kawa says: i know what u guys r. how the extra shot w the interesting stuff got reads so quick. ill humour u guys again with it... just this once... 😐😐😐😐
warning guys its implied he is uhh ykyk 😕😕 uhhh huh if u know me you don't btw.!
.・゜-: ✧ :-
IWAIZUMI WALKED NEXT TO OIKAWA, a normal, effortless conversation flowing between them. One of the better things that came out of being best friends with a guy like Oikawa, was that conversation was an easy thing. He didn't have to plan out what he was going to say, or worry about things being awkward, because they never would be.
"Yeah, and that new show," Oikawa sipped on his straw, smiling in bliss while he looked at his friend. "The female lead is such a hottie! She kind of looks like my ex, you know, Maeko?"
Iwaizumi nodded, one hand resting in his jacket pocket while the other tugged on the strap of his bookbag. "Oh yeah, she was the one who had the bangs, right?"
"Mhm. I kinda miss her, y'know? She was totally fun."
"She was cute as hell, too. Too bad you totally messed up your relationship." Iwaizumi shrugged, a sly smirk creeping onto his face when he saw his friend roll his eyes.
"I could like, totally get her back if I wanted, you know." Oikawa stuck his tongue out, blowing a raspberry. "Just don't wanna."
"Anyways, that new show is pretty good. It's kind of like a mystery drama. The male and female lead are trying to figure out something about this place."
"I've already watched the first episode, but it looks boring. The only thing that's gonna get me through it is that one hot actress. She's western, right?"
"Yeah, like American or something."
A conversation about hot actresses reigned on for a short while, until their break ended, and they each went to their own respective class.
.・゜-: ✧ :-
"Ugh, you know what I mean, F/N?" A classmates ranted to her, walking out of their classroom. "I'm so happy the day is over. I don't know how much more I could take of sir's rambling."
The peer then sighs, face falling. "But it'll be the same thing tomorrow, then the next day, then the next..." She groans. "Ah! I can't wait for spring break. It's going to be the best."
She looks at her phone, then to F/N. "I should leave soon." A smile graces her lips as she waves goodbye. F/N waves back with a similar grin, but instead of following along, she quickly runs the opposite direction, all the way to the gymnasium.
Sometimes, F/N wished that her friend wasn't so devoted to his sport. It was admirable and pretty cute, but it was occasionally tiring to wait so long for him. Sure, he had Mondays off, but that was only one day. And nobody likes Mondays.
She stood next to the courts, kicking her feet back and forth as she watched him train. He didn't look weird or uncomfortable while training, he looked so natural.
F/N wondered if he went to the gym. His arms were pretty big. She didn't think highschool volleyball would be so intense.
"Hey- earth to L/N-chan!" Oikawa snapped his fingers infront of her face multiple times, which made her jolt back and stare at him in shock. He smiled cockily, placing a hand on his hip. "I know you want to keep ogling at our Iwa-chan, but it's basically time to pack up."
She felt her ears grow hot, but only scoffed and rolled her eyes playfully at the pretty boy. "Okay, but I wasn't ogling."
"You were drooling~!" He spoke playfully, in a sing-song voice, as he walked away to go and change.
It wasn't too long before Iwaizumi came out of the changing rooms, bag slung over his shoulder and a cheeky, boyish smile on his face.
"Hey." He said cooly, leaning back on his heel.
"Hi." F/N smiled, hands clasped behind her back. That was their silent cue to start walking home now, talking the whole time.
His hands were loosely slung into his pocket as he grinned down at her, listening to whatever she was talking about.
"And in that- uh, new show! The lead love interest is super cute... he is so nice to the female lead! She's also super cute."
"She totally is. She kinda looks like you, yeah?" He smiled coyly, watching as his friend got lost in thought.
"Hmm... I don't know... I think the lead love interest kind of looks like you, actually." She grinned back, watching as his eyes widened a little, before he laughed.
"Mmm... we look nothing alike."
"Uhuh, sure you do! You both-" she reached up, hands colliding with his thick brown locks, "-have the same spiky hair."
He pretended as if the feeling of her hands running through his hair didn't affect him at all. "Sure, but other than that, we're nothing alike. Even in personality, he's way too sappy nice."
