Confusion To Realization|chpt10
Muzan pov
I wake up and see Enmu sleeping on my bed. I get up and leave the room. I needed to tell the upper moons about the hanafuda earrings kid. Since lower moon 1 killed him might as well tell them. I go and try finding Nakime but end up not finding her. She normally is always here but maybe she is asleep. Only assuming its morning out side might as well just go read.
I enter my room and see Enmu sleeping. I almost forgot about him. I go over the the bookshelf and see the boys head. I grab a book and sit somewhere. It was about the blue spider lily. Then someone knocked on my door.
"What?" I whisper-scream
"So Akaza-dono said that Kokushibo-san is going out even though its morning. But then when he walked out he didn't burn nor disintegrate. Does that mean something?" Douma ask
"That's not even fucking possible Douma you should know that you idiot."
"It's not that Muzan-sama! Even Akaza-dono saw it."
"Are you even sure it was Kokushibo?"
"Yes! He had six eyes. No other demon has six eyes."
"Why did he leave?"
"He said to get rid of someone. Someone he doesn't want on earth."
"Just fuck off Douma. I can deal with it later." I tell his dumbass
He seemed to actually listen. He started walking away. I started to think. How can Kokushibo walk in the s- He the blue spider lily... I need to call a upper moon meeting later today. I continue reading my book until I hear a voice.
It was Enmu. I turn and see him sitting on my bed. He stared blankly into my soul.
"Why am I here?" He ask
"Did you seriously fucking forget?" I say
He nods a bit.
"This was your "reward" for killing the boy." I tell Enmu again
"Oh. I'll be heading out now. Bye Muzan-sama!" Enmu says getting off the bed
"its still morning you idiot. Don't go hunting."
Then Enmu leaves my room. Hopefully he doesn't get hurt. He's like the only normal demon. Come to think of it. I could've asked Enmu to get Nakime to call a meeting. It's too late anyways. I continue reading my book.
Enmu pov
Wasn't it just a honor sleeping in Muzan-sama room or is it just me? It was a living dream! Oh how amazing it is. Anyways Muzan-sama says it was morning out so might as well not hunt. I walk around to find my room and then eventually see Rui-san standing outside my door. He turns and sees me.
"Hey Enmu-san! Have you seen the kid with hanafuda earrings?" Rui ask
"He's dead."
"Oh... Also can you be my dad?" Rui says randomly changing the topic
"Sure!" I say
Then Rui-san goes over and hugs me. I hug him back. He then ask if I wanted to see his spider collection. I agree then follow him. He opens his door and I see a hell ton of spiders everywhere. They were all staring at me.
"This is Lye!" Rui says holding a pure white spider
"And the rest are Lye2, Lye3, Lye4, Lye5, Lye6, Lye7, Lye8, Lye9, Lye10, Lye11, Lye12, and Lye 13!" Rui says cheerfully
"They all have numbers at the end of there name...? Did you like run out of name ideas?" I ask Rui
"Heh... Kinda... Anyways enough of that, once its night wanna try finding hashiras together?" Rui says
"Well didn't Muzan-sama say we can't work together?"
"Oh yeah right. Hmmm... I wanna do something but I don't know what to do!" Rui says
"Wait! I have an idea!" Rui says randomly
"I'm listening Rui-san~!"
"How about we do each others hair! I've seen Upper moon 4 and upper moon 6 do it!"
"Well the problem with my hair is that its kinda not workable. Like you can do much with my hair. I can do yours though?" I tell him
"Eh that works I guess."
No one pov
Enmu then starts doing Rui's hair. Enmu ask what kinda of hair Rui wants and Rui just says do whatever. Enmu ended up doing two pigtails. Surprisingly Enmu was really good with hair. It was as if he had a sibling to do their hair (Bro I know canon Enmu was a living monster when he was a human so I changed his back story for this book and no I'm not telling any of you it cause its so cringe.) When Enmu was done he let go on Rui's hair and Rui looks at a mirror in his room. He stares at it.
"Its really pretty! How can you do such thing?" Rui ask
"I don't really remember how I can do it Rui-san. It just came to me when I started doing your hair." Enmu replies
"Did you do peoples hair in the past?"
"Of course not! I don't enjoy doing random peoples hair."
