Next morning ,
Anidita got up and directly went back RC haveli .
Days turns into years turns into months , anidita used to make love usually but soon after 2 weeks they got to know about bon being pregnant everyone in the RC family and das family were happy specially our ksj , he was literally dancing .
Ani used to take care of her very much as she was carrying twins but as days passed her mood swings increased while our innocent Ani was really fed up because of her mood swings .
One day it was night ,
"Anirudh!!!" Bon screams on top of her lungs before coming down from stair carefully hand on her 5 months baby bump
everyone gathers in hall while shubhra holds her and make her sit in chair carefully , Ani too came with a plate of fruits
"What happened bondita" Ani asked innocently
"What happened I told you to bring chocolate ice cream but you bought vanilla ice cream" bon said angrily
"But what's the difference between the just the taste of it can't you eat the vanilla one "Ani said innocently
"I can eat it but the baby wants chocolate ice cream ksj "bon said crying
"Anirudh go bring chocolate ice cream for my grandchildren's "ksj ordered
"But kaka it's already night every shop must be closed by now "Ani said with puppy eyes
"I want to eat chocolate ice cream" bon said crying
"Ok ok don't cry I will do something but till then eat this "Ani said before giving her the plate of fruits .
Ani went inside the kitchen while shubhra feeds bon , soon Ani comes out with a bowl of chocolate ice cream while bon's eyes lits up and licks her lips
"Here taste it "Ani feeds her the ice cream
"Mmm...it's so tasty from where did you get it" bon asked
"Your husband is a demon king he can do anything "Ani said proudly
"Yeah a demon king who is afraid of his pregnant wife "som said teasingly while everyone laughs except Ani
"Wait a minute you already had the chocolate ice cream but you still made my bahu scream Haan "ksj scolded
"Kaka I..." before Ani could say anything bon screams while everyone rushed towards her
"Bondita....bondita what happened "Ani asked tensly
"The baby kicked" bon said
"What "Ani said not believing his ear
"The baby kicked for the first time "bon said with teary eyes
"Really "Ani asked
Bon nods and keeps his hand on her stomach but the baby didn't kicked
"Why is the baby not kicking "Ani asked confusingly
"Arey the baby will kick when he/she wants" ksj scolded while bon again scream and this time Ani felt the baby's kick
"I felt it maa baba kaka som batuk I felt it the baby kicked "Ani said excitingly
"Congratulations dada "som said
"Well I think the baby is enjoys when kaka scolds you" batuk said thoughtfully
"What "Ani said confusingly
"Yes see when kaka scolded you the baby kicked and when kaka didn't scolded the baby didn't kicked and when kaka again scolded you the baby again kicked that only means that...."batuk said looking at everyone
"The baby enjoys when you get scolded from kaka "everyone says laughing
"No way right baby "Ani asked touching her baby bump
But the baby didn't kicked
"Wait a minute kaka scold dada again "som said
"Anirudh...."ksj scolds
"Ahh..."bon screams
"See I told you baby enjoys when you get scolded by kaka "batuk said laughing while everyone else too join
"Fine for my baby I am ready to get scolded from kaka "Ani said smiling and kissed bon's baby bump
Soon after 4 months bon gave birth to a boy and a girl , they were named as ansh and anshika . Ansh was a angel like her mother and anshika was a demon like her father .
After that Anidita lives their life happily ever after ❤️❤️
So here the story ends . Thank you very much for giving love to the story and yes the new ff's chapter will be posted soon ☺️☺️
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Till then bye bye
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