Q & A answers!
q & a answers !!! thank you all for asking !
Q : Is it possible for you to make a Reo kissing scene?
A : Definitely! I'm not too sure when, but I'm planning on making one eventually. I already have a lot of different moments with a lot of different characters (not all necessarily romantic moments) that I'm planning to squeeze into the timeslots between the games so it MIGHT not be during the NEL arc, but eventually, it will happen.
Q : how does rin feel about [name]?????
A : It's very complicated haha. During the second selection, I think it's pretty clear that he thinks the whole concept of the manager thing is pretty useless so he doesn't really care about them all that much. I mentioned that Rin's first impression of you was that you were "easy on the eyes" but you were still lukewarm and annoying.
But during the third selection, since you spent so much time together you eventually grew closer (even if just slightly, like him greeting you without an insult in the morning). As we all know, that all diminished as soon as Shidou got on the field with him and he was suddenly hurling insults left and right, and you had to step in and treat them like they were dogs and every shard of that possible friendship shattered in that moment.
Obviously, we all know what happened in chapter 44—it's less of a confession thing (compared to the kisses the reader shared with chigiri, nagi, bachira, and even isagi) and it was more of a spur-of-the-moment decision. Rin makes bad, impulsive decisions in moments where he's heated and the fact that he was slightly delirious from blood loss and the smell of medicine did not help clear his mind—as mentioned, he thinks you're pretty nice to look at so that also catered into the (sort of primal?? i don't know how else to put it) decision to kiss you lol.
After that, you hadn't really gotten to see him again, but Rin is a chronic overthinker so you know that boy has been laying awake thinking about it. He's angry, obviously, annoyed that he acted so pathetic, but mostly confused because he doesn't know why it was his first instinct to kiss you over literally everything else (he likes to think you're annoying and he doesn't know why he was so annoyed over you still caring about shidou when he almost broke his nose)
TLDR, if you are lazy: There are budding romantic feelings atm with Rin but most of it is just confusion that quickly translates into anger when he sees you because he thinks you're pretty and he liked kissing you but that just makes him mad because he doesn't want to like it and he's so confused. He is so emotionally stunted but it's okay we love him. sorry this was long, I just really love talking about character relationships in found hehe
Q : is there any future for [name] and barou interactions or am i DELUSIONAL 😞
A : DEFINETLY !! Barou is one of my favs and it kills me to push him aside like this BUT i physically cannot write a kiss scene with him. Genuinely every time I try and think of an idea it quite literally ALWAYS makes me cringe because it's always ooc. One of my biggest pet peeves in bllk fanfics is barou acting ooc because it is so easy to make him feel like a different character. The only way I could really see smth like that happening is in the same way it happened with Rin, but then it wouldn't really make sense because barou[name]'s whole dynamic is how she silently gets him/accomodates to him (within reason ofc) without question and it makes him feel so peaceful it pisses him off because how do are u doing that???
but i have an interaction between them (to sort of unofficially officially announce his feelings towards the reader) that's been stewing in my mind for the past two months and i'm just WAITING for the ubers game to finally insert it into the story haha
Q : Is (name) gonna be endgame with someone? Or is it gonna be a 'try everyone then take no one'? (EITHER WOULD BE LIT) 🗣️🗣️💯💯💯💯💯😍😍😍❤️❤️❤️❤️ (I LOVE THIS SMMSMSMSMS I LOVE YOU SMSMSMS)
+ Q : I'm curious on how you're gonna end the story. Will there only be one endgame, or multiple chapters for each character?
+ Q : will there be ending routes or one endgame? or we gonna end up with no one? I'm dying to know
A : I've always planned this story out as one of those stories that have multiple endings for whichever character you want/liked their relationship with the mc in the story the most! I was originally planning to only do endings for characters with kiss scenes, but at this point I think I might just do all the love interests.
However if I fall out of Blue Lock before this story comes to a satisfying ending I'll probably just do a few endings (i hope this doesn't happen tho!! it takes me about a year and a half to fall out of a fandom and i just started getting into it early 2024 so we got a long way to go guys)
Q : If there are extra ending routes, will there be some manager ones? Mainly Kyouka and Mariele since they're the two closest in terms of romance with the mc
A : It definitely depends on what the readers want. Personally, I have no problems with writing for them (whenever the time where this books ends may come lol) but if nobody wants to read it there's no point yk?? i'd love to make one with komi (since she's my favourite) and kyouka and mariele—those three especially since they are the ones to show vivid romantic interest in the reader—so it's really just based off of what you all want!