F/N laughed lightly, looking away and lightly scratching her nails on his scalp. "Sure, but I think you're pretty nice, Iwaizumi-san, because you always-" She didn't get to finish what she was saying, because her foot got caught in a hole in the road, and she stumbled, tumbling to the ground... and bringing him with her.
She, thankfully, didn't tug on his hair too hard, only falling on top of him, legs between his, and their bodies pressed tightly together (I visibly rolled my eyes) and her looking down at him in shock.
He stared up at her, eyes wide in surprise, and cheeks quickly growing red. She sat up quickly, still in shock, and bringing her hands on his torso to stabilise herself. Her legs were now on either side of his, and she was sitting upon his lower abdomen. The first thing she thought of, was that his stomach was hard as a rock, but the second thing... was that she was on top of him in an extremely compromising position.
With her atop of him so closely, it left absolutely nothing to the imagination, and with that realisation dawning on her, her cheeks flared red, and she quickly scrambled off him, pulling her skirt down.
"Oh my... God!" She squeaked, covering her face. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean... Ugh! I'm so sorry, Iwaizumi-san!"
She grabbed his hand, quickly tugging him up, but he seemed to be in a daze of some sorts. His cheeks were flushed red, and he didn't respond to anything she said. He started to readjust his jacket and shirt, hands shaking and his breaths erratic. He pulled down his baggy pants a few times discreetly, hands balling up the fabric and digging his blunt nails into his thigh.
Was he that mad at her?
F/N walked in shameful silence, thinking about how his clothes felt beneath her fingertips. Hopefully, he wasn't too upset... she really didn't mean to.
They parted ways, with her only saying a quiet goodbye before she went into her house, dropping onto her bed and crashing into her pillows.
Maybe she could have sweet dreams tonight so that she felt he wouldn't be too mad.
-.・゜-: ✧ :-
What time was it? It had to be at least 2. F/N blinked at her phone buzzing repeatedly, rubbing the sleep in her eyes away and turning her screen on.
It took a good few seconds for her eyes to adjust to the brightness of her phone, but soon, she saw the missed call from...
Confusion settled in, right before flusteredness. Iwaizumi called her at this hour in the morning. Why? She checked the time he had called her. Less than 2 minutes ago. He was probably still awake.
Daring not to call, she quickly opened her messages and began typing as fast as she could. Her eyes were completely open and focused now, cheeks growing pink at the picture of her friend on top of the nickname she had for him.
She deleted her message a few times, and retyped, it but eventually settled on a simple,
It took less than a minute for the three dots to pop up, showing that he was typing back.
whats up
u called me a bit ago
you good?
Her thumb made its way to her mouth, her nail chewed between her teeth.
yeah lol I just
Suddenly, he stopped typing. F/N waited a little. Then a little long. 5 minutes went by and he hadn't made any indicator he was online, or even awake.
Just as she was about to turn off her phone in defeat, her phone started buzzing, and she saw the profile picture and the nickname she had for Iwaizumi pop up on her screen. He was calling her again.
Calling her at 2 in the morning? This seemed like an inappropriate time, she thought, but against her better judgment, her finger tapped the green button.
She didn't dare talk first, hearing rustling from the other end and heavy breaths.
It was silent for a minute, until he spoke, his voice deeper than usual and more husky.
Though it was only a voice call, she covered her burning cheeks with her hand.
"Hi. It's so dark." She felt stupid saying that.
A low, half-hearted chuckle spilled from his lips. "Mhm."
It was quiet and awkward for a little bit after that, too.
"Hey..." Iwaizumi broke the silence. "Sorry for calling you so early in the morning, I just... uh... wanted to..."
He trailed off, and F/N felt her stomach twist at the possibility of what that last bit could mean.
"To what?"
"To... hear your voice."
Instantly, her hands flew over her mouth and her heart started beating wildly in her chest. Was this real? Was this really happening? It felt so sudden, so strange.
"Real...really?" She said breathily.
"Yeah... I just..." He sounded defeated, and almost delirious. "I... did you... uh..."
F/N didn't say anything, only patiently waiting for him to continue.
