(Rewritten) _ᡦ❀TWO。 ♦_
╰┈➤ THE CRINKLY SOUND OF A wrapper opening was loud throughout the weirdly quiet home, A tired, Depressed and stressed out man stood within the kitchen. Struggling to open a simple bag of pop tarts, Truly how pathetic. Once he succeeded he placed them into the toaster and leaned onto the white, marble counter.
The feet shuffling from the stairway caught his attention, Though he didn't need to look after all; [____] was aware of who it was, After all this was an everyday occurrence that happened within his routine. He only glanced back at his guest once he felt his presence sit down at the opposite end of the island, to see the familiar face: Carson Grey,
Carson, who usually went by his surname "Grey", was his roommate; "Rosaline Parks".. Friend.. He had tangled dirty blonde hair, His face was a mess with drool still on his face while lipstick kisses and red markings were all over his body. His brown eyes stared down towards his phone while he tapped his foot to a small rhythm. The man was shirtless, Showing his nonexistent abs to the world. Luckily however, The man was wearing some shorts today.
"Ah, If you wanted to check me out so badly." the blonde began to speak, A smirk planted on his face while he glanced up from his phone and towards the younger male. "You could've just asked." When he finished, His voice was.. Alright, He sounded like the generic "bad, attractive man" in a Hollywood movie. It would be attractive to most people, with bad taste. However to [____] he just sounded dead inside and like he smoked a thousand times a day.
"Good.. morning Carson." He replied, A fake and tired smile on his face as he tried to be polite to the male. He glanced over to the toaster after hearing a 'pop' sound, Grabbing one of his precious heart shaped plates he grabbed his strawberry poptarts and sat in front of Carson, much to his displeasure and began to eat his breakfast.
"Mmh? Didn't you make me anything dollface?" Carson wondered, His voice holding a teasing tone as he shut off his device and put it face forward onto the table. He tilted his head watching as the (h/c) male paused and swallowed before looking up to him.
"Make it yourself Carson, And if you're too lazy then there's still pizza from last night you and Rose hadn't finished." he paused, Waving his finger around to point to the large, double door fridge behind him. "It's in the fridge, just heat it up in the microwave or something."
The blonde frowned for a moment before getting up and walking behind the island and heating up some pizza. Once he finished he sat back down in front of [____] and smirked taking a bite of his now warmed pizza slice. "Come on doll, You know you can just call me Grey." he winked, The man with (e/c) eyes scrunched up his face with the all too familiar expression of disgust.
'I'd rather jump into oncoming traffic.' he thought, Glaring towards the male before continuing eating his perfect poptart. Grey huffed slightly before hearing a 'ding' on his phone, Grabbing his phone he unlocked it and read something.
[____] watched as his eyes widened and he quickly finished his slice of pizza, "shit." Carson muttered before looking towards [____] yet again.
"Dollface, Do you mind if I take these?" he asked, Holding up a (fandom/merchandise) shirt.
"Wait when did you get–"
"THANKS DOLL, I OWE YOU ONE!" he yelled, putting it on and rushing out of the kitchen before [____] could say anything else.
After he finished eating his food he washed the heart shaped dish, Mumbling curses towards Carson while doing so. Soon enough he heard something fumble down the stairs, Looking over he noticed it was Rosaline, His roommate. She had grabbed onto the railing, Her knees were shaking a bit as she stumbled over towards the tired, taller male.
"A-ah, Morning [____]! You- you look worse than usual!" she laughed, Her voice wavering and she stumbled and held onto the kitchen island for some support. Said roommate stared at her for a moment, Unfazed by the rude yet true remark but slightly annoyed and dazed by something else.
"So, *hick* what's on your mind?" she wondered, Sitting on the island and not on a stool. [____] sighed and went to eat up another slice of pizza for Rosaline as she muttered some other random, scrabbled words.
"You know, You- you should get a partner (nickname)! Or atleast come join us sometime, Who knows it might relieve some stress~" she whispered, Giggling afterwards.
