*⋆。˚𖦹࣪˖ ִֶָ⋆。°✩
back to Blue Lock was an experience if you'd say so yourself. Apparently, the next person filling in for you as the quote-on-quote caretaker for Shidou was Komi—so you wouldn't be seeing her around much for the next few days.
Sitting on that bus alone—you had a lot of time to think, and even more time to reply to all those frantic messages.
where r u
need water
nd blanket
where u go
want play vid game
night routine pls
where r u
4 missed call(s), from nagi [2d]
where r u
where r u
where u go
where r u
where y go
nobody knows where u r
6 missed call(s), from nagi [1d]
where u are???
need water
where r u
did u leave??
hi [name]! i'm on nagi's phone rn. he won't get up. can you please text him as soon as possible? we're all rlly worried abt u!!
- kyouka
You can't deny the twinge of guilt that rushes through you when you read through just how many messages Nagi had texted you. The lazy genius—usually far too lazy to even text proper grammatical sentences—was now spamming you, throughout the span of three days, he had sent you more messages than he had any time before.
You're happy that he missed you—it shows he actually does care—but still, maybe you shouldn't have left your phone on silent for so long.
hey, nagi! i'm doing fine, sorry for worrying u
i was tasked with taking care of shidou since he was chosen to play with the other team. im not sure why ego didn't tell you all but im coming back now :)
i'll get u that water and we can play videogames tgt if you want
seen, by nagi
You don't even have to wait a moment before the little text bubble in the corner of the screen appears and Nagi's typing something.
u coming back soon rite
see me first
bye [name]
see u ltr
You cover your mouth with your fingers, in a futile attempt to hide a smile. You can almost picture Nagi typing that with half-lidded eyes and head slumped on his pillow.
see you, nagi
have a good rest. and don't skip your training.
and make sure to eat properly
You click off the chat and look at the others. 99+ chats from Bachira and the preview message for your chat with Isagi being HELP ME BACIHRAS... with no added context. Oh boy.
*⋆。˚𖦹࣪˖ ִֶָ⋆。°✩
The moment you step foot into Blue Lock, you deduce that utter chaos has occurred since you left.
Bachira tumbles into you, crashing you both to the floor and he's putting his whole body weight on you when he lays on top of your fallen body, "[NAME]!!! YOU'RE BACK! I MISSED YOU!"
"Are you trying to kill her?" Chigiri walks forward with a hand on his hip—acting all nonchalant, as if he hadn't sent you hourly updates of what he was doing.
Skincare, 8:12 pm. Haircare, 9:08 pm. Goodnight, 10:24 pm.
You meet his ruby eyes with desperation—all he does is smile, and you practically hear his thoughts, Welcome back, [name].
Karasu peeks his head out over Bachira's, still in his training jersey when you catch the sneer that passes over his lips, "Yeesh, she just walked in."
"A little obsessed, don't you think?" Otoya gives Bachira a bored stare, hand on his hip. Why are you even here, then? Go back to training, you think—head lolled back in defeat when Bachira snuggles into your form even closer.
"Yeah, Bachira," Isagi smiles nervously, inching closer towards the bumblebee boy, hands outstretched hesitantly, "How about you give [name] some space?—"
Bachira snaps his head towards Isagi, practically frothing at the mouth from what you could see, and eyes dilated like he was an animal, "No. My monster doesn't want that, Isagi."
You could just lay here and die. Isagi freezes up immediately and raises his hands in defence at his friend's threatening tone, and the room around him feels ice cold. Woah. Never heard that one before.
Still the same as always, you guess. Apart from this, not much has really changed.
*⋆。˚𖦹࣪˖ ִֶָ⋆。°✩
After a good twenty-three minutes of multiple people trying to forcefully pry Bachira off of you so actual training could happen—finally, you were free from the arms that acted as a cage. Wrapped around you so tight, like a cobra afraid of letting go of its prey.
The thought makes you shiver.
Also, what was up with that monster? He told you he'd gotten rid of it.
Whatever. Bachira's always been this kind of anomaly you could never really understand. You're not too sure anybody understands him—his monster, or whatever he calls it, might truly be the only one in the world who does.
A life like that... sounds so lonely.
Maybe that was why he had latched himself onto you so quickly.
It's been a little while since training had concluded. You spent your time chatting with Kyouka and surprisingly, Merodi—while waiting for the time to tick down. You almost missed these usual, domestic managerial duties-something you never thought you'd say—even passing out water bottles felt nostalgic to you (seriously, you had only been gone a day!)
After those nice few hours—you were just about ready to sleep off your exhaustion from dealing with Shidou and sleep back in your familiar, comfortable bed.
