In a small town in eastern USA, life as we know it had changed when Jason Blossom was brutally murdered. But it was only the beginning of a vicious spiral that pulled everyone down into the dark abyss that fell over Riverdale, formerly known as the town with pep. For discord was on its way.
+ + +
As the rain poured down onto the streets, a foreign figure exited the bus and glanced up towards the warm lights that illuminated The Pembrooke Appartments in a curtain of rain. She pulled her hood far over her head, nearly managing to cover her dark brown eyes.
Strands of her short pixie cut black hair escaped. She tilted her head back, observing the windows of the building in front of her.
A figure appeared in one of the windows. The girl held her breath as she realized the man standing on the other side of the glass was the man who had abandoned her and her mother when she was no older than twelve. She observed how he embraced a woman with similar pitch black hair, whispering into her ear.
The girl's heart stopped. Jealousy and heartache fought for dominance as she tore her gaze away from the loving couple. Biting down her lip, she contemplated one last time if she truly needed to ask for Hiram Lodge's help.
She did. After her mother had passed away earlier in the year, she had barely managed to survive three months on her own. She ran out of money, was kicked out by the landlord and found herself scraping the last bits and pieces of her savings to find a ticket to Riverdale. The town where her father resided after his time in prison.
Swallowing away the bitter taste of defeat, she lowered her head trying to protect herself from the downpour and ran across the street, straight into the lobby of the Pembrooke.
A young man looked up surprised when she entered, the rain following her inside. His uniform told Nellie he worked in the Pembrooke and was no resident in the luxurious apartment building.
"How can I help you, miss?" the butler said politely but don't failing to throw her a scrutinizing look.
Nellie followed his gaze over her pair of worn jeans and soaked deep green hoodie. She shrugged her unease away and managed to throw the man a bolt and daring look. In as convincing a tone as she could, Nellie addressed the butler.
"I would like to talk to Mister Lodge,"
The man shrugged and shook his head. He threw an obvious look at the clock in the lobby indicating it was nearly ten p.m.
"At this hour Mister Lodge doesn't receive any guests, Miss."
"I think he'll make an exception for me," Nellie replied, crossing her arms in front of her chest.
Although her hair was dripping on the marble floor of the lobby, her stance implied confidence. The butler took a look at her with a frown.
"Tell him Miss Hearst wants to see him. I am certain he'll make time for me," Nellie continued nodding her head towards the direction of the elevator.
Shaking his head, the butler reached for the phone on the desk. With a press on one single button, the phone rang and moments later, the butler was speaking to Mr. Lodge.
"I have told her so, Sir, but she insists." The butler said, his eyes not leaving Nellie as she wandered through the lobby to observe the paintings on the wall. Anything to keep her mind from her raising heartbeat and nervous sweaty palms.
She turned around when she felt his gaze burn in her back. Pointing at herself, she whispered, "Miss Hearst," loud enough for the butler to hear. He repeated her name and was met with an unusual silence on the other side of the line.
Confused, the butler hung up. "Mr. Lodge is on his way, Miss Hearst."
Pleased, Nellie turned around just when the elevator indicated the arrival of Mr. Lodge. With a racing heart, she quickly ran her hand through her damp short hair in a futile attempt to somehow fix it.
She scolded herself mentally. After so many years of abandonment, she still wanted to please him. No, she needed to convince him to give her enough money to live on her own, she corrected herself. And if that meant pleasing the man, she would do so.
The doors of the elevator opened revealing the threatening figure of Hiram Lodge. He strode towards her, his dark eyes surprised to see Nellie standing in the lobby of the Pembrooke. She felt his gaze burn on her, felt as if he tried to strip away all of her secrets.
On her turn, Nellie observed Hiram as well. Although she had only been twelve when he had turned his back on Nellie and her mother, she remembered how he looked. After all, the man was her father and she had inherited some of his features. He looked older than the image she had created Staring in his dark brown eyes, she felt like a little child again, happy that her father had made some time to come and see her.
"Nellie?" Hiram finally said as he reached her, dismissing the butler with a single wave of his hand.
"Good evening, Mr. Lodge," Nellie replied, noticing how Hiram flinched when she addressed him so formally. It could've been played, in the same way he had played her mother, but Nellie was determined not to fall for his games.
"How did you find me?" he continued, tugging his hands in the pockets of his trousers. His dark brown eyes looked away from her.
Nellie shrugged, observing Hiram as he circled her like a hawk, his eyes focused on her dirty sneakers. "You know... the internet,"
"What are you doing here, mija?" Hiram said, facing the young woman in front of him.
Baffled by his sudden sweet calling, Nellie couldn't help but throw daggers with her glare. "There's no reason to become affectionate, Mr. Lodge. We both know you stopped caring many years ago."
"You've grown," Hiram remarked, ignoring the rage that was waving from his daughter.
"Mom died." Nellie countered. Hiram Lodge reacted according to the rules. Surprised, he clutched for his heart.
"Dahlia is dead?"
Nellie had to fight herself not to roll her eyes. "That's what I said, didn't I? And since I don't have the means to take care of myself financially, here I am, asking you for money."
"Mija..." Hiram started but Nellie immediately cut him off.
"It's what you've always expected me to do. The lesser child begging for a part of your fortune. A part to which I legally have a right, as your daughter." She stated, loud and clear.
Hiram ran his finger across his chin, deep in thought. "Nellie... Technically, you don't have a right to a single thing I own."
This time it was Nellie Hearst who was surprised. "What do you mean?" she managed to get out as the air was knocked out of her lungs.
"I mean, I never officially recognized you. Even if you would bring this to court, without Dahlia, you have no means to get a lawyer. You're literally subject to my will." His dark eyes, which used to look so lovingly turned cruel with his words.
Ovver the years of abandonment, Nellie had thought of Hiram with a deep hatred and disgust. However, she had never imagined he would simply refuse to help her.
"At least be a decent being and help your daughter in need," Nellie said, faking that his words did not hurt. Pretending he hadn't pushed her further into despair. If Hiram Lodge smelled fear, she would pay with more than a broken promise.
"My daughter is upstairs, Nellie." Hiram said and for a split second his eyes turned sad before they hardened again.
Feeling tears of powerlessness burn behind her eyelids, Nellie turned her head away.
"I have to ask you to leave the Pembrooke, my family is probably wondering what's taking me so long," Hiram said turning his back to Nellie and striding towards the elevator.
Frustrated and angry, Nellie turned around, tears streaming down her face. "And what am I? The result of a poor affair? A nuisance?"
Before the elevator door closed, Hiram looked at his daughter from the woman he left in New York. "A mistake, mija,"
As the doors closed a sob escaped Nellie before she turned on her heel and stormed out off the lobby.
Once outside the rain brought her back to reality. She sobbed, looking for a way to leave the Pembrooke as far behind as she could.
But as the rain continued to drench her, reality became clear. She had no money, nowhere to stay and no one to count on. She was on her own now.
And she had never been more afraid to be.
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