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If they really wanted to go, they had to get good marks on their final exams, and that was one thing most of them didn't have.
Luckily for you, your exams were fairly easy and you always got pretty good grades, so you didn't have to worry. F/N, however... was a different story...
"What?! Last time you told me it was only 2!" You snapped at her, glaring so harshly that she slumped down and a sad aura was emitting around her.
"I—I'm horrible at Maths... Social Studies... and Japanese..." She sniffled, tears falling down her red cheeks.
"How are you failing Japanese?! We speak Japanese!"
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"Kiyoko!" You ran up to her, and she turned around and tilted her head. "Did you find out who hasn't joined a club yet?"
She nodded her head, smiling slightly. "Yes. It's mostly people from," she pointed towards a few classrooms. "People in those classes. It should be easier now that we have a smaller population to ask. You can start in the higher class."
You nodded, shuffling the papers in your hand. "Okay. I'll let you know if I find anyone."
She nodded back, walking away.
You turned the other way and speed-walked to the classroom. You saw a girl, who seemed to be very short and had blonde hair. If your memory served correctly (after burning the poster list of first-years who had not joined a club into your retinas,) this was...
Yachi Hitoka.
You walk up to her, tapping her on the shoulder and wincing as she shrieked and cowered in shock. "Hello? Are you Yachi Hitoka?" Once she got a good look at you, she stopped shaking like a leaf, but her face went bright red.
"U—Uh yes! That's me!"
She said, back completely straight while bowing. She seemed very nervous. You wondered why.
While you talked about benefits and why she should join, she simply (unintentionally) blocked it out and stared in awe.
'A gorgeous third-year girl... with bangs that just frame her face and long eyelashes... her hair looks so pretty. Oh, the guys over there are staring! She's so beautiful... I see why! Isn't she the journaling club person? Why would she be talking about another club?'
Yachi snapped back to reality after she thought about that last question, seeing you look at her expectantly, with a look she could only describe as blank.
"So, how about it?"
She looked at you with a nervous smile. Not knowing what you had said, she simply said the first thing that came to mind. "O—Okay! Sure!"
"Really?!" Your eyes widened before a look of relief fell over your face and you patted her on the shoulder. "Thank you. I'll come with you to meet them after school."
You ran away, excited to tell Kiyoko about the news. Yachi only watched as you rushed away, still frozen in place.
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You tapped the girl on her shoulder, her snapping towards you and walking away from the person she was just talking to. "I found a girl who wanted to come. Yachi Hitoka."
Her face immediately morphed into one that could only be described as relieved, and her shoulders sunk as she smiled. "Oh, thank god..." she murmured, hand on her forehead. She quickly opened her eyes and peered at you through her lenses.
"When is she going to meet everyone else?"
"I told her I would go with her after school. I'm sure she wouldn't mind if you came along." You hummed in thought.
Kiyoko nodded, "Okay, I think that works. Thank you, Y/N." She pushed a small piece of her hair behind her ear. Her cheeks grew pink. "You've been a huge help."
You feel your lips creep up, and before you know it, you're smiling. She could only stare at the sight in disbelief, eyes unblinking to not miss a single second of this moment.
"It's no worries," and with that, you turn around and start walking away.
Once again, you leave a girl standing there in shock, and she hesitantly touches her face to find out it is burning.
Your smile... she felt one of her own form and she started to chuckle soundlessly to herself. It looks really nice.
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The day flew by, and before you knew it, you were walking from the first-year rooms to the gymnasium. You look at Yachi, who is looking around in wonder and cowering, which makes her look smaller. "You shouldn't be scared," you say, which catches her attention. She looked at you, as you stared forward. "They're nice people. They'll like you."
It felt so unlike you to try and comfort somebody like this, but you learn something new every day.
You flung the doors open and stepped in with the two girls with you. F/N was already there shouting at Hinata for one reason or another, but all attention was quickly drawn to you three, a tuft of blonde hair peeking out from behind Kiyoko.
Hinata gasped, eyes widening with sparkles. "You found a new person?! That's awesome!"
"Hey, beautiful!"
"Who's that?!"
"Well team, I'd like you to meet your potential new manager." Kiyoko stepped away, letting them see Yachi. She was trembling, hands glued behind her back as she looked at each of the team members.
"Heavy on potential." You quipped, also stepping away from her.
"My name is Yachi!" She said quickly, hiding her hands behind her back. As the team started to circle her, asking her questions and saying how Kiyoko and you did a great job.
"You a first year?" Asahi asked. Yachi seemed to get even more scared by him, jumping behind you and trembling.