But it seemed God hadn't taken pity on you today—you were just finishing up with your skincare routine when Bachira tumbled into your room, at full speed like a raging bullet.
Bachira should think himself lucky Rin practices until midnight, compared to when actual training ends an hour and a half earlier. You hadn't seen Rin for a while, actually. After talking with his brother, you have so many questions—you're sure few would be answered.
"[name]!" Bachira cheers out, like an excited child who had just been given candy, and with how hyper he seems right now, you don't doubt he was. He lunges forward and crashes into your bed, eliciting a shocked scream from you when the sheer force of the drop is enough to knock you up as well.
He giggles at your reaction, waving his legs wildly in the air with rambunctious laughter—so loud, it causes an angry flush to rise to your cheeks. You lean forward, half-fallen on the covers to try and reach over to his big mouth, "Be quiet!"
He slaps your hands away with ease—smile as cheeky as ever when he speaks, "Aha! I missed this, [name]! I was so lonely when you left!" Quickly, his smile falls into a pout, and he sits up on his knees. They dip into the pristine sheets when he slowly nudges closer.
"You were lonely? Really?" You raise a brow, placing the jar of cream that had been forgotten as soon as Bachira divebombed into your room onto your bedside table. "Thought Isagi would be enough to keep you company."
The ever-so-familiar snort that escapes your lips soothes the aching in his heart.
He shakes his head vigorously, brown brows downturned with faux anger, "[name]! Not cool!"
You turn your head to him, where he's sitting on your bed with a stupid-looking pout and arms crossed over his chest in an attempt to look mad. You almost laugh, but decide the consequences of a Bachira tantrum that might follow outweigh your amusement. "What?"
"That's so—uncool! I mean, I could say the same thing about you!" He says, and you wonder what he means by his choice of words—a very interesting choice of words, considering it was Bachira.
"Huh? What do you mean by that?"
Bachira, always the jumpy excited one. Bachira, always an energetic jokester. Bachira, who was now looking at you with more seriousness than you'd ever witnessed on his face. It sends a shiver flitting down your spine. It's like your words flicked a switch in him, and now, his eyes were swirling with dark colours.
"What about that time you kissed Nagi, huh? Is he enough to keep you company?" If you listened hard enough, you could almost say he was jealous. But you didn't listen hard enough, and as such, you didn't pick up on that little detail. All that you could pay attention to was that he knows, and Bachira isn't exactly famous for keeping secrets.
Your face feels bright, burning hot and you lean forward, "Wh... what?! How do you know?!"
"Nagi told me." Bachira huffs, turning his head to the side and shutting his eyes. His nose is stuck up in the air like he has any right to even be mad—crosslegged on your bed, in your room, after barging in on your personal time. "I can't believe you didn't even tell me! I thought we were friends!"
Before you decide to (maybe) figuratively figure out a way to kill Nagi, you have to deal with the pouty man in front of you first. You bite down, hard, on the inside of your cheek. Fuck. This is not how you wanted to spend tonight. "Bachira, don't be like that. I mean—I didn't know if it would resonate well with you. I don't exactly go around telling people who I've kissed."
Your pathetic attempt of an excuse is horrible and half-assed—and you're sure Bachira knows this, too. You just don't want to make the situation worse by telling him, straight up to his face that you don't think he can keep a secret to himself.
"Hmph." Finally, he turns his gaze back to you, yellow eyes blazing with something you can't quite put your finger on. His words are slightly mumbled, but not undecipherable, "I just can't believe you let him get to you first."
You feel like a broken record, but you can't think of anything else. Bachira doesn't see the utterly confused expression you have plastered on your face right now, and rants, "I mean, come on! Why would you let Nagi of all people kiss you?! I bet he tastes like... ugh—I don't know... Mountain Dew!"
You don't think it'll help the situation any more if you let him know that Nagi wasn't actually the first person you kissed.
Bachira finally makes eye contact with you—looking so deeply into your eyes you're afraid you might grow lost in his own spiralling ones, "It's so not cool, [name]. I had a whole speech planned out and everything. Now, it's all ruined."
He sighs heavily—as if it was your fault. "Oh well. I've always been pretty good at looking on the bright side. At least I have a reason for doing this, now."
The familiar, Bachira-esque bright smile immediately makes its way back onto his face, and he suddenly drops down and leans in front of you. The sheer closeness is enough to make you stumble back, hands holding up your body weight behind you.
He doesn't break eye contact for a second as he reaches in closer, and closer, and he doesn't stop moving closer, even when his lips crash into yours and an explosion of feelings erupts in your chest. It seems even when his body is pressed up against yours, as close as you both can possibly be, it's not enough to satiate the burning need that is Bachira.