"Ok. Can we talk?" Rui ask
Enmu agrees and Rui sits back down. They talk for an hour without realizing. Enmu ended up telling Rui he killed the Kamado kid. Rui was shocked when he heard that come out of Enmu's mouth. After Enmu said that Rui kept on asking Enmu how he killed him. Asking Enmu every question that's possible. As Enmu answers so many questions coming from Rui, the time goes by pretty fast. The questions lasted to about 45-50 minutes. It was almost time for the sun to set.
As Enmu was still answering questions one question Rui said made Enmu stop thinking.
"Do you have a sibling?" Rui ask
"Oh.. Hmmm. I can't remember vividly.. I.. Really don't remember Rui-san.." Enmu says drifting off almost every word
"Oh. The sun is setting so care to go hunting together once it sets fully?" Rui ask
"Sure! Just let me catch a break. All the questions you gave me gave me a mini heart attack." Enmu says
~198288282929237377338822929283388192763 Akaza-donos later (15 minutes)~
"Where are we going to hunt?" Enmu ask
Rui shrugs. Enmu thought Rui knew where to hunt. He was going to say the Mugen train but then Enmu realized its most likely closed because the found a dead demon slayer on top of the train. Then Enmu realized something.
"We should ask Muzan-sama if we can kill together. If we don't we would get in some serious trouble." Enmu says
"Your asking. I'm too tired to speak with Muzan-sama right now." Rui tells Enmu
"Well then I was going to volunteer going anyways! See you if like 2-3 minutes Rui-san!" Enmu says
"Bye Enmu-san!"
Enmu starts walking to Muzans room. As he was walking he felt something clog up his memory. He didn't seem to know what it was. It was just kinda bothering him. Its was one of Rui's questions. He can't seem to
remember it. Enmu didn't realize he was in front of Muzans door. He was about to hit the door face first. Then he knocked on the door. In result of that Enmu got a very "pleasant" message.
"Go fuck off I'm busy." Muzan replies
"Ok Muzan-sama." Enmu says turning around
"Wait why did you come here Enmu?" Muzan ask
"Can me and Rui go kill humans together?" Enmu says getting straight to the point
"As long as you don't end up doing something absolutely stupid then go just don't bother me." Muzan says
Enmu then happily walks away going to Rui's room. As he was walking the question randomly hit him. Enmu did have a sibling (I KNOW ITS NOT CANON I think BUT ITS MY STORY SO ENMUS PAST IS DIFFERENT JUST TO GO ALONG WITH THE STORY HE HAS A SISTER.)
Just that Enmu didn't seem to remember the name. He can't even remember if they are his brother or sister. He just knows he has a sister. Enmu returns back to Rui's room and tells him they can kill together.
Rui gets up and tells Enmu he think he knows where to hunt. Rui and Enmu both leave the infinity castle and go to their destination. They end up going to a small town to go kill. Enmu uses his blood demon art to make everyone go to sleep while Rui uses his blood demon art to wrap people in strings slowly suffocating them.
~2 Nezuko-chans later (4 minutes)~
Both Rui and Enmu absolutely destroyed the town. They were planning on going into small houses around the forest together. They both ended up going with that plan and find houses in the forest. They start killing small families every house they go to. Enmu ended up tricking people into destroying their own heart while Rui sliced peoples heads off. It was a wonderful sight for the both of them.
After the killing spree it wasn't even midnight and Rui and Enmu killed many families. They decide to go try finding hashira in the forest since it was the time of night to. They failed. It seemed like most of the hashiras were asleep. Enmu and Rui decided to go on the Mugen train tomorrow. It was Rui first time, he wanted to see how many people go on despite the crazy amount of deaths everyday.
Even if the night has been fun, they both wanted to sleep. As they were returning back to the infinity castle Enmu kept thinking of the fact if he had a sibling or not. Enmu just can't quite remember. They eventually make it back to the infinity castle and Enmu goes back to his room. Rui also goes back to his room.
As Enmu lays on his bed he wonders another question Rui asked but answered very shortly because he didn't want any details on it.
'What's your opinion on Muzan-sama? Like do you find him attractive, cool, weird, or dumb?'
All Enmu said was nice. He was going to say sexy but that would most likely curse Rui's mind for the rest of his life. It just bothered him in how he lied to Rui.
For the rest of the night Enmu laid on his bed thinking about Muzan after he thought of the question.
Long chapter! Actually my longest for 6/5/23. Guess I was in a good mood today
Yes Enmu has a sister, not canon I know! Its different because like I said canon human Enmu was a living monster so I changed his past. Hopefully that's reasonable.
Also if the title makes no sense its because I don't know what to name
Don't forget to drink water 💧
Word count- 1798
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