Q : which chapter was the most fun to write for you?
A : I've been thinking about this one for a good while, and I think it has to be chapter 47. It's not a really special chapter or anything, but it was really fun to set up the relationship between [name] and shidou and sae and I think all the interactions during that chapter were really wholesome and fun to write. It's definitely one of my favourite chapters. Second would honestly be either chapter 29 or 44. It was pretty fun to write about chigiri being all pretty and rin being pissy.
Q : ness as a love interest when (I'm fucking begging you bel PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE) 🙏🙏🙏 ahem...I mean, when shall my favorite purple eyed kaiser meat rider get to be a love interest in this wonderful book ? I must know my dear. ❤️
A : I know I said ness was a gay dick rider and that he wouldn't be a love interest, but I've been thinking about it a little more, and honestly, if you guys really want it, I don't mind making him one. Obviously he won't have a ton of interactions like Isagi or Kaiser or Chigiri, but I don't mind giving him a few nice ones, maybe a lil kiss kiss on the cheek. idk. I was thinking of an interaction between him and the reader about how they're both similar in the way they both respectively "believe" in kaiser and isagi, but completely different in the way their relationships are presented and they could have a real good talk about it.
Anyways, if you guys want, I'll add ness to the love interest list.
A : Of course! I've been trying to build up their relationships even without explicit talking all throughout the NEL, and after the manshine (or ubers, if there is not enough time after that) game, I'm planning on having them have their first conversation since he's come back about why she won't leave him alone, and yk stuff like that. Kunigami is one my favourites and I miss the superhero so I definitely will try and add some moments with him because he's adorable and deserves the world.
Q : do you plan on doing more special chapters? like the beach one/other filler?
A : Yes! I really enjoyed writing the beach day chapter, but it was very eventful and very fan-service-y for the sake of the fact that it was to celebrate one hundred thousand reads. I love giving you guys what you want, but if I do it too often it's not going to feel too special. No spoiling from papa iliverae. Anyways, for every big milestone, I'm planning on writing a special chapter just like that one, except maybe in a different book. After I catch up with the pxg game, I'll obviously be updating a hell of a lot less and I'll move some of the specials and extras into another book so I can make room for actual found chapters instead. I'll probably continue updating found within that second book, whether it be short snippets or long specials.
Also, I'm not sure if I mentioned it, but the specials aren't canon to the main storyline. So that means we haven't canonly kissed Kaiser yet, sorry guys!
Q : this is just a random thought but do u think people make edits of (name)🔥🔥⁉️⁉️
A : oh one hundred percent. I was already writing up a little short about Kaiser being tiktok's "white boy of the month" and during it i was going to mention how there are a ridiculous number of edits with [name]. She's obviously going to have the highest bid at the end of the NEL, and this comes down to two factors: A) Your way of dealing with players makes you seem easygoing and likeable. B) You are incredibly popular with the BLTV fans, due to your character being likeable and pretty.
There are also certainly ship wars. You can't avoid it. I already kind of touched on it during the sleepover short, but it goes a lot deeper than that. You know how those kpop fans edit and overreact to every single interaction between a male and female idol? Like that, but tenfold because they actively give the fans their money's worth. Twitter is a hellscape for BLTV shipping.
Q : Are we gonna kiss kyouka?
A : I never really planned on having the reader establish a very certain romantic connection with any of the managers because I didn't plan on my readers being so attached to said managers. Of course I set it up for some of them to have feelings for you, but it was mostly just to give them a reason to stick around and have some sort of nuanced depth other than being "that girl manager".
However, if you guys really want it, I'll gladly write a Kyouka scene. Keep in mind it probably won't be in the main story, because I feel the aftereffects of it would be a lot more drastic than say the blue lockers, because she would feel incredibly attached and jealous and stuff and I don't think it will be easy to handle.
Q : can we kiss shidou again? 😄😃😄😃
A : I was planning on it ! I mentioned in the notes of a previous chapter, forgot which one, that [name] would be going around to different stratums to "check up on how everything and everyone are doing" (it's just an excuse for me to sneak some kiss kiss in) and when she goes to the pxg one, I was planning on doing a shidou one there, albeit a lot less intense than last time because the circumstances will be a lot different than when they were (basically) alone on the bus.