He's always been hungry for more—improvement, skills, everything. Now, it seems that's been transferred to you, too. He kneels in between your knees, a hand reaching up and cupping your cheek gently. He doesn't try to pry your lips open or try to do anything, really. All he does is kiss you, sweetly—like he's trying to convert his unspoken words into this kiss.
His lips move against yours with so much energy and vigour—eager to show you his previously unspoken love. It seems even Bachira's eagerness to please is transferred here, where he's practically grinning against your mouth when he feels you push back, even the littlest, against him, too.
It feels far too intimate—scarily intimate—and it feels much farther than just pure physical attraction. Feelings like this developing in Blue Lock is dangerous, and yet, it seems Bachira's willing to jump right into the rabbit hole of danger. He's willing to fall, even deeper, to the point of no return, if only it means holding you like this a little longer.
Your hands instinctively reach up to grasp the back of his nightshirt to stop yourself from falling back, and he lets out a little hum against your mouth when your nails dig into his back.
The force of that seems to push him to kiss you harder-still not inching towards the unspoken territory of making out—but more than just a simple, sweet peck. He kisses like the sunshine itself—bright and happy—and even without candy, he's so naturally sweet like sugar that it transfers to you, too.
Such a pleasant person—it's no shock that his kisses are happy, and joyful, like he's just happy to be alive in this moment. It's not anything intense, like jealousy, want, or need, but it's so soothing and it just makes you smile against his lips.
The kiss doesn't last too long. Bachira pulls back, the tip of his nose against your own, with such a happy smile you'd be sure he won the lottery. His cheeks are flushed a cute pink, and the sparkle in his eye has returned—and so has that bumblebee yellow.
"Your eyes are so pretty," he says, in a hushed voice like he's afraid of any other person hearing him. The joy in his tone is unmistakable. You never knew you made him so happy. "[name], I really like you! I don't want anybody other than you, ever! That's what my monster is telling me to say."
The unspoken promises that come with those words send a chill down your spine. You swallow uncomfortably, forcibly breaking his intense gaze—but he slaps his palms over each of your cheeks, making you look back into his eyes in shock. "I know you might not believe me now, but I really do mean it, [name]! I only want you! Forever! And ever, and whatever's after that!"
He giggles at the shocked look you have on. Leaning up, eyes squinted closed in joy, he presses a kiss on your forehead, then, one between your eyes. Each press of his lips against your face leaves a burning hot mark—like a brand. Another on the tip of your nose. It causes a flurry of red to spread across your face. One on either of your cheeks. Somehow, his lips feel cool compared to the warmth that your face emits.
Finally, his lips reach yours—after peppering your face with love—he opens his eyes, with a grin, and doesn't break the overtly intense eye contact for a second when he pecks your lips once again, and this time, he pulls away too fast before you even have a chance to kiss back.
"[name]..." He mumbles, lips quirked upwards in a coy smile. "I hope you're pumped for the U-20 game, too! I'll make you proud, I swear... Just don't look at Nagi, look at me, okay?"
He presses one last chaste kiss to the dip of your lips under your nose. "Look at me," he parrots, staring so deeply into your eyes you can see yourself—and how silly you look—in his own. He grins.
"See ya. I'mma leave before Rin-Rin comes back and yells at me!" Back to his usual goofy self, Bachira springs up like he's on a trampoline and falls backwards on your covers. He tumbles off of your bed and after gaining back his posture, he looks over his shoulder to send you a wink, tongue sticking out of his mouth. "Night, [name]! Sweet dreams!" He leaves and closes the door behind him.
Sweet dreams, huh? You're not too sure you'll be able to sleep. Suddenly, you have so much more to think about—so much so that it hurts your head.
This is Bachira Meguru—the energetic, optimistic, joyful striker of Blue Lock. Such a personality is so rare to find, and even rarer to fall in love—but when he does, he promises he'll forever walk by your side if only you'd wish him to.
*⋆。˚𖦹࣪˖ ִֶָ⋆。°✩
note: i really hate using the word love. it's such a strong word for me and using it just casually makes it feel like it loses it's meaning. but i feel like if there's anyone in blue lock who would fall in love so quickly, it would be bachira (and reo, but we're not up to him yet guys)
yes i have already planned out how each character will end up with you and when. i am not obsessed what are you yapping abt haha
this was probably my least (?) fav kiss scene to write solely bc im just not the biggest fan of bachira (i dont hate him! i just like a lot of other character better) but i hope its ehhh okay
also might take a break from publishing for a little while (maybe) bc like I've been so unmotivated to write recently and I like to have at least ten chapters ahead of the latest published one in my drafts so
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