Silas Jones| Sy
Miami, FL
"m-move" I moaned as he stroke me and spit on his hand and teased me
"shut up" he said and moved his hands all up on my body
"the body has a funny way of being turned on" he said and circled my nipples
It was like he was inspecting every inch of my body and it made me shy
I tried to closed my thighs but he just pulled them right back apart
"you can almost do anything and your body will turn you on- like, fucking you with a 13 inch dildo or a broom handle- almost anything" he said again and pinched my nipples
I groaned and he smiled
"even doin the impossible things- like fucking you with a knife or a gun- so, you pick silas" he said and kissed my stomach
"pick what" I asked, not giving a fuck on what he was talking about
"do you want to be fucked with a knife or a gun" he asked again
"neither. what the fuck" I started breathing as his kisses got closer to my face
He stopped at my neck and pushed my legs up to my chest
"mm too bad, because you're about to get one of em" he said and took out his gun
"if you don't want your neighbors to know what we're doing- i'd advise you to shut the fuck up" he said so calmly and traced my thigh with the gun
I tracked that guns movement everywhere he went
"im about to get fucked with painful objects- you shut the fuck up" I cried and he smirked
"im not goin to make it painful to you- im goin to teach you how to open up" the gun stopped at my chest
"so- i'll let you choose again- knife or gun"
"arch your back some more- yeah, just like that- now relax" he instructed but I was sweating straight bullets
"m-mm..amir.." I breathed as he pushed the head of the gun deep inside of me
"shh shh i got you" he rubbed my stomach and kissed it
I relaxed more and took the gun
"there you go" he laughed against my stomach and then sucked on the skin
I grabbed his head and he took my arm away and straightened up
"im about to speed it up- hold tight" he said and I gripped his wrist
"let me go" he warned but I didn't
"silas" he said again but I was too scared
"i-i can-'''
He pulled the gun out, the roughness of the gun sliding against my walls made my body stand up
It was big as fuck and i was starting to see stars
"look at you- nuttin before the fun can start" he said and i gripped on whatever i was holding so hard
My back was arched from the bed
He slid the gun back in harder and i moaned
"mmm!! a-amir...fuckkkkk" i moaned and my eyes went to the back of my head
"i know baby, i know" he said and pulled the gun out fast this time and slammed it back in
It touched right up against my prostate and sent me wild
I gripped the sheets and screamed and creamed
It was too much friction and I couldn't take it
"s-stop" thats when he went deeper inside of me and i tightened around it
My legs were shaking and he was messing with my dick head
Too much stimulation was happening all at once
I bit my lips so tight i might've bled
"let me hear you" he demanded and smacked my face
I stopped biting my lips and my toes curled
"im finna nut.." I breathed and he smacked my ass
"no you're not" he said and grabbed my dick and shut off the gateway to cum
"shut up- you'll nut by my dick or you won't be nuttin at all" he said and hooked his finger around the ring of my asshole
And stretched me, fitting me for his purpose
He then lined his dick up with the gun
"wait ami-'''
He started pulling me apart with his dick
Oh fuck it was so heavy in me and felt so good
"my pussy should never close- do you understand me? when im ready to fuck- yo ass will stay prepared
if it ain't open and sore for me by the time i come here then you won't get a damn thing from me- i'll make sure you don't nut for three weeks straight" he spit in my mouth
I gasped as he actually fit inside of me
"mm..fuck.." he cursed and put my leg on his shoulder and the other one touched my chest
"AH! OH FUCK!!" I moaned and he started driving into me
Sending me over edge
I immediately nutted and some landed on his face
Then before I knew it piss was everywhere
"mm..urghhh...amirrrr...shittt" i moaned and clenched tight
"oh shit" he said and nutted
He pulled out and removed the gun and drove straight in me
He bent down and kissed me roughly
Touching every corner and wall he came across while inside of me
"im the only one who will touch and ruin this pussy
this is my shit now- everything you on your body is mine to destroy and mines to destroy only
pay attention" he slapped my face and gripped my neck
He bit my thigh and I nutted again
"mmmfff.." I moaned and he slapped me again and again
"who do you belong to" he said so roughly it almost scared me
"y-you" I muttered and he smiled and spit on my face then rubbed it all in my mouth and over my face
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