Q : Why is Shidou so attracted to [name]?
+ Q : why does shidou like name sm 🤨❓
A : This was not very explained in the story, so I'm here to clear up confusion. Shidou is a laid-back guy and everyone makes him out to be someone who falls in love with every hot person he meets—but he is not like that. He didn't even like Sae until he showed him a new side of football he never knew—which leads into my next point. Shidou has a unique sense of being and he lives his own style of life, he does not care for conformities or social standards or anything (he acts in his own way of being, and he does not care for faking stuff or even lying).
He thinks you are cute—he makes it very clear, by either saying it aloud or checking you out or anything—but he doesn't really start to even respect you until you weave your way into his demonic little heart by being you. You are like him—obviously a less extreme version, but still so similar, in the way you do not care for faking stuff, or lying (at least to him, there is no point) but what you do not have is that same freedom.
I think the moment he actually started to respect you was in chapter 47 where it was the first time you made your feelings abundantly clear to Shidou and let him know that he needed to quit it.
That is where that soft spot lies—because he sees you, your soul as something that is so similar, akin to him that it is impossible not to love you. Shidou loves violently and intensely and it never deterred you away—because you are just like him, deep down, buried underneath all that grief. And in that same way, you are soft for him.
TLDR : shidou is very attracted to [name] because he sees her as somebody similar to himself, as someone who "gets" him, and that is why he even apologised to her during that same chapter 47, because he knows that even through that aggressive love and intense passion, you will always make it clear when he really needs to shape up—and he can't help but respect it (like how he listened to Sae when he warned him to not attack Niko—Shidou listens to the people he respects/loves).
Q : Are there any plans for a Karasu kiss scene in the future?
A : I'm not too sure. It all depends on how relevant he ends up being. Don't get me wrong, I love the silly crow dude as much as the next guy, but you have to admit he's become pretty irrelevant in the story. Overshadowed by Rin, Shidou, and Charles—there's not really much time for him when he's stuck with three big players. It's not a definite no, but not a yes either. It all depends.
Q : What are the player's opinions of [name]?
+ Q : what are the player's opinions of name ?
+ Q : what are the players (and maybe coaches/others lol) opinions of MC. we gotta know the inner thoughts of these thots fr
A : Strap in, because this is going to be a really long one.
Isagi: "[name]... gosh, how do I describe her? She's pretty, really pretty, and super smart. And she's really nice. She takes really good care of us all... of me... and she's always super diligent... I dunno what we'd do without her... I mean, it's not like I just like her because she takes care of us or anything, she's also pretty funny... and her legs are really nice to look at... but I don't look at her there that much, I'm not a creep! I just like—
Chigiri: " [name]. I think she's a good person. We didn't have the greatest meeting, but I think that's been remedied as shown by our... ahem... relationship now. She's pleasing to look at, and her eyes are pretty. We understand each other the best, and talking to her is always easy. We're practically destined to be."
Bachira: "I love [name]! My monster is telling me to say that! I don't think she believed me when I told her I wanted to stay by her side forever, but I really meant it! She takes care of me and never judged me for anything. My mom always told me to stay with somebody like that. I really like [name]!"
Kunigami (post wild-card): "Annoying, shit-for-brains manager. Doesn't know how to leave somebody alone."
Gagamaru: "[name] is very patient and kind, like a mother bear. She is currently teaching me how to use a fork since they are easier to use than chopsticks. I like forks. I used to use sticks while I was out in the woods, but these are easier to stab into meat."
Reo: "[name] is an interesting person, and her way of thinking made me rethink a lot of things that I previously thought to be normal. She's intuitive, and the way she thinks is something to be admired—I like spending time with her. She's nice to look at, and it's no surprise many people are fond of her."
Nagi: "[name]... she's... pretty, and nice. Her chest is soft. She lets me rest on them. I like it when she rests with me. Where is [name], anyway? Can you ask her to come here?"
Barou: "She freaks me the fuck out. She's so calm it's freaky, I don't like it. Other than that, she's fine. Not all that annoying. She's clean and always makes time to do all her chores before anything else. Being around her doesn't really affect me. She's only really fucking annoying when she gets all smug."
Rin: I mentioned his feelings in an earlier question! However, his only response would be: "Lukewarm."
