"Jimin! There's two new hybrids at our school!" Jungkook walked up to him, smiling widely.
"Really? What are they?" Jimin turned to see a crowd of people talking.
"Wolf and mouse..." Jungkook trailed off as he turned his attention to the crowd. "I think we found them..."
Jimin sighed, a sad sigh, he hated society, despised it. Why can't people just be accepting of one another or just live a day without causing trouble. Alas, that was only a world that children would wish for on Christmas. Jimin used to wish for world peace and equality for Christmas but due to realizing that wasn't going to happen by the age of ten, his wishes became items more than hope.
The two hybrids walked over to see a boy with two furry wolf ears and a bushy tail, his eyes glaring at everyone in sight. A frail girl with mouse ears and a scrawny tail, her dark, coffee brown hair shielding her fearful expression.
"Aish, leave them be, Jisoo. Ms. Choi said no trouble making." Namjoon rolled his eyes, shooing away the crowd.
"You're lucky my boyfriend isn't here to punch you in the face." Jisoo sneered at Yoongi who gave a glare yet hurtful expression. Taehyung had been his best friend since middle school and would never hurt him- well until yesterday.
"Hey, kitten. Rabbit." Jisoo leaned against one of the lockers. "Speaking of my lovely boyfriend..." They turned their heads to see the infamous Kim Taehyung planting a kiss on Jisoo's cheek.
"Are you serious? More hybrids? It's like our school is being taken over my animals." Taehyung got a slap to the arm by Namjoon.
"Shut up, dickwad." Jimin crossed his arms, lashing his little kitten tail.
"Oh, kitten can speak."
Yoongi rolled his eyes and walked over to the two hybrids. "Hi, I'm Yoongi. The dickwad over there is Taehyung and the whore is Jisoo."
"Hey!" Jisoo pouted, giving a hug to Taehyung.
"I'm Namjoon." The tall dimpled male came over and waved.
"I'm Jimin! It's nice to have more hybrids here." The short boy gave a toothy smile, showing his little cat fangs.
"Thanks... Uh I'm Sung Ji."
"Jennie Kim..."
"Uh... yeah hi I'm Jungkook." The boy smiled shyly at Sung Ji and turned to Jennie giving her a small wave.
"Yeah, Yeah whatever. It's lunch and I'm fucking starving." Taehyung walked off.
"You have lunch detention!"
Taehyung groaned in annoyance. "Fine I'll be in the room in five minutes- does anyone want anything?"
"Just get us anything." Jisoo made her way to the detention room along with the other four after they said bye to the new students- except Jisoo, she just glared at them. What a bitch...
Taehyung tossed a sandwich on the desk Jimin was sitting at. The kitten looked up with a tilted head. "Oh, thanks Tae."
"Mhm." The brunette sat down across from the shorter and slid a salad over to Jisoo and tossed Namjoon and Yoongi burgers. "I didn't know what you guys wanted so you can trade if you want or something. There's drinks in the bag." The boy refused to make eye contact with anyone as they sat there dumbfounded.
"This is Taehyung right??" Namjoon raised an eyebrow.
"What did you do to our Taehyung?!" Yoongi gasped dramatically causing the brunette to scoff.
"I hope you starve." Taehyung snapped before aggressively taking a bite of Jimin's sandwich.
"Hey." The kitten pouted.
Jisoo rolled her eyes. "You don't eat human food anyways, stop complaining. Babe, you should've bought him cat food." She stabbed a leaf and took a bite out of her salad covered in dressing.
"Not cool, Jisoo." Yoongi unwrapped his sad looking burger. "Eugh, the cafeteria's food is absolute ass."
"So, any of you watch anime?" Jimin asked carefully, trying to break the silence after he snatched his sandwich back from Taehyung.
"I do, Naruto is the best." Yoongi tossed his wrapper in the garbage.
"I disrespectfully disagree with that invalid opinion. My Hero Academia is waaaay better." Taehyung rolled his eyes.
"Excuse me. Fairy Tail will forever be the best, hands down!" Jisoo gasped, dropping her fork, for once, not being a complete wet sock. She to, had a thing for anime because of Yerin, forcing her to watch a bunch of anime with her.
"Actually, you're all wrong. Tokyo Ghoul is a work of art!" Namjoon protested.
Jimin smiled widely. For once they were all somewhat getting along, even if it was for a brief moment or two. He was sure to bring up the topic again. "Actually, Black Butler is better than all of them."
