╰┈➤ STANDING IN FRONT OF THE LARGE BUILDING was a young man, He looked a bit less tired than usual and way more presentable. His (hair/colour) locks curled, His eyebags hidden under makeup bringing out the colour a bit more. He was currently wearing a white buttoned shirt and black pants, The basic uniform he was told to wear until they would get his size in.
He shivered in the mid winter temperature. It was currently November 23rd, The first day of his new job at Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex. As far as he remembered he would be working the dayshift, Basically just making sure; nobody touches the animatronics, Injures themself and tries to sue, Gets kidnapped or lost and of course takes care of the animatronics rooms.
Now, That may sound like a lot of work, however! He was getting paid a ton more than he would at his other jobs, And after the week is over, then he would be doing Mechanics and night Techiniton work.
Finally taking his eyes from the large structure he glanced down to his phone, A notification from both his roomate, Rosaline, and her "friend", Carson. The pair sent a quick "Good Luck!" He smiled a bit. He had heard news a few days ago that Rosaline and Carson had managed to find her a job and she was scheduled for an interview in a few days.
Blinking, he put his phone away and began walking into the building.
Upon entering he was welcomed with a wonderful warmth, The heated fans above the doors making him relax more as he continued walking through. He paused a bit, Confusion settling in as he saw nobody. It wasn't like he had expected a ton of people to be there yet, But perhaps around three or so workers he could ask for help.
He then remembered the "Faz-Nology" that worker, Dameon had given him a few weeks beforehand. "Faznology" meaning Fazbear's Entertainment's Technology, Like most of everything the word has "Faz" in front of it.
He looked through his bag before grabbing out a Fazwatch. The watch had been mailed to his house the previous night by an animatronic, He was a bit surprised and afraid of it at first. Who wouldn't be? Imagine this: You're in your home asleep dreaming about whatever, Only to awaken to the loud banging and strange noises in the middle of the night.
And it wasn't the kind of sounds he was used to! He assumed that there was a burglar or something. He went to the front door after searching the house and saw the robot there. A large box in its hands as it said what it was there for.
Shaking his head from the thought tighten the bands, making sure it wouldn't fly off if he was rushing around. Anyways, Once he had done so he quickly turned it on. Being faced with a blue screen with the words "WELCOME, [_____]" in a white bold.
Once the words had disappeared it showed the main screen, It was black with neon yellow numbers in the middle. These numbers said the time; 05:41-AM, Underneath the '05' was smaller numbers, The temperature with a small cloud with rain.
Towards the bottom right was a darker yellow colour with the words; "Caution Bot" with two small mop signs. Towards the top middle was a flashlight, All five bars being green.
[_____] clicked on the screen, Waiting as it turned into a blue-ish screen with the CAMERAS | MAP | MISSIONS | MESSAGES | QUICK COMMUNICATION/EMERGENCY. To the right of the corner was the torch sign again.
He assumed that the "faznology" was connected or something and shrugged it off not seeing it important, Instead he saw a green dot on the "Messages" after hearing a strange noise. Upon clicking it a voice read the words out,
"Good morning Mr. (surname), I'm informing you to come to Rockstar Row in order to meet everyone. Well really just the animatronics and a few other workers that are already here."
The voice was robotic and.. Well, that's really it, He wasn't sure how to describe it so he won't. Anywho, Another sound appeared from the watch as a green blob appeared on "MISSIONS"
"Huh" the sound just came from his mouth, he didn't really realise it as he shrugged and opened the map up. Only to see that what Dameon had said before about it being a "not so helpful map" was indeed true, either that or he was just stupid because he couldn't understand it.
After a while he managed to find Rockstar Row, With a bit of help from one of the S.T.A.F.F bots. He looked around. The place was extremely bright. He noticed some glass cases and walked up to them. Looking inside he knew that they were all from the old pizzeria's and smiled slightly.
He glanced towards all of the rooms, Looking through the windows only to see no robot nor human in sight. After a look around he noticed a small stage, Surrounding it was the main band and a few workers. He quietly rushed towards them.