Aryu: "Totally stylish! Her sense of style is impeccable, and her makeup is always on point! I love her hair. I love her facial features, she is just so glam! Almost as glam as me and Komi."
Tokimitsu: "O—Oh, [name]...? She's... pretty... and really nice... i—is she seeing these?? Um... I like being around her, 'cause she's gentle a—and doesn't get mad when I'm nervous... I like her, a lot. Komi tries to get me to talk to her, but every time I try I get so scared that I feel like I'm going to faint! D—Do you think she hates me?!"
Karasu: "Aha, definitely my type. Strong, smart, and doesn't take any shit—what else coulda guy want? 'Part from that, she's real cool. Her whole schtick of being all aloof and stuff until an awesome goal is scored and then she gets all googly-eyed and smiley—it's cute as hell."
Otoya: "Cool. Playing hard to get, but that's cool too. For somebody as pretty as her, I'll work for it. Hope my girlfriends don't see the flirting, though. One of 'em already left me when Blue Lock TV started."
Yukimiya: "She's incredibly kind. The things she does for all of us—for me—she's not required to do any of it, and yet, she wants us all to succeed so much that she devotes all her time and energy towards such a goal. She is smart, diligent, and a gentle person—her company is always much appreciated. I'd like to take her to see the cherry blossoms one day."
Shidou: Again, his real opinion was explained earlier, but this is how he replied: "I want her. Like seriously. Nothing else to it. Me and her should totally fuck."
Hiori: "She has this kinda motherly vibe to 'er—I don't really know what it is, but it just kinda makes it a helluva lot easier to talk without bein' all awkward. Even without that, she's cool and calm and stuff. She's a good manager."
Nanase: "Oh, [name]? We haven't really talked much, but from what I've seen, she's really nice! She takes really good care of all her players and everyone is lucky to have her as a manager. Her friend with the colourful hairclips is really cute, though..."
Aiku: "Real pretty, and a pretty good manager too. Too bad I didn't get to get her number, though. That Shidou fella sure is possessive. They're not dating... right? ... Well, doesn't really matter if they are, anyway."
Loki: "Me and [name] have been penpals for a good year or two. I'm forever grateful for her nonchalant reaction to me being... me, and it's refreshing to be able to interact normally with somebody my age. Her company is very much appreciate, and the talks we have are the highlights of my week."
Sae: "She seems to be close with Rin. I don't really have an opinion on her, but from what I've seen from her and others, she seems easily likeable. Hm." (You have a feeling Sae has something more to say, but he does not tell.)
Kaiser: "My dear love interest—stolen away by the bandit, Yoichi. Woe is me. Nevertheless—impossibility means nothing to me, and she is far too intriguing to let fly away so easily."
Ness: "Kaiser is really interested in her, but she's so enamoured with Yoichi... I don't know why... It's so confusing! Why doesn't she like Kaiser?! Does she not know how lucky she is?! She's... so confusing. I don't understand her."
Charles: "Loki talks a lot about her whenever he lectures me, Merodi, and Shidou. Saying things like, "Oh, [name] wouldn't do this, [name] would be more responsible," blah blah blah... she must be a real bore! But Merodi really likes her, so she has to be cool... it's so confusing, I wanna know what she's like!"
Lorenzo: "I'd love to meet the woman who weaved herself into our Barou-chan's little frozen heart ☆ To achieve something like that—she must be a pretty interesting gal."
Noa: "[name] is responsible and a reliable manager. She asks for the respect she deserves and receives it in kind. We play chess sometimes. It is a relaxing hobby."
Lavinho: "[name]??? Is that the girl Otoya always talks about?? Huh, whaddya know. Tell her to give the poor boy her number already, I didn't teach him to be a loser."
Snuffy: "To catch the interest of so many players—she must be an intriguing woman. Relationships between these kids seems so complicated these days."
Chris: "Who?? Is that the girl that had Kyouka so distraught??? Huh. Didn't notice her."
Ego: "[name] is a responsible manager who consistently manages to place herself above the others. Despite this, she has plenty to learn—she is just as talentless as the others."
Anri: "Oh, she's so nice! I don't mind going out and getting her and the other managers special things because she, and the others, all do so much to make all of our lives easier! I don't know what I'd do without them all. The way they all do their makeup is so trendy and cool, too. I've wanted to ask them about it, but Ego always gives me a harsh glare whenever I try! Hmph!"
