Beomgyu blinked, "Pardon?" The guy rolled his eyes, "Don't worry, giggling while reading jutusu kaizen ain't that bad. Chill" He patted Beomgyu's shoulder and walked past him while holding the books.
"Wait a minute... aren't you the guy who was giggling while reading a jutusu kaisen manga yesterday?" the words were roaming in Beomgyu's head.
Beomgyu was confused, how is this possible? It had been eight years since no one remembered him besides his grandmother. How ca-
Something clicked in Beomgyu's head. "Wait a damn minute..." Beomgyu stood frozen there, his body not moving as he recalled something.
"Grandma.." the 15-year-old cried in the corner of the basement, the feeling of everyone forgetting him became unbearable to the latter. Surprisingly, his friends, his pet, his elder brother, Yeonjun and even his parents. "Stop whining here and there, Beomgyu" Beosul rolled her eyes.
"What do you mean by that?!" Beomgyu cried more, tears trailing down his cheeks as he hugged his knees. "It's not that bad, you just need to get the right person" Beosul took a bite from her food while reading a book.
Beomgyu slowly looked up, feeling a bit of hope in her words. "hu-huh?" "yes, you idiotic bear. Only your soulmate can recognize you in your second meeting with them. He or she will never forget you. I'm not that bad, you know"
Soulmate, the other half of him. Beomgyu started to look for the person since then but failed every time. When he finally gave up, he left it on his destiny. He believes the person will show up when the right time will come.
Beomgyu looked back at the brown-haired guy who seemed like a worker in the bookshop. He saw the nameplate on the guy's dark blue uniform.
Kang Taehyun
He wants to go and talk with the boy, but what if the boy thinks Beomgyu is insane and making up lies that are straight from the fairytales? Beomgyu shook his head and hurried out of the shop, he took a last glance at Taehyun from the outside window of the shop, his eyes met with Taehyun's doe eyes.
Beomgyu quickly looked away and walked back to his house.
˚ ✦ . . ˚ . . ✦ ˚ . ★⋆.
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"Taehyun!" Taehyun's ears perked up when he heard his best friend's voice. "Oh Hey, Yeonjun hyung!" he waved and smiled at him. Yeonjun wrapped his arms around Taehyun from behind, pulling the male in a back hug, resting his chin on Taehyun's shoulder
"what's with the sudden hug?" Taehyun chuckled as he put the books on the shelves. "No reasons bro..." Yeonjun mumbled. Taehyun walked from one shelve to another while Yeonjun hugged him from behind, he could sense the elder being troubled over something.
"Depressed again?" Taehyun asked casually, "No..." yeonjun continued "Do you remember I told you I feel like I had a younger brother while I don't have one..?" Taehyun nodded as listened to the male attentively. "But...I guess I have faint memories... of someone as a kid but can't remember their face, the face is blurry...maybe I need to seek help" His plump lips formed in a small pout. "it's weird..." He sighed, breaking the hug.
"Don't worry, hyung!" Taehyun gave him a rescuing smile and patted his shoulder. "No worries, I know you are a born psychopath" Taehyun laughed when Yeonjun hit his arm playfully. "Well shut up, at least I don't talk with mirrors"
"Everyone does that, you are a boomer" "And you are a weirdo" Yeonjun glared at Taehyun before both burst into giggles.
˚ ✦ . . ˚ . . ✦ ˚ . ★⋆.
. ˚ * ✦ . . ✦ ˚ ˚ .˚
Beomgyu paced back and forth in his room, kept rubbing his face and sighing. Taehyun's words and Taehyun himself were roaming in Beomgyu's head. He can't get the male out of his head. Was the boy really Beomgyu's soulmate?
He glanced at his phone, he grabbed it and slid into his contacts. He stopped, his eyes darting around. Talking face-to-face is probably better than talking on call, right?
He slipped in his jacket again and hurried out of his house again. After 10 minutes of walking, he reached in front of a house, he silently went to the garage, making sure no one saw him. He flinched as the pet dog started barking.
"oh my god! Berry, shush!" Beomgyu let out some colorful curses before sliding into the basement of the house, closing the door quickly.