"Ah, There you are." Kelsie, His new boss, spoke upon his arrival. She had a small smile planted onto her face as she moved her hand to rest of on hip, "Thought you died or something"
[_____] stared at her for a moment, Laughing awkwardly. "R-right, Sorry i uh.. Got lost.." he began, Only to get up off by Kelsie saying it was no problem and dragging him towards the front of the group.
The characters stopped talking to each other and looked straight towards their new arrival; The workers had their uniforms on, and looked well bored and obviously not wanting to be there, Perhaps there was one or two who looked over the moon.
Then there were the robots, wait- what was it? He swore these things had an actual name? Animatronics right? Animal-robots or something like that? They looked more interesting.
"Alright people! This is [_____] (surname), Give him a warm welcome." Kelsie patted his back
"Hey [_____], Nice to see you again." Dameon gave him a tired smile, "What are you working on again? The.. dayshift right?" the (h/c) male nodded slightly, Gripping his hands together feeling everyone's gaze sat on him.
"Well, I could give you a tour..?" he his voice dragged out, Looking towards Kelsie who gave him a simple nod. "Yep, I could give ya a tour if you want?"
"That would be nice.." [____]'s voice was nothing more than a whisper.
The other workers gave him a simple "hello, welcome" before leaving, Claiming they needed to hurry and set up things. Kelsie soon left, Leaving him alone with the animatronics who just.. Stared at him, Dameon and a blonde woman who seemed to have fallen asleep.
"How has your morning been Mr. (surname)?" the bear, Glamrock Freddy Fazbear asked. Tilting his head when doing so.
"Mmhuh? Oh, alright i guess?"
Silence filled the air, Dameon decided to go on his phone to hopefully leave the awkward silence.
"HI! I'm Chica, Hope we can be friends!!" She screamed, taking his hand and shaking it as much as she could.
"O-oh! Yeah, me too?" It sounded like a question, He stared at her, Taking in her appearance.
She was a white chicken with purple eyes, Her beach and claws were a nice orange shade. She has three stray "feathers" that stick out from the top of her head, like a ponytail. Her face was painted to look like she has makeup on, With purple eyelids, a purple-pink lipstick, black mascara and pink eyeshadow on her right eye.
The other animatronics here all seemed to dress in 1980's-era clothing. Her chest, waist, hip and shoulder pisces are pink and purple, Meant to resemble a sleeved leotard. She wears black spiked bracelets on each arm, as well as a pair of green, fingerless gloves. Her lower legs are painted to resemble leg warmers, With her left leg a green leopard print and her right leg a purple tiger print. She wears a purple hair bow and green triangle earrings.
The closest one to her was Roxanne Wolf, She seemed to be staring at [____] before quickly moving her eyes towards her nails once he caught her.
She's a grey-furred wolf animatronic with a punk rock aesthetic. Her eyes were a bright yellow and she had black streaks of makeup on her cheeks with purple lipstick. Her claws on her feet were painted purple while the ones on her hands were painted green, Although they seemed a bit chipped. Her hair is long and silver, With a bright green streak. Much like Chica, there is a panel-like seam under her chest, upper arms and upper thighs. She also has light grey markings inside her ears, paw pads, around her muzzle and on her belly.
Her clothes consist of a red crop top, hot pants and shoulder pads adorned with black star-like patterns. Additional accessories included black and purple earrings, two spiked bracelets, a spiked belt and purple arm and leg warmers with black tiger stripes.
"I'm sure you know ALL about us, BUT! I'll introduce us anyways~ As you know, My name is" he cleared her throat before speaking in a dramatic tone, "GLAMROCK CHICA; THE MATCHMAKER GUITARIST!" she posed like a superhero, Her eyelids closing slightly, Making it seem as though she was smirking.
"Also a real pain in the ASS" Someone from behind Chica spoke up, She moved out of the way with a mocked hurt expression, Giving [____] time to look at the new character's appearance.