Q : Why did Rin kiss [name] in chapter 44?
A : I explained the gist of it in the earlier question about rin, but I'll repeat it here in shorter words. A big part of it was the fact he couldn't think very clearly and was pretty delirious from both blood loss and the medicine you put on him—also was the fact that he was already initially attracted to you physically, and he could hardly think straight when he just wanted you to shut up—so he kissed you. (Another thing was that he once read that kissing somebody or going even farther than that is a good way to relieve stress/anger, but lo and behold it made the guy even worse. what a twist of events!)
Q : Do the managers like [name] romantically?
A : Some of them do, some of them don't. The ones that will/already do:
- Kyouka
- Komi
- Mariele
- Possibly Merodi—but I haven't decided on her yet.
The ones that don't:
- All the eliminated managers (I was thinking of a enemies to lovers tragic doomed yuri with bleach-head but alas time takes us all)
- Himara
- Jenny
- Bianca
Q : I wanna know each managers type / maybe their opinions on name <33
A: I love talking about the managers, so I'll gladly do this ! all their opinions are at THIS point in the story, meaning they will change and develop over time.
- Kyouka: Her type is somebody who is kind and treats her well. She'd like them to be smart so she can have deep talks about books with them (though, it is optional).
Her opinion of [name]: "[name] was my first friend here, and I really love her for it. I love spending time with her and the people she likes but sometimes I feel I am not a part of her world."
- Komi: Her type is somebody who doesn't make rash decisions, is smart, gentle, and thoughtful.
Her opinion of [name]: "[name] is smart and diligent and it's very easy to respect her. Her company is nice and it doesn't bother me to comfort her when she is feeling anxious. Her hand is soft."
- Mariele: Her type is somebody who likes to be by her side and is physically attractive.
Her opinion of [name]: "I like her. Her and Blue Lock bring a new sense of whimsy within the rationality and it's refreshing. The expressions she makes are cute and her features are very nice."
- Merodi: Her type is somebody who doesn't judge her for her tastes and will take her care of her when they're together because she is pretty intense.
Her opinion of [name]: "[name] is cool! Her style is totally unique and fun and she'd be even cooler if she dropped the whole "studious diligent girl" thing she's doing. Whenever she gets all ditzy and excited from good play, it's totally cute!"
- Himara: Her type is somebody who is fit and has a nice smile.
Her opinion of [name]: "[name] is an easily respectable and calm individual. There is a reason she is constantly picked as the first out of all of us, because something about her makes it so incredibly easy to open up and talk about your deepest thoughts."
- Jenny: Her type is somebody who is tall and likes to have fun with her. She prefers brunettes.
Her opinion of [name]: "She's cool. I like spending time with her and she's real pretty. Not much else to say."
- Bianca: Her type is somebody who is rich, respectful, and treats her well. She doesn't say so, but she'd prefer it if they like to have fun with her, since she's always supposed to be serious.
Her opinion of [name]: "That's the girl Mariele is with, no? Mariele has seemed to take a liking to her, so she must not be too bad of a person. I'm not too familiar with her, but she seemed a little ditzy from our first encounter."
Q : Out of all the love interests who's feelings does [name] reciprocate the most?
A : I really did try to make her have an equal opinion for at least the main love interests, but I think over the course of the story I made her favour a few over the others by a lot, haha. Specifically, I think I made her favour Isagi the most, Chigiri the second, and then Shidou. Isagi is clearly the one she cares about most out of everyone, as she literally goes out of her way to help him and believes in him more than anyone because he "saved her". Chigiri takes second because of just how deep their relationship runs, and how their entire dynamic is based on how they silently understand eachother and their sort of "love". Out of everyone, I think Shidou would be third, because it is stated multiple times how they are "soft for eachother" and how they're so similar in such a way. She can't help but feel a little softness towards him (in chapter 47, Sae notes how your voice is softer and fonder than he's ever heard) because you do genuinely care about him.
TLDR : I TRIED to show that [name] had an equal opnion on each of the love interests, but it ended up in a way where she seems to reciprocate the feelings of these three the most, in order: Isagi, Chigiri, and Shidou.
Thank you all for all these questions! I had a lot of fun answering them and I hope this cleared up some things about the story you did not understand! If you have any furthur questions, just comment and I will answer as soon as I can 🤗🤗
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