"Close call, huh? Well, you taught him that, Beomgyu dear" Beomgyu's head jerked in the direction of the elderly voice. "yes, my bad. I thought it might help him to catch thieves" Beomgyu walked in front of his grandmother whom he somehow hated.
"Anyways, why suddenly my dear bear decided to pay me a visit?" She flipped the pages of a book which Beomgyu couldn't figure out the language.
He sat across her, clearing his throat. "Grandma...we-well-" "Taehyun, huh? He looks good though. You are lucky, it could be much worse. Be thankful" Beosul spoke, not looking up at Beomgyu.
Beomgyu was left speechless and dumbfounded, his eyes landed on the new crystal ball which sparked a little at him. Of course. "So you keep an eye on me? Should I be feeling ok about this?" He laughed, trying to look cool rather than dumbfounded.
"Not really, but whatever you like" Beosul finally looked at him. "Now you came here to ask if he is your soulmate or not, right?" Beomgyu nodded, feeling a stringy feeling in his stomach. Was it excitement or nervousness? Beomgyu, himself was confused. He waited for his grandmother's next words like his life depended on them.
Beosul shrugged, "Don't know. Ask him" Beomgyu blinked, he sighed loudly. What did he even accept from his grandmother? "I ca-can' will he know? he will think I'm a middle schooler who believes in soulmate" Beomgyu scoffed, looking away from Beosul.
"But soulmates are real, Beom. Believing them is nothing wrong...the society is just judgemental" She yawned, her hand covering her mouth. "You should bump into him again, just to get his attention this time...just like you do to that guy..what was his name again, huh? Kamal? Kai? Huening? whatever, I'll call him Kamal" Beomgyu's ears turned a bit red.
"So you really do keep an eye on me..." Beomgyu coughed and straightened his sitting position. "Not really, just whenever I'm bored" She smiled sarcastically. No one could tell she was over 60, she looked like 40. At some point, beomgyu thought she never aged.
"So go and try befriending with him, or more than friends. Don't worry, I won't watch you two having sex" Beomgyu almost choked. "Of course you won't..." Beomgyu shook his head a little, barely believing his grandmother's words.
"Or you want me to stalk that boy Taehyun?" Beosul asked with sparks in her eyes, "No thank you, I love surprises" Beomgyu faked a smile. He paused for a bit, opened his mouth to say something but then closed his mouth again.
Thinking if he should ask her to take the curse back? But it never happened, it was useless to ever talk with her about this. He remembers asking that before but it never worked nor will.
"Please please please!" The 16-year-old Beomgyu joined his hands together and got on his knees in front of his grandmother, tears falling from his eyes. "I will do anything! Please take the curse away!" He cried, he couldn't bear seeing his brother walk past him every time he saw him. He hated seeing his mother just smile at him whenever she saw him in the park or grocery store.
Along with his dog and his friends.
Beosul just walked past him, "Can't" "Why!?" Beomgyu yelled, rage growing in him. "Once the curse is in you, it can't be taken away until you meet that right person...oh my apology, until you fall in love with them, be their one and only person who they can't forget"
Beomgyu knew it was bullshit, he stood up. "I'll take my leave now I guess..." Beomgyu walked out of the basement of his parents' house. His grandmother lived in the basement which his parents and everyone knew. His father tried to convince her to live upstairs. But she thinks the basement was much more comfortable.
Beomgyu got out of the basement and glanced at the black car of his family. he walked close to it, seeing a faint scar on the roof. It was caused by him when he was 13. He smiled softly at the memories of him bricking with Yeonjun while this happened.
"Um, sir who are you?" Beomgyu looked in the direction of the voice, it was a man wearing glasses, has a silver strike in his brown hair, it was Beomgyu's father.
Beomgyu paused, thinking of an excuse. "Oh, Hel-hello sir!" He looked around, smacking his lips. "I-i..was wandering around and somehow..haha ended up here" Beomgyu let out an awkward laugh and hurried out. "Have a good afternoon!!"
He ran out of the place when he wasn't in sight, he stopped and panted, his hands on his knees.
"oh gosh, you look like you ran after stealing something" Beomgyu looked up as he heard a similar voice and a water bottle held in front of him. He looked up to see who is it.
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