"Rosaline Parks"; Usually goes by 'Rose' is the roommate of [____] and the.. "Friend" of Carson Grey. Carson and Rose's uh.. Love life is pretty complicated. The two claim they're not in a relationship and just go around mixing DNA to relieve stress but to [____] he sees, clear as day that she and him had true feelings for each other but didn't want to ruin or make it awkward between the two.
Now, There's only two main annoying things about Rosaline that just, Annoy's her roommate. Such as A: their makeout sessions. They usually do it all in their house, which, Yes while she lives here two. She knows how much he needed to sleep yet she still decides to hook up there instead of Carson's house.
B: How she doesn't pay for shit. She claims she's still having trouble finding a stable job with good pay, But at this point it was getting a bit too much. [____] was currently working around three or so jobs to keep the roof over both of their heads, If anything went wrong and the two got kicked out atleast she would have a second place to live. He however would be out on the streets.
In her defiance there weren't many jobs that were available that she could actually do, Mostly due to her past she can't do much well paying jobs. But still, She should be looking harder right?
"Thanks." she mumbled while she started eating her late breakfast. The (h/c) male however simply sat on the seat he had been sitting on previously, Looking at the female for an uncomfortably large amount of time. "Take a photo, it'll last longer." she smirked.
"Oh, Sorry." he apologised, Glancing away from her and down towards the marble island. Having the female raise a brow and drop her pizza.
"Alright, What's the problem? Did your boss give you too much work? I can take care of him for ya!" She placed the plate on the table and continued staring down at the male. "Just uh, Tell me which boss..heh.."
"It's nothing."
"Uh-huh" she squinted her eyes, Moving a bit closer towards him as she mumbled her response.
[____]'s eyes took a quick glance at her before going back and forth between her and the island before breaking and spilling his thoughts out.
"I think it's time you went out and got a job!" he yelled in a whisper, The woman paused and crossed her legs. "I.. I think it's time you get a job, I don't care if it's crappy pay! As long as you're getting paid and your side of the rent then i don't care! I'm having trouble handling rent by myself and it would be nice for some help instead of you just going around twisting tongues with Carson-fucking-Grey."
"Damn. I'll be honest i wasn't expecting for you to say that, I was expecting for you to comment about– you know what that doesn't matter" she quickly cut herself off, "Anyways. I'm trying, I'm truly trying alright? Really i am! Carson said to me last night he may have found me a stable job, Though i highly doubt that with my records i'd get accepted- But i'm trying alright?"
The man frowned, Fumbling around with his fingers as he hesitated speaking his next words. "Alright, But.. But if you don't get a job by.. By n-next month then I'll have no choice but to kick you out." he looked down, Unsure if this was the right move or not, Sure it wouldn't affect that much if she did get kicked out more just him slowly losing his mind after having nobody to greet early in the morning.
He glanced up after what felt like an hour lengthed silence had fallen upon them, "..yeah, Alright.. That makes sense.." she spoke after a while more, Nodding as she did so.
"I'll go talk to Carson if there's any sign yet.." she whispered before hopping off the counter, Wincing slightly before heading to the living room.
After a long time [____] sighed, He knew he'd have to get another job in the meantime and in case she couldn't get this job Carson had found for her. He left the plate and pizza crust in the kitchen, Deciding he'd deal with it later on and walked up to his bedroom.
Grabbing his laptop he began searching through the endless amount of advertisements, After all he needed something to somehow fit through his already shitty schedule. At the very least may more than one of his crappy jobs so he could quit and that one would take the previous job's place.
Word Count: 1633
Created: Friday, 27th October.
Updated: 🗸
Author Note:
Hey everyone, Decided to rewrite it all because I didn't like how they turned out. Feel free to comment and let me know your thoughts!
I also created a better cover for this: Images were found on pinterest and I used ibis paint X to edit it all.
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