~Chapter 5~
Error stood there, looking pissed, still in fever. You see, when shape-shifters are weak, they transform into their animal as their magic is too weak to keep them in their monster bodies, and having Reaper in front of Error in his fever was basically a recipe for disaster.
"Error, you shouldn't overwork yourself! You'll get sick again and-"
"I don't care! I want an answer now Geno!"
"Ok ok, I was on a walk in the forest before it started raining hard, so I ran to get home as fast as possible, on my way I found Reaper, he was lost and I offered him to stay at the cabin until the rain subsided." Geno quickly explained, not wanting Error to shift or overwork himself.
After hearing the explanation, Error let out a heavy sigh, shortly glancing at Reaper, who smiled at him sheepishly. Looking back at Geno he gasped, he was completely soaked which could only mean his animal form got wet, which could result in Geno's skeleton body aching with pain and burns all over.
"Geno, you're soaked! Wait here I'll get you some towels!" Not sparing a glance at his brother or the stranger, he dashed upstairs, disappearing to get towels and a first-aid kit.
After a while, he returned with towels and a first-aid kit, shoving some towels and dry clothes into Reaper's hands before wordlessly dragging Geno over to the sofa in front of the fire-place, drying him with a towel.
Reaper still stood there, stunned, but before he could even open his mouth Error spoke him, "Washrooms upstairs, down the hall third door to the right, and make sure you don't make a mess in there," Taking off his shoes he said, "Sure, thanks." Before walking upstairs, no longer to be seen in the dark hallway.
Errors POV;
I listened quietly, making sure he was gone before I spoke to Geno. Putting the towel aside I put a comforting hand on his head, making sure my voice was calm before I asked him, "Gen, did you get hurt?"
His eyes went dark, but only for a moment before he hesitantly shook his head. Sighing I took his hoodie and T-shirt off, looking at the burns that marked his upper-arms, neck, and rib-cage. "Still stubborn as always, idiot..." I took out the bandages, filling a small tub of water from the kitchen and bringing it back to the sofa.
I dipped a dry towel into the water, squeezing it to make sure all the extra water was out before I carefully placed it on the burns on his neck, gradually moving down to his shoulders and rib-cage. Geno let out hisses and whimpers or pain every now and then, wincing whenever I put the towel over the deeper burns.
After I was done, I bandaged his burns, putting anti-infection bandages on the deeper ones before wrapping them up as well. I packed the first-aid kit and went upstairs to put everything back in place, grabbing one of my hoodies and sweat pants on the way.
Heading back downstairs, I quietly handed Geno my clothes, which were multiple sizes too big for him, and motioned him to put them on. After he was done, he started trembling and tears spilled out of his eyes as he refused to look at me, looking at the furry carpet by his feet instead. 'Why is he crying? Did I do something to upset him?'
"I-I'm s-so sorry, E-error... I didn't m-mean to worry y-you..." He said in a whisper, helplessly wiping his tears as more came out. I wordlessly pulled him into a hug, being careful not to accidentally touch his burns. Softly stroking his skull I shushed him, he whimpered and sniffed as he stopped crying, burying his face into my chest instead.
'I get it, he's worried for me, he thinks he failed in protecting the forest, as well as me and Fresh because he thinks he's weak.'
"Geno, I just want you to know that you're an awesome older brother and protector, you're pretty damn strong too, so don't go telling yourself that you're weak or else I'll kill you," I said the last part jokingly and was relived when Geno let out a chuckle, getting out of my grasp and standing up.
"Thanks, Error, I don't know what I'll do without you or Fresh." Our little 'moment' was interrupted by heavy footsteps, Reaper stood there as he looked around before resting his eyes on us.
"So Reaper, tell us a bit about yourself, and please take a seat." I made sure to glare at him as much as possible but I couldn't stop the growl that rumbled from my chest. Reaper quietly sat down on the one-seater sofa in front of us, Geno sat down beside me elbowing my rib-cage hardly as he shot me a death glare. If looks could kill, I'd be six feet under already, no doubt about it. Wincing a bit, I regained my composure.
"So as you both know my name is Reaper, I'm 25 years old and just moved to the city recently since my business shifted here. I live alone in the city, I work for my own and I have no family since both of my parents passed away in my teenage years. The city is not really my thing and I prefer nature more, so I decided to explore this forest a little, got lost, and then I met Geno. That's it."
He finished, crossing his legs on the sofa as he leaned back against it, looking exhausted. Come to think of it, Geno's been out since 5:00 in the morning, he must be drained completely, of magic and strength!
"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Reaper."
"Pleasures all mine, Geno and Error."
"Well, it is getting late, Geno and you must be exhausted. Let's call it a night."
Reapers POV;
Error was the first one to get off of the sofa, Geno, and me following. As we walked upstairs I couldn't help but stare at Geno, he was such an interesting creature, he radiated such an innocent and threatening aura at the same time, it was very interesting to me.
He was very cute too, with the little glitch over his eye and the scar on his chest, it wasn't disturbing to me, instead, it made him look even more badass. I'll try to befriend him once we spend more time together, I'll ask him if we can meet together again tomorrow when I leave for the city.
I don't know why but I really find him pleasing, and I would really like to be friends together, only if he wants to of course. But it seems I'll have to work for Geno to be closer to me, his brother is very threatening and overprotective.
We bid each other our goodnights, both of them going to their separate bedrooms while I entered the guest bedroom. It was pretty cozy, a bed in the middle of the room with a big fluffy carpet underneath it. The bathroom door on the side of the room with the empty bookshelves. The room also had a balcony, a big sliding window was there instead of the wall, giving the perfect view of the dark forest.
Sighing, he laid down on the bed. Pulling the covers over himself, staring out of the clear doors at the fading storm, slowly drifting off to sleep.
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