"U—Uh yes! I'm in class 1-5 sir!" She shrieked, her voice going a few octaves higher and looking like she had just seen a ghost.
Daichi let out a loud sigh, "Give her some space, Asahi."
Tanaka and Noya were staring at her intently, which made her gulp and sink farther behind you, to the point she was completely out of view. You instinctively place a hand on her head, and gently move her out from behind you, and gesture towards them with, what Yachi could only describe as a sweet look.
"This is really great news! Now you've got a manager for next year." Asahi smiled at Hinata.
"Well, it's not set in stone. I asked her today at the very last minute. So she's just dropping by on her way to do some of her committee work."
"But she wanted to come to meet you all," Kiyoko added with a small smile.
"Y—Yeah! It's very nice to meet you!" Yachi squeaked out, bowing with her eyes squeezed shut.
"Hello." The team replied simultaneously, bowing down. Yachi squeaked again jumping back and shaking even more now.
"Easy! Don't crowd her, she's not used to you guys yet." Kiyoko fretted, waving her hands around as she stood next to poor Yachi.
"Um—sorry for bothering you!" Yachi said, now walking out and closing the door. You sighed heavily, pinching your nose.
"That was a huge failure." You scowled, looking behind you to see that the team was tearing up.
You yell and stumble back, "H—Hey! Get away—!!!"
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The sky was grey and cloudy, and you were quietly, peacefully eating lunch in your classroom. Well, it would be quiet and peaceful if...
You place your head on your desk, squeezing your eyes shut and taking in a deep breath before looking back up at the sobbing girl. Her outburst had attracted a bit of attention from your classmates, one of which included Asahi, who gave you a concerned look and smile, to which you only gave him an empty one.
"F/N, quiet down-"
"B—B—BUT... IF I FAIL, THEN I CAN'T GO TO TOKYO!" She wailed, covering her face with her hands and crying. "And if I can't go to Tokyo, then what good am I for you?! You'll be all alone... with a bunch of sweaty, tall, strong guys... and they'll all harass you! And ask you for your number!"
She bit down on her nails nervously, "Those volleyball nerds here are bad enough... but what if a hot guy sweeps you off your feet and you transfer schools?! What am I going to do then?! Then the journaling club with fall apart, and I'll end up all alone! All because I couldn't go to Tokyo!!!!"
She stopped her ranting by you flicking her forehead. Hard. "Ow!"
"Stop. If you could put as much attention to studying as you do making ridiculous fantasies, maybe you wouldn't be failing three subjects." Your glare made her falter and wilt down like a dead plant. "Why can't you ever study?"
"Because it's so boring! I can't stand it!" She groaned, rolling her head back and sighing. "But... if I have to... for the trip... then I will! Okay, Y/N-sama! What's next for English?!"
You point down at a mock question, "Read the passage and answer this question. Did Saki wish for her life to change, and if so, when did she realise this?"
F/N took a few minutes studying the question, so you took that time to relax and lean back, letting out a heavy sigh.
This would take a while.
"Uh—hey, Y/N." You perked up, hearing your name, and seeing Asahi waving at you, motioning you to come over.
You quickly got out of your seat, F/N unnoticing, and stood at his desk. He smiled at you, "Hey, Y/N... you're helping F/N study, right?"
You scowl, glaring at her from where you stood. "You noticed?"
"Uhuh... yeah. Uh—Suga is tutoring Nishinoya, and he's improving a ton." He rubbed the back of his neck and shrugged. "And I think that F/N and Noya are kind of similar, and for Suga to help him improve, he set short-term goals for Noya. And then gave him an incentive to study and get good grades..."
"So I should try it?"
"I—I'm not saying you have to... but, if you want... you can try it. I just thought you looked kind of- uhm... frustrated, so...—"
"That's a pretty good idea," You smile wonkily, and it doesn't end up looking like you were smiling. He laughed awkwardly, but you roll your eyes and move on. You stop leaning on his desk and give him a nod of acknowledgement. "Thanks, Azumane."
"No problem..." He smiled widely at you.
You walked back to F/N's desk, taking your seat and looking at her. "So, what did you finish?" You asked, resting your face in your hand.
She raised her head and looked like a zombie. "I... argh...!" She yelled in frustration. You cringe and look down at the paper, only to find the words...
Saki is a total wimp!!!
Underlined two times.
You slam your palm on your forehead, forgetting the words that Asahi had just told you and glaring at her once again. "Did you even read the question?!"
Asahi stared from where he was sitting at you and your friend, you hitting her over the head with the rolled-up sheet of paper, which she held her hands over her hair and cried. He sighed and shook his head, looking down at his food.
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