"Happen to... y'know... uh- dream... of anything?"
Huh? "Uh... no, not really. Actually, I haven't been able to get much sleep lately."
"Really, huh?" He laughed lowly, and she could just imagine the smile stretching out from across his lips. "I... that's okay."
His response made her feel a bit unfulfilled. She was curious. Why would he randomly ask something like that? It wasn't abnormal, just sudden. "Why did you ask?"
"Cause, I... uh... had one."
"Aha, so?"
"And..." She could physically hear his gulp and hear the fatigue in his voice. Maybe his exhaustion was getting to him, and maybe that was why he admitted this to her, "and... you were in it."
Instantly, her cheeks flamed red and suddenly, the sheets that covered her felt way too hot. "...Actually?"
"Yeah... you were."
The possibilities of what that could mean were many, but F/N chose not to think about that.
"What were you dreaming about, huh?' A small smile spread across her lips, and she felt butterflies fluttering around in her stomach.
"Well... uh..." His voice grows uncharacteristically meek, and his sheets start rustling once again. He doesn't speak for a good bit after this, and the noise he makes is heavy breaths and the occasional shuffle.
F/N took this as a sign to end the call. Even if it had only lasted about 10 minutes, it felt like it had been an eternity.
"Ah... I'm going to go to sleep... Goodnight, Iwaizumi-san," she said, and even if he couldn't see her, she smiled.
He made a small grunting sound that she didn't think to question, before speaking. "Night."
She ended the call quickly after that, and lay in her own bed, thinking.
He had sounded so quiet, so embarrassed, so unlike himself. Hajime Iwaizumi, so headstrong and bold, never becoming so shy and small sounding.
F/N turned onto her side and switched off her phone, holding it loosely in her palm. How many people have heard the steadfast ace sound so utterly pathetic?
A heavy blush tinted her cheeks. What did he dream about? He never did tell her. Was it so bad, that he had to hear her voice to make sure she was okay? Or... was it so good that he had to...
F/N dug her face into her pillow, squeezing her eyes shut and covering her ears. She wanted to melt into her bed, she felt so hot. Her stomach was churning, twisting and turning and all her nerves felt like they had been electrocuted.
She had to stop thinking about it. She placed her phone on her desk and covered her body with her sheets once more.
F/N could figure it out tomorrow. She could figure out how she felt and what he was talking about tomorrow.
In fact, she was just too tired right now. She could just... fall asleep.
.・゜-: ✧ :-
F/N could barely remember the events of the early morning. She woke up late and was running to school, unbothered to look at the people around her in an effort to get to class.
She slid into her seat, letting out a large breath of relief when the bell rang after she had unpacked her stuff and slumped down on her desk.
Her classmate looked over at her from the seat next to F/N, smiling. "What happened to you? You look like crap." She poked playfully.
F/N groaned, (combing her fingers through/patting down and trying to fix) her hair, her eyes droopy and tired from lack of sleep. "I guess... I was kept up pretty late..."
Her classmate looked shocked but soon smiled wickedly. "Oh really? I never took you for that kind of girl."
"Wait, what?! I didn't mean it like that!"
The other girl giggled, staring at the blackboard as their teacher walked in, starting their lecture. "Sure, F/N."
.・゜-: ✧ :-
The whole day had gone by, and F/N did not catch a glimpse of Iwaizumi once. Only saw Yahaba, Kunimi, Makki and Mattsun in the halls, and she didn't even get to ask them about him, because of the rush to class.
Usually, if he had a free period, Iwaizumi would at least say hi. Or even during lunchtime, he would drop by her class (since he knew her schedule) and eat with her. But today, she ate with her female friends in class, listening to their conversation and not really talking.
It wasn't like she missed him, or anything. It was one day, and she could survive without him for a day. But she was just confused, about why he was suddenly-
oh. She had forgotten about their conversation in the early morning. Her cheeks flushed pink, which caught the attention of a girl who she was sitting with.
"Hey, L/N-chan! Your cheeks are so red and cute right now! Are you thinking about a boy or something?" The girl laughed lightly, leaning closer to you and smirking.
