
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It had been about 10 minutes, and F/N had already gone through two small servings of bubble tea. She was sipping on her third one (which she had made you buy, because it would be embarrassing to go in there a third time) when you both heard loud yelling and running towards you.
You saw Noya, limping with some poorly wrapped bandages around his calf, rushing at you with flushed cheeks. However, it was much easier to evade him, as he was pretty slow.
"Hii!!!!" F/N waved, slipping her flip-phone (don't forget iuts like 2012) into her pocket and jumping up and down.
"What's up, sister?!" Noya grinned back at her excitedly.
"You were attacked by a rabid dog, right?!"
"You know it!"
"See, I told you, Y/N-sama!" She pointed at you accusingly. Sugawara looked at you, concerned, but you only mouthed I swear I didn't tell her.
"Your outfit is super cute today, Y/N-chan!" Noya gave you a big thumbs up, with a red face. "It totally suits you!"
"Oh..." You don't have the heart to tell him that you were, quite literally, dressed in the dark.
"Well, we should totally get this study session going." Sugawara clapped his hands. You noticed that he was also wearing a casual outfit, just a shirt, jacket, and pants, too.
Tanaka and Noya were also wearing... almost the same outfit. Maybe all men had a sixth sense to wear the same thing.
"Where are we headed, Suga?!" Tanaka grinned.
"How about..." He paused. Then looked over at you. "How about you choose, Y/N?" He smiled warmly.
You didn't want to, but it would be a bit rude to say no. "Okay." You pause in thought. You couldn't go to the library, because they would make way too much noise. Same with a cafe. Or any enclosed space, for that matter. "How about the park?"
"Oooh!!" F/N's eyes sparkled. She pushed up her glasses and held her cheeks in her hands. "What a sensible choice! I knew you would realise we can't be in an enclosed space!"
Okay, you stare at her, brows furrowed. This is getting kind of weird now.
"Let's go to the park!" Tanaka and Noya run off, Sugawara sighing and not even bothering to chase after them. He only cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled out,
"To study!"
F/N ran off with them, holding onto her shoulder bag and trying to not fall with her heeled sandals.
Leaving you and Suga, alone.
"You know they're not going to actually study, right?" You say, and you two start walking after them.
"Very well aware." He sighed in exhaustion. Then looked at you, and smiled. "But at least you're with me, hm?"
You don't think about the meaning behind his words, and only nod. "I'm happy you're here with me, too. Being alone with those three sounds like a nightmare," you stifle a small chuckle.
After all this time, she seems so much... happier.
He stared at your face and expressions as you talked about what would happen if you were left alone with those three (but he really wasn't listening all that much) and observed silently.
"What would you do?" Your words snapped him out of whatever trance he was in, and he nervously laughed.
"I mean... cry?"
"Me too," you nod, and he inwardly sighed in relief. "I mean, how reckless can somebody be? I don't get it."
"I know, right?" He smiled.
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"No, the value of x is over there. Not that one." You point and F/N tugged at her hair.
"I don't get it!!!!"
The empty food bags around you five were proof that today was, in fact, not a study session.
"Hey, how about we just play on the swings?!" Noya suggested loudly, and both F/N and Tanaka agreed, running over with him.
"Oh my god—STOP!" You called out, but she didn't even look back at you, already teasing a little kid and making them start to cry because she didn't let them on the swings.
"She's a horrible person," Sugawara laughed, turning his head away and sorting out some papers. "Since today was an obvious fail, maybe we should just pack away and... try another day?"
"Really? What makes you think next week will be any different to today?" You deadpan, and his mouth feels dry. Because he doesn't think it will be different, not at all. But he does think, that maybe...
"I mean... if you spend more time with somebody... you can get to know them better. Maybe that's what we need." He smiled, cheeks going pink as he broke eye contact, only glancing at your thoughtful face every couple of seconds.
"Hmmm... maybe you're right." His eyes light up and he grins wide. "If we get to know them well enough, we can learn what makes them tick... and find out to manipulate them into studying without them knowing."
If you listen close enough, you can hear something shattering.
"Oh, right." The light in his eyes was long gone, replaced by blank deadness. I thought that was pretty obvious...
"Good idea, Koshi." You nod, hand on your chin as you watch F/N swing around the swinging pole, doing a good 360 degrees. She promptly flew off the swing and into the grass behind her, and you only facepalm. "Maybe if she doesn't have brain damage after this. F/N—WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT SWINGING ALL THE WAY."
Sugawara only watches as you lecture the dazed girl, who says she is seeing stars and faeries, and he can only laugh.
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