"Oh my god. Shut up, Tokyo Mew Mew." Taehyung rolled his eyes but eventually broke out into laughter along with everyone else.
"By far, best insult ever." Jimin giggled.
After a couple minutes of chatting, the bell rung, causing the students to pack their things.
"I'll see you later." Jisoo placed a kiss on Taehyung's cheek and waved at the other boys subconsciously.
"After her tennis game, could we maybe hang out..?" Yoongi asked the tall male.
"Ah, sorry Yoongs, maybe tomorrow, I have lacrosse practice."
"You guys, get to class before I write you up." Mr. Lu walked around, making sure everyone was in their respected classrooms before the bell had rung. "You have less than three minutes, now hurry."
Jimin sat in class as partners were being announced for projects- aaand he just so happened to be partnered with none other than Kim Taehyung. Their assignment was to get to know the other person and create a collage that best represented them.
"So, I guess we're partners..."
Jimin awkwardly sat down next to the brunette. "So collages... um- so how do you want to do this."
"I dunno? Just tell me about yourself or something." Taehyung twirled a pencil, waiting for class to be over, but before Jimin could respond to that, the bell rung. He watched his partner get up and leave with a sigh.
"Jimin, right?" Yerin sat down across from his as he started to pack up.
"Erm... yeah, hi... you're Yerin."
"Yup! What're we doing for class."
"Partner collages. Good luck. You only have a week to do it and it's like, Thursday." The kitten stuffed his sketchbook in his bag and slung it over his shoulder. "Catch you later, um have fun I guess, bye!"
Jimin grumbled as he walked home from school in the rain. His mom had a doctors's appointment and the kitten hadn't bothered to check the weather today. The boy was soaked with a pout of his face.
"Wow kitten, you look like shit." Jimin suddenly felt the rain stop hitting him and noticed a big umbrella placed over him. He looked to a tall brunette looking down at him and holding out an umbrella for him "Here, you need it more than I do anyways... not that I care."
"Um thanks Taehyung... but really, you should take the umbrella, you'll get sick from the rain,
you big dummy!" The shorter frowned while holding the umbrella.
Taehyung rolled his eyes. "Come on, let's go to my house, it's right around the corner and I can drive you home later."
"Erm... okay." This is weird... this is really weird. Is Kim Taehyung actually inviting him to his house. Maybe it's some prank or something... is that his house?? That's a nice house. Oh my god that dog is cute. Jimin thought.
"We're here. Don't get any of your cat fur on anything." The elder teased.
"Shut up."
"Sorry- um the main reason I invited you over is because I kinda need help studying for the algebra test."
"So you weren't being nice. You just needed help... with a test."
"Hey! At least I didn't leave you in the rain, be grateful."
"Fine, thanks I guess." The shorter stepped into the warm household. He was hit with a bunch of scents. It smelt like Taehyung. "It smells like you-" He accidentally blurred out.
Taehyung raised an eyebrow. "Um okay?" He let out a breathy laugh. "Come on, I have a towel upstairs." Jimin followed the brunette up the stairs.
"Hm, your house is cozy..." The kitten subconsciously purred at the warmth causing the elder to smile.
"Wow, you even purr? You really are from Tokyo Mew Mew!"
Jimin let out a gasp. "I am noooot." He gave a whiny pout. "Stop being the basic anime bully and give me the damn towel."
"Wow. You wound me." Taehyung tossed the other a warm, fluffy towel which he immediately snuggled himself into, drying his ears and hair. "You can borrow some clothes." The brunette tossed him a black hoodie with a graphic design on the front, screaming e-boy. "I don't have any shorts in your size-"
"Don't worry! I keep extra volleyball shorts in my bag incase my sister needs them. I always go to her games."
"What a caring brother."
After changing, Jimin came back in the room, wearing the hoodie and shorts. Classic twink look.
"Thank you Taehyungie!"
"Uh- yeah no problem. I can put your wet clothes in the dryer."
"Alrighty! Let's get studying, you dummy!" Jimin snatched a notebook from his damp backpack and tossed it on the bed, along with his textbook. He hopped onto the bed and opened the notebook. "Did you do yesterday's homework?"
"Just- copy off of mine." Jimin sighed. "After you're finished look over it, it's what we're doing on the test."
"Can we go back to talking about how you're from Tokyo Mew Mew?"
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