[⚰️] 𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐃𝐄 𝟒 [⚰️]
⚰️: Good morning, afternoon, and evening readers! It is me once again, Coffin. The host of.. COFFIN'S BANDLAND INTERVIEWS.. Give the show a round-of-applause!
⚫👋🏼: WOOOOO!!!
📁: Woohoo, I feel really happy right now. :]
⚫👋🏼: Umm.. I can tell, I guess?
➜: No you don't.
⚫👋🏼: Oh, okay.
⚰️: Alright, so.. Today... Were gonna interviewing another eliminated contestant, A Fortnite Boy that came from "The Daily Object Show", Meet.... SKULL!! :DDD
💀: Umm.. Hi. (plays Fortnite on Tablet)
⚰️: Hello! Take a seat!
💀: Ok.
⚰️: Now.. let's get on with the questions!
⚰️: This is from NobodyNod once again! How does it feel not getting the 'Victory Royale' you wanted to achieve in BFAPB??
💀: It's terrible.. I was not focusing at my game at all because Earth ruined it for me! It's annoying, I'm just glad that I got eliminated because now, I can play on the tablet whatever I want..
⚰️: Oh ok, but not right now since we have an interview soo.. let's get to the next question!
➜: NobodyNod, you better not be in disguise again or else I'm gonna-
⚰️: Next question is from a different person, Yay!! :D
➜: OH MY GOD, GO AWAY!! >:/
⚰️: Oh come on, don't disrespect the audience, Your such a disgrace!
➜: Be quiet, Coffin.
⚰️: Anyways.. Time to read the next question! " Who did you like to work with the most in BFAPB, and who would you like to see get eliminated? "
💀: Well, I liked working with FNF Arrow in the First Challenge.. We basically have the same interest in memes, and a bunch of stuff honestly..
➜: Oh, thanks, mate.
💀: Your welcome. *salutes*
➜: *salutes with leg*
📁: (insert TAPS)
⚰️: Everyone, be quiet, jeez.. Anyways, next question!
⚰️: Next question is from... hmm... Probably a new person! so.. Yeah! How do you feel as of now? sad? bored? angry? Also, who did you dislike the most in BFAPB, while you were there?
💀: I feel... Actually, I don't feel anything.. On one hand, I'm glad that I got eliminated.. now I can play with my tablet a lot.. But on the other hand, Being in the competition feels like I'm in a game, you know? I want to be the last one standing just like in Fortnite, But... Earth had to tell Rook and Thread to vote for me! That's just great..
⚰️: Oh, that's just sad..
➜: You know what else is sad? YOUR BRAIN, BECAUSE THAT'S LITERALLY JUSTWANTTOREAD9!! Also, one of my favorite wattpad users, which is really cool.
⚰️: Nah, I don't know what your talking about.
➜: (legpalms)
⚫👋🏼: He's never gonna figure it out, just give up, FNF Arrow!
➜: Hell no, Needy!
⚫👋🏼: (slaps) DON'T CALL ME NEEDY! >:(
⚰️: O....k, Let's just go to the next question!
⚰️: Next set of questions is from "N3wG3n3r4t10nz"! I forgot your real name.. And I'm sorry.. Please tell me your name in the comments! So it makes it easier for me.. Anyways.. Their questions are "Are you still gay for Computer?" and "How many wins did you achieve in Fortnite before you were in the show?"
💀: Okay.. So the first one umm... Well kind of.. I'm KIND OF gay for Computer, But.. he's gone now so... *sheds a tear* That hurts me really bad..
And for the second question.. I won 37 games in total before I got in YouTube Logo's Realm and now I'm in here in Banland.. But on the upside, I can still have my win streak increase so.. IT'S A WIN-WIN!
⚰️: Oh, very cool! Next question!
⚰️: Yeah... umm.. Same question.. "Who do you think YT Logo really is?"
💀: Honestly, I don't know.. I was playing Fortnite too much that I don't know much of YouTube Logo so yeah, Sorry w3llthen, But your not getting lore from me.
⚰️: "Have you noticed something weird happening to YT Logo off screen?" This is basically the same question from w3llthen. :/
💀: Ugh.. Again, I don't know what YouTube Logo was doing when the cameras are off.. I was playing Fortnite ALL DAY AND NIGHT LONG!! So... again, not getting any lore from me. :/
➜: >:) I feel victory from my hands.
⚰️: You don't have hands, you idiot.
➜: I M-MEAN.. LEGS, OKAY?! >:(
⚰️: Ok, whatever you say.. ALRIGHT, LAST QUESTION!
⚰️: "What do you think would have happened if you and FNF Arrow went into the Meme Room and YT Logo caught you guys?"
💀: Hmm... Well, If we did trespass from the Meme Room, We'll possibly get disqualified and sent to "Banland" really fast.. but, I came in here now, so.. Luckily, I wasn't there.. YOU JUST CAN'T RESIST MEMES, YOU KNOW?!
⚰️: Yeah, I guess your right.
⚫👋🏼: Speaking of memes, Hey Folder, use that Shrek Song! :D
📁: Ok. (sets up to All Star - Smash Mouth)
➜: WOOOO!!!
⚰️: Ok, this is getting chaotic right now, Skull.. Were done with the interview, YOU CAN SIT IN THE BACK NOW PLAYING FORTNITE!!
💀: Oh, cool!
⚰️: And this is the end of "COFFIN'S BANLAND INTERVIEWS", The next person to interview is a really surprising one.. "Coughdrop" from GOB! This is gonna be a really good interview.. SEE YOU IN EPISODE 5!! BYE!! :DD
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