"Huh? No way," F/N lied through her teeth and rolled her eyes with a smile. "I'm not like that."
"What about that third-year who always eats with you? He's on the volleyball team, right?" Another girl pressed, before shoving a dumpling in her mouth.
"Oh yeah! That's Oikawa's best friend!" One with pigtails sighed dreamily, clasping her hands together. "Oikawa is so dreamy! His hair swoops so perfectly... do you think he'd go for a girl like me?"
F/N chewed her own food, ignoring the remarks about Iwaizumi and her. "I mean..." She swallowed, covering her mouth with her hand. "I'm pretty sure you're his type."
Instantly, the girl's face lit up, and her cheeks went crimson. Instead of F/N, it was now her that was being interviewed by the others, and F/N couldn't be more grateful.
.・゜-: ✧ :-
It was finally the end of the day. No more classes and most people were going to go straight home.
But F/N wasn't most people.
Changing her shoes quickly, she grabbed her bookbag and started walking over to the indoor volleyball courts. She opened up the door, to see the majority of the team already there, with the exception of Kindaichi, Kunimi, and Makki.
Iwaizumi was there. He was spiking down a few balls and didn't seem to notice her.
Mattsun tapped him on his shoulder and pointed to where she was standing, Iwaizumi's head turning to her and going a dark red instantaneously. He looked away just as fast, throwing up another ball and keeping his attention on that instead.
F/N deflated a little bit, but eventually just gave up and went to sit on the bleachers, bringing out her phone and scrolling through her apps.
She looked up to them a few times, but only caught Oikawa and Iwaizumi talking a bit, with them both glancing at her, before Iwaizumi smacked him and walked away.
She wondered what they were talking about.
.・゜-: ✧ :-
It was finally the end of practice. It seemed to last forever. F/N switched her phone off and slid it into her bag, walking down the bleachers and waiting for her friend to get changed and get his stuff before they would walk home together; their routine.
However, it seemed he was already done, because he had his bag around his shoulder, and his other shoes on already, but he refused to look at her.
She couldn't stand his silence, but she dared not to break it as they walked out together, the sun lowering below the clouds, and the sky turning a deep orange.
"I...Iwaizumi-san," she said meekly, watching as his posture went rigid and stiff, his eyes widening and his lips pressed together tightly, something she noticed he would do when he was flustered.
He glances at her, but that seems to make him worse, as his grip around his bag strap tightened significantly, and he unzips his jacket.
"Iwaizumi-san." She said more firmly now, grabbing his sleeve. He instinctively jerked back, and she noticed the hand she had almost grabbed was jittery now. "What's wrong with you? You haven't even looked at me today. Did I do something wrong?"
He stopped walking, and so did she. His head was lowered, so he was staring at the ground, but F/N was looking at him in the eyes, head tilted up with a frown on her lips.
"Is it... about the dream you had?" Her voice was almost hushed to a whisper, and she could feel herself getting embarrassed too. Her ears started to feel hot and she shuffled her feet back and forth.
"No... Look, L/N..." His first words said to her in a good 7 hours were quiet and flustered sounding. "It's not you, it's just... I... uh- it's..."
He couldn't seem to find the words, glancing at her every so often, hoping she would understand. "I... just need... a... bit. I can't- uh... really... it's just..."
He gulped, and quickly turned away from her, body shaky and hands trembling. She could audibly hear his breathing quicken, and he quickly started walking again.
It was silent after that, only the sound of him zipping and unzipping his jacket was audible, and the sky slowly faded to dark purples.
F/N didn't even say bye to him when they parted ways, only turning away and walking straight to her room. She plopped onto her bed, sighing loudly.
Her cheeks flushed a deep red, and she stared intensely into her pillow. Did he think she were stupid? Did he think she didn't know what he was talking about?
How shameless he must be to tell her these types of things.
Was he so embarrassed by their call, he couldn't even look at her?
F/N felt chuckles escape her lips, and she smiled into her pillows. The hard-headed, strong willed ace of Aoba Johsai, reduced to a blushing, stuttering mess of a man because of one dream about a girl.
She changes into her pyjamas and quickly brought out her phone.
mayb next time
u cn keep those kinda dreams to urself lmao
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