[⚰️] Moving On... [⚰️]
Coffin was just sitting in his interview room.. just bored of doing these interviews...
COFFIN (⚰️): ... *sigh*
TACO (🌮): Umm.. Coffin..? Are you okay?
COFFIN (⚰️): To be honest.. Taco.. No, I'm just getting tired of interviewing people.. Like this FREAKING rock can't even talk!! >:(
ROCKY (🔘💚): Bulleh! :D *barfs on Coffin*
COFFIN (⚰️): UGH..
COUGHDROP (🟠👓): Wait so, dude... You want to QUIT?!
COFFIN (⚰️): .....
ROOK (🏰💛): What, Coffin?! You can't quit, You were one of the nicest people we ever met, man!
COUGHDROP (🟠👓): Yeah, dude!! You taught me how to break dance and it was perfect!
SPONGY (🧽): You taught me how to make my spaceship more advanced!
NEEDLE (⚫️👋): You even taught ME how to handle people calling me my other name!
KNIFE (🔪): You mean Needy?
NEEDLE (⚫️👋): .... *eye twitch* Calm down.. Needle.. Calm down..
COFFIN (⚰️): I know, guys!! But... I don't feel happy anymore keeping up these interviews.. So... I'm quitting..
TACO (🌮): !!!! WHAT?! NO!!!!
TEARDROP (💧): !!!! *shooks her head very vigrously*
COFFIN (⚰️): GUYS, CALM DOWN!! I just feel trapped in this castle, that's all...
TACO (🌮): Oh.. honestly, I get what you mean.. Were all feeling trapped in this peaceful castle..
OWEN (🖇️⚫️): I guess yeah.. I'm just surprised that Album made it to the Finale!! But I expected her to be in the finale anyway!
FIREY (🔥): Simp.
OWEN (🖇️⚫️): SHUT UP! Your with Leafy, you know?
FIREY (🔥): .... Oh.
KNIGHT HELMET (⚔️): So, what are we gonna do when our interview host is now RETIRING?! HOW SAD!! :(
COFFIN (⚰️): Guys... umm... wait... *Coffin opened a portal that leads to.. the "SAUCE" dimension... and he overheard a conversation between Gapple and Gray Circle*
ENCHANTED G. APPLE (🏆🍎✨): So uhh... When are we planning a debut? :/
GREY CIRCLE (🔘): Eh, probably at the end of today's challenge.. I'll try to put up some posters all around the world to see if some people are interested of being in the debut..
ENCHANTED G. APPLE (🏆🍎✨): OH, THEN THAT'S GREAT!! I'm sure we'll get A LOT of people to join the debut!
GREY CIRCLE (🔘): I honestly doubt that, but ok.. I'm gonna go put up the posters now..
ENCHANTED G. APPLE (🏆🍎✨): OK, BYE!! I'm gonna go hang out with Anti and his other team members.. Bye!
GREY CIRCLE (🔘): Bye.. or whatever...
COFFIN (⚰️): .... What..
THREAD (🧵): Umm.. what are you thinking right now?
COFFIN (⚰️): Maybe... I'll retire being a host.. but.. Maybe I'll be a contestant in this show I'm seeing..
TACO (🌮): Wait, really? You want to be in that show?
COFFIN (⚰️): I guess, yeah.. But don't worry though.. I WILL be back.. But... the interview is now.. done.. Because that stupid rock can't even talk.
FIREY (🔥): Way to blow it, Rocky! >:/
ROCKY (🔘💚): ... :(
COFFIN (⚰️): Oh and uhh.. if you guys want to see the FINALE, I opened up the portal over there to the BFAPB Area for you guys to watch!
OWEN (🖇️⚫️): OH MY GOD, I'M GOING IN!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO- *went to the portal*
CANE'S CUP (❤️🥤): I guess all of us are going...
KNIFE (🔪): Eh, whatever..
EVERY ELIMINATED CONTESTANT went in to the portal to watch the FINALE!! Except FNF Arrow, Folder and Skull since they're still in the unfinished game room.. and Magnet was still competing in SAUCE!!
COFFIN (⚰️): ... *took a deep breath* It's time for me... to be my new self.. Goodbye, Interview Room... *He slowly went to the "SAUCE" portal.. closing it*
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