Montgomery Gator was the alligator animatronic's name. He sports pointy teeth, black claws, a red mohawk, green scale-textured pants, spots on his arms and cheeks, a light yellow colour for the belly and lower jaw. He has the same seam on the front of his torso where a compartment could be/open.
He has a long tail that runs in five green and yellow segments with each segment having spots and bumps resembling an alligator's scutes. His eyelids, A lighting-like paint of his muzzle, his feet and hands, excluding the fingers, are also tinted a purple colour. He wears black spiked bracelets, yellow star-shaped sunglasses, and purple shoulder pauldrons.
"Wha- HEY! THAT'S SO RUDE!! And you shouldn't curse!" The chicken spoke, Pouting as she said the first half and gave him a glare during the last. "Anyways, This a--ah... b- beautiful male right here! Is Montgomery Gator" she laughed silently before appearing besides the (h/c)
"But we call him Monty" she whispered for no particular reason before moving away and pointing to Freddy. "And this is the leader of our band, Freddy Fazbear!"
Freddy was a brown bear with blue eyes, He had a punk-themed style reminiscent of style associated with the 1980's. His design somewhat resembles that of a jaguar or lion more than a bear. He wears a black top hat adorned with a blue stripe and a black bow tie. His body is primarily coloured a bright orange or lighter yellow.
His torso has a distinctive seam across the front where his chest compartment opens up. He is equipped with a pair of fangs, as well as light-blue claw nails and red shins. He wears large, red shoulder pauldrons, spiked bracelets, a red earring in his left ear. And face paint in a similar style to the members of rock bands, With light-blue and red colours.
"We have more friends but.. Bonnie is with the mechanics, Something about acting funny or something? Foxy might come and see you later on but he said he had other things to do.. DJ can't really move to this area, The S.T.A.F.F bots don't talk much so there's really no reason to introduce them..." she trailed off, Moving her index finger to her beak in thought.
Freddy then cleared his throat, gaining attention to him as he looked into [____] eyes, making him a bit uncomfortable, "This is Mini Music Man." he said, Holding his.. Hand? Paw? Out , On it was a small spider animatronic
The (h/c) male gasped quietly before snatching them from Freddy's palm and holding them in his, "You're adorable, can i keep you?" he muttered, Mini music man tilted their head and made a strange coo-ing sound.
"I wouldn't be so sure about the "adorable" part of that sentence, That things such a freak I swear." A new voice appeared on the scene— oh, no, It was just the lady that seemed asleep. She was a bit pale with noticeable eyebags, Her blonde hair was tangled and put into a messy ponytail, A black cap with the words |SECURITY| in her hands as she slipped her hair into the hole. She was also wearing a similar uniform to him.
"This little fucker will chase you through the vents and appear at random times, Swear it does it for fun." she rolled her eyes before moving in front of [____], The mini music man shook slightly and rushed up to his shoulder. "My name's Vanessa, I don't care what you call me though. And you'll be lucky if you survive."
"Come again?"
"Well, now that this boring meeting is over. I'll be heading home, I have a ton of work to do." she rolled her shoulders back, Walking past [____] while she continued speaking.
"Is that "Ton of work" Sleeping? It better be Vanessa, You look like shit!" Dameon shouted, rolling his eyes as the response back was a simple flip off from the blonde. The male sighed muttering to himself before looking back towards [_____]
"Well, Let's be on our way for the tour shall we? You guys head to your rooms and get ready for the big day. Once we're done you'll meet with [____] and she'll do her thing before taking you all to the main stage. Got it?" he looked amongst everyone, Who made some form of agreement before taking the (h/c)'s hand and walking away.
"So, How are you liking the place so far?" Dameon wondered, Breaking the small silence the pair had been walking in. "Do you like animatronics? Our peers? Did you find the technology alright?" he spilled some questions, moving his eyes over towards the male
"Oh, Um.." [____] trailed off trying to think which questions he was answering first. After thinking for a reply he looked back to Dameon whose eyes never strayed away from his figure "I– Like the place, It's very colourful and stuff.. Though it is bigger than the outside seemed.."
Dameon laughed, Looking forward and dodging a S.T.A.F.F bot, "Yeah.. But you'll get used to it the more you work here, Don't worry. And if you get lost you can just ask one of these things for help." he jolted his thumb over to another S.T.A.F.F bot, this one had yellow colours on and an 'i'.
"Mm.. I think the animatronics are cool.." he paused, Looking to the floor as he yawned, "How do they seem so.. Real? Like a human being?" he wondered allowed, The man beside him nodded while humming.
"I'm not too sure myself, But this is the work of Fazbear Entertainment. They're probably time travellers or someshit, Because THIS-" he waved his arms around, "-Is impossible otherwise." he finished,
"The others seem.. Alright?" he whispered, Demon laughed (again) "Ah, Don't let them get to you. The people you met are just those 40 year olds that hate their job yet for whatever reason keep doing it." [____] nodded slightly, "The technology was actually pretty easy to get the handle of it.. I also get what you meant by "A not so helpful map" when we first met."
"I said that? Wait, no, yeah that sounds like me. Yeah, But i haven't been here that long. Maybe it's just something you'll unlock and somehow get all the knowledge of how to use the thing the longer you're here.." he stared off into the distance.
"And that's all, Any questions?" The duo had finished the long, three hour tour and were currently walking back to Rockstar Row for [_____] to begin his work before opening times.
"No, I don't think so," he paused, Squinting his eyes as he thought before clicking his fingers together and snapping his head towards Dameon. "YES! Is there any way I can get like.. A Teleporting system? Because there's no way I'll be walking this much." he rolled his eyes, crossing his arms against his chest.
"You're funny!" was the only thing his tour guide said to him as he began laughing, One thing [_____] realised about Dameon was that he was strange. One minute he's completely serious, Seconds later he's making small jokes and then randomly he'll just start laughing like a mad man.
"...Anyways, What do you do here? I don't recall asking.." he mumbled, Fixing his tie as he listened to Dameon speak.
"I do a few things like you, My main job is just being at the front desk and when I need to; helping the newbies with their faz-nology stuff. Though sometimes I'm called to help the technicians either creating or fixing the tech here."
"Oh. Sounds.. Interesting?" silence fell upon the pair as they continued walking, The only sounds were the silent sweeping of S.T.A.F.F; cleaning bots and the squeaking of their shoes. [____] didn't like the silence but didn't know how to make a conversation. Cure him and his non-existent social skills!
Soon enough the two made it to their destination and without a word [____] just ran into Freddy's room, Leaving Dameon standing there.
"Mr. (surname)?" Freddy's voice called, Pulling the (h/c) male out of his thoughts as he looked back towards the taller bear animatronic, "Are you alright? I sense some high blood pressure, nausea and-" he began to list before he was cut off
"H-how do you know that- kin.. Kind of thing?" he stuttered, A bit weirded out by the whole exchange. Freddy tilted his head, His eyebrows and lids moving down, making a guilty expression on his face.
"Ah, I apologise, I scanned you to see if you were alright. You seemed to have just ran in here and i thought-" he paused, Looking back up to you with a surprised? expression "Did.. did Dameon do something to you? Do not worry, you are in a safe place and if needed i will report him."
"Wha- what? No! Nothing report worthy, I just made the silence more awkward i think.. I'm not really good with new people and stuff.." [_____] looked down to his hands as Freddy's feet stomped loudly towards him before something heavy and metallic began to hit his head.
"..what are you doing?" he asked in a small and meek voice, Looking up at the robotic bear who had his hand hovering above his head. "Patting your head, That's.. What do people do when someone is upset, correct?"
"I mean not really-"
"Than i shall stop, I apologise if i had made you uncomfortable-"
"No it's fine, Continue that for a while.. It's relaxing.."
| Word Count:
| A/N: Finally an actual chapter has been published, I didn't really know what to do once i got half way through and because i don't like short pages i just made it slightly random and non-important..
Anywho, Hope you liked this page that's for once not rewritten. And feel free to comment